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StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
This StyleSheet can be used directly by languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean which need larger font sizes.
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To get started with this blank [[TiddlyWiki]], you'll need to modify the following tiddlers:
* [[SiteTitle]] & [[SiteSubtitle]]: The title and subtitle of the site, as shown above (after saving, they will also appear in the browser title bar)
* [[MainMenu]]: The menu (usually on the left)
* [[DefaultTiddlers]]: Contains the names of the tiddlers that you want to appear when the TiddlyWiki is opened
You'll also need to enter your username for signing your edits: <<option txtUserName>>
These [[InterfaceOptions]] for customising [[TiddlyWiki]] are saved in your browser

Your username for signing your edits. Write it as a [[WikiWord]] (eg [[JoeBloggs]])

<<option txtUserName>>
<<option chkSaveBackups>> [[SaveBackups]]
<<option chkAutoSave>> [[AutoSave]]
<<option chkRegExpSearch>> [[RegExpSearch]]
<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>> [[CaseSensitiveSearch]]
<<option chkAnimate>> [[EnableAnimations]]

Also see [[AdvancedOptions]]
!!2nd April - The Bell at Adderbury Showcase
'' - Admission £6.00/Concessions £5.00 – on the door''
The Bell Folk session is on the first and third Monday of the month. They describe themselves as an
eclectic bunch of musicians – some just beginners, some who have been playing for too long to recall. With
roots in the Folk tradition, they also love to try out new songs and tunes. Blues, Beatles and Bhangra might
all be part of a typical Bell Folk night. Kevin West is hosting their visit to our club.
!4-6th April - Banbury Song & Ale Weekend
<center><table width=600 bgcolor="grey"><tr>
<td><font size=3><center>
<b>BANBURY SONG & ALE WEEKEND 4-6 APRIL 2014</b><br>
<a href="./images/Folk_Club_Logo_2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="images/Folk_Club_Logo_2.jpg" alt="Banbury Song and Ale Weekend" width=200></a>
Banbury Folk Festival are running the 7th Banbury Song & Ale Weekend<br> 
Drayton Leisure Golf Centre, Warwick Road, Banbury OX17 1HJ. <br>
This event is a fundraiser for our festival in October. <br>
For more information click <a href="./docs/Banbury_Song_and_Ale_2014.pdf" target="_blank">here</a>, and for a booking form click <a href="./images/Song___Ale_Flier_14.jpg" target="_blank">here</a>

!9th April – Club’s 15th Birthday Bash with Special Guests - Meet on the Ledge (unplugged)
!!with support – Mark Pidgeon
''Admission £8.00/Concessions £7.00– on the door''
Great to have one of our favourite bands back again to celebrate the club’s 15th Birthday!! A fitting tribute
to the club in our new venue as this is the group that started it all for us back in 1999! Folk-rockers 'Meet
on the Ledge' are enthralling and stimulating their audiences around the country. The line-up is "Big" Ron
Holmes who is a founder member with super musician/songwriter Allen Maslen, bass player, Phil Dipple
and Phil Vickers, on percussion. Oxfordshire’s Mark Pidgeon will provide just the right tone to kick the
evening off! Come along and enjoy the party atmosphere, cake and nibbles! [[www.motl.co.uk|http://www.motl.co.uk]]
!!16th April - Club closed for Easter  
!!23rd April - Open Session led by Tim Hall.
'' - Jug Collection''
Open session led by Tim Hall. Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone
to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in! Tim is a regular performer at these sessions
and usually has something up his sleeve to entertain us ... a monologue, a poem, a comic song .... And we
guarantee that he will not only be entertaining himself but will encourage others to participate.
!!30th April - Linda Watkins and Friends
'' - Admission £6.00/Concessions £5.00 – on the door''
The return of the club’s very own Linda Watkins! Linda’s songs reflect a very varied set of musical
influences from traditional to contemporary. Born and raised in the Welsh valleys, Linda is somewhat of a
musical chameleon - well known for her diverse sets incorporating many different genres of music. More
recently performing with The Linda Watkins Band, she will be joined by several of her musical friends for
this gig! [[www.lindawatkins.co.uk|http://www.lindawatkins.co.uk]]
!!1st April ‘All Fools’ SSLaP – led by Bill Bates
''Jug Collection''
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go
in a less formal setting. Come along & join in! On April Fool’s Day we had to give this
night a Comedy theme. Who better to host it than club favourite Warwickshire
singer/songwriter Bill, author of several comic songs and a great M.C to boot!

!!8th April – Club Closed – Easter Holidays

!!Banbury Song & Ale Weekend 10-12 April 2015
We are delighted to confirm that the 8th Banbury Song & Ale Weekend will be held at Banbury Cricket Club, The Pavillion, White Post Road, Banbury ~OX15 4BN. This event is a fundraiser for our festival in October.

The weekend’s entertainment starts at 7pm on Friday and runs until 5pm on Sunday. The weekend is in sing-around format dispersed with surprise guests and fun & games. On Saturday there will be a sweep-stake on The Grand National.  We will be providing hot meals on Friday and Saturday nights. The Cricket Club will be providing breakfasts and snacks and a Real Ale Bar. 

The weekend costs £15 or day tickets are available, £5 Friday; £10 All day/evening Saturday and £5 Sunday. Camping for tents, camper-vans and caravans available on Friday and Saturday @ £7.50 per person, per night, 24 hour toilets and showers.
<a href="./images/Song_Ale_15.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="./images/Song_Ale_15.jpg" width=200></a>

!!15th April – Club’s 16th Birthday Bash with Special Guests - Meet on the Ledge
!!!Supported by Mike Moyse
''Admission £9/Cons £8-Includes Party Food – Advance Booking advised.''
Great to have one of our favourite bands back again to celebrate the club’s 16 th
Birthday!! A fitting tribute to the club on our Birthday as this is the group that started it
all for us back in 1999! Folk-rockers '''Meet on the Ledge''' are enthralling and stimulating
their audiences around the country. The line-up is ''"Big" Ron Holmes'' who is a founder
member with super musician/songwriter ''Allen Maslen'', bass player, ''Phil Dipple'' and ''Phil
Vickers'', on percussion. [[www.motl.co.uk|http://www.motl.co.uk]]
''Mike Moyse'' started playing guitar at the age of twelve with a guitar his parents bought
from the second hand shop across the road. Expect some well known songs from the
60's and some more modern but less well known songs from familiar artists such as
Mark Knopfler. Mixed in with all this you'll catch one or two original songs.
 Come along and enjoy the party atmosphere, cake and nibbles!
We have limited tickets for this event so book early to avoid disappointment –
see Mary at the club or leave a message on 01295 709881 to reserve tickets.

!!22nd April – Phil Hare. Floorspots available
''Admission £6/Cons £5 – on the door''
''Phil Hare'' is an established acoustic guitarist, singer, songwriter, recording artist and teacher
based in Cambridgeshire.
'A maverick guitar virtuoso with a neat line in social comment' (Time Out) A veteran performer
on the Folk Scene with over 1,000 performances under his belt, Phil's gigs are an eclectic
mix of original songs of social commentary - often with sing-along choruses - intertwined with
fingerstyle guitar tunes from a wide variety of folk 'traditions'. There is also a section of the
evening that is turned over to improvisation, and making a song up on the spot based on
subjects provided by the audience. [[www.rattlebus.co.uk|http://www.rattlebus.co.uk]]

!!29th April– Special Guest Night – Two Coats Colder. Floor spots available
''£7/£6 Cons - on the door''
''Two Coats Colder'' is one of the bands that won the vote at Banbury Folk Festival
Auditions at the club in 2013 and we are delighted to have them back for a whole night
at the club.Two Coats Colder are a quirky progressive acoustic folk band performing a
mix of self-penned traditional & contemporary songs. The line-up includes guitars, bass,
mandolin & harmonium. These musicians/singers, each with their own extensive
individual careers going back over decades, came together at High Barn, the renowned
beautiful period venue in Great Bardfield in Essex. ''Anna & Ray'' started playing as a duo
at the beginning of 2010 and added ''Chris and David'' in 2011. The name "Two Coats
Colder" was inspired by the local wisdom that on the North Norfolk Coast (Where Anna &
Ray have a holiday home) is "two coats colder" than anywhere else, at any given time of
the year . [[www.twocoatscolder.com|http://www.twocoatscolder.com]]
!!6th April -  Club Closed – Easter Holidays
!!Banbury Song & Ale Weekend 8th – 10th April

!!13th April – Double Celebrations!  Club’s 17th Birthday Bash and Scarecrow Album Launch!
!!!Also featuring Pete Watkins.
''Admission £9/Cons £8-Includes Party Food – Advance Booking advised.''
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''Scarecrow'' are regular favourites at the club and the Folk Festival with a huge local following. The band consists of ''Dave Moore'' (whistle, flute and hummelchen bagpipes), ''Gordon Raitt'' (guitar and bouzouki) and ''Rey Lear'' (bass guitar, flute and whistle). Their music ranges from traditional to contemporary folk with some jazz and blues for good measure! A fantastic combination of instruments which makes for great sounding haunting tunes and a good repertoire of songs which have also been built into their sets. When we knew that they were finally making an album we asked them if they would like to launch it at the club! 
Adding to the celebrations will be another favourite performer at the club and the Folk Festival, ''Pete Watkins''. Pete’s solo performances are legendary, playing songs from the widest possible range of era’s and styles.
Come along and enjoy the party atmosphere, cake and nibbles! Pete is also an accomplished songwriter.
''We have limited tickets for this event so book early to avoid disappointment – see Mary at the club or leave a message on 01295 709881 to reserve tickets.''

!!20th April - SSLaP led by Tim Hall
''Jug Collection''
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in! Tim is a regular performer at these sessions and usually has something up his sleeve to entertain us … a monologue, a poem, a comic song …. And we guarantee that he will not only be entertaining himself but will encourage others to participate.

!!27th April – Special Guest Night – John Richards
!!!Supported by Alkevan 
''Admission -£8/£7 Cons - on the door''
Both of tonight’s acts have been popular appearances at one of our Open Stage Nights and have also gusted at Banbury Folk Festival.
''John Richards'' began&nbsp;writing and performing in&nbsp;his early teens. &nbsp;Over the years he has quietly become one of the most covered writers on the UK folk&nbsp;scene&nbsp;and has been a well respected musician and songwriter from those early days. Songs such as Honour & Praise, The Deserter and If You Can Walk You Can Dance have been covered by some of UK Folk music’s finest professional artists as well as a long line of local singers. John has&nbsp;fronted a number of bands over the years, ''Springheel Jack'', ''The Ivor Smallpiece Big Band'', ''Maurice and the Minors'', ''Desperate Men'', and the ''John Richards Band'' (in various line ups). &nbsp;In the early days the repertoire was mostly traditional and covers but gradually the balance changed and became predominately John's own songs. However, by&nbsp;2014 and after several changes of lineup John decided&nbsp;it was time to&nbsp;call it a day with&nbsp;The JRB's and&nbsp;focus on his song writing. 
''Alkevan'' are a fresh combination of voices and instruments singing mainly original songs written by guitarist ''Kevin Moffat''. ''Alan Harvey'' provides his wonderful main vocals with some driving bodhran, while ''Anne Bowden'' provides haunting flute, whistle and cello. Then put all three voices together for the occasional unaccompanied songs. A treat not to be missed! 

''We have limited tickets for this event so book early to avoid disappointment – see Mary at the club or leave a message on 01295 709881 to reserve tickets.''
!5th April  – SSLaP – led by Sheena ~McCormack & Kim Hobday
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in! This one will be led by Sheena and Kim who have been a popular act at Banbury Folk Club, since the early days. The girls have been singing together now for over 15 years, sometimes in bands with real paying audiences and sometimes at home in the kitchen just for the fun of it. On fiddle, mandolin and guitar - or just plain a cappela, these girls really know how to deliver a song in sweet harmonies that are one minute tugging on your heart strings and the next making you smile and laugh out loud. 
''Jug Collection''

!Banbury Folk& Hobby Horse Festival Fundraiser

!Banbury Song & Ale Weekend 7th – 9th April
The10th Banbury Song & Ale Weekend will be held at Banbury Cricket Club, The Pavillion, White Post Road, Banbury.
This event is a fundraiser for our festival in October. 
The weekend’s entertainment starts at 7pm on Friday and runs until 5pm on Sunday. The weekend is in sing-around format dispersed with surprise guests and fun & games. On Saturday there will be a sweep-stake on The Grand National. 
Homemade Supper on Friday & Saturday + breakfasts & snacks provided by the Cricket Club and a Real Ale & Cider Bar.
''The weekend costs £15 or day tickets are available, £5 Friday; £10 All day/evening Saturday and £5 Sunday.  Camping available.''
Book early to avoid disappointment! [[www.banburyfolkfestival.co.uk|http://www.banburyfolkfestival.co.uk]] 

!12thApril – Club’s 18th Club’s 18th Birthday Bash with Meet on the Ledge Acoustic
! and Pete Watkins. 
''Ron Holmes'' and ''Allen Maslen'' return to the club with a new member, fiddler ''Jools Street'' as Meet on the Ledge Acoustic.  After 25 years of heading up ‘Meet on the Ledge’ Ron launched his first solo album last year. Al Maslen is a superb songwriter and guitarist. Adding to the celebrations will be another favourite performer at the club and the Folk Festival, ''Pete Watkins''. Pete’s solo performances are legendary, playing songs from the widest possible range of era’s and styles.
Come along and enjoy the party atmosphere, cake and nibbles!
We have limited tickets for this event so book early to avoid disappointment – see Mary at the club, message her on Facebook,  or leave a message on 01295 709881 to reserve tickets.
''Admission £9/Cons £8-on the door - Includes Party Food – Advance Booking advised.''


!26th April - Special Guest Night – ~FolkLaw
!!Support by Mark Pidgeon
Welcome to the world of ~FolkLaw! Exhilarating songs and music that guarantees to get your feet tapping, your face smiling and your festival-feet jumping! Acrobatic fiddling and earthy vocals are interwoven with distinctive vocal harmonies, mandola and guitars, as ~FolkLaw deliver a subtle reflective social commentary within a patchwork of inspirational songs and melodies. ~FolkLaw are well known for their crowd-surfing fiddle antics, engaging on-stage banter, and an energized stage performance is guaranteed.  
Since forming in 2009, ~FolkLaw have played over 300 concerts at arts centres, folk clubs and festivals, including the main stages of the Great British Folk Festival, Monmouth Festival, Lichfield Festival of Folk, Banbury Folk Festival and Swanage Folk Festival, supporting artists such as Seth Lakeman, Ade Edmondson, Hayseed Dixie and the Wurzels. In the 10 years prior to ~FolkLaw, Nick and Gaz performed with the Bleeding Hearts across Europe and North America, supporting folk legends such as Shane Macgowan, the Oysterband and the Levellers.  Last year saw the release of their 3rd album ‘Smokey Joe’ to great acclaim!  [[www.folklaw.co.uk|http://www.folklaw.co.uk]] 
~FolkLaw will be supported by ''Mark Pidgeon'' who appeared more recently at the club with ‘Under the Wychwood’. Mark is an Oxfordshire based singer-songwriter whose thought provoking songs have made people sit up and take notice wherever he has played. He draws from his own life experiences and from what is happening in the world around him and puts his thoughts into his own style which has its roots in Americana and Modern Folk music. Similar in style to the likes of Steve Knightly, Steve Earle, Bruce Springsteen and Martyn Joseph, Mark is not afraid to put his thoughts down in song. He is just as happy doing his own material or rousing covers. 
We have limited tickets for this event so book early to avoid disappointment – see Mary at the club, message her on Facebook,  or leave a message on 01295 709881 to reserve tickets. 
''Admission -£8/£7 Cons - on the door- Advance Booking Advised''
!4th April: SSLAP and Music Quiz

!11th April: Club Birthday with Bill Bates 

!18th April - Banter
!!Support TBA
Banter are: ''Simon Care'' on melodeon, ''Nina Zella'' on keyboards and vocals and ''Tim Walker'' on drums, percussion, brass and dance calling. They are rooted in English traditional music but incorporate influences of pop, jazz, soul and big band sounds.
Although just three people, they create a huge sound and have been described as the world’s smallest big band.

''Admission - £8 - on the door''

!25th April - St Georges Day, English Songs & Tunes  -  hosted by Bill ~McKinnon
Help us celebrate England’s national day with a rousing evening of traditional English songs & tunes brought to you by the wonderful Bill ~McKinnon.

To aid the English theme we will be having a Fish & Chip supper. £6 each, please book in advance so we know numbers required.

''Admission - £8 - on the door''
!!Club closed in August – Re-opens Wednesday 3rd September

!!Banbury Folk Extra! Free Live Music at the Reindeer Inn Beer Festival!
!!!Sunday 24th August 2pm – 6pm     M.C Sue Halls
<marquee width=300><font size=4 color=red>The Gerry Colvin band - don't miss them on Sunday 2nd August</font><marquee>
A great day of Folk at the ''Banbury Cross Pub'' - Pre Festival Warm-up
With BBQ – Weather permitting!
12.00 midday: ''DAVE FRY'' – Singer/guitarist, all round performer and raconteur 

1.00pm: ''MALC GURNHAM & GILL GILSENAN'' - Versatile Bedworth duo full of fun!

2.00pm: ''GAWKEY'' - Self-penned songs and musical excellence on fiddle and guitar 

3.00pm: ''NOAH’S CAPE'' - A new collaboration of ''Linda Watkins'', ''Paula Tindall'' and ''Marian Wedley''.

Free admission with bucket collection and raffle in aid of Banbury Folk Festival

To be followed in the evening by 
!A Special Concert in the Clubroom featuring
!!With Support from DAVE FRY – MC: KEVIN WEST
7.30pm – 10.00pm - ''Admission £8 (All Tickets) on the door''
This is a ticketed event to raise funds for Banbury Folk Festival in October. 

Much loved in Banbury for his enthusiastic performances with ''~ColvinQuarmby'' at the club and festival, and also his appearances at ''Cropredy’s Fairport Convention'', ''Gerry Colvin'' has been creating songs that reflect his vast musical influences and lyrical insight since the early 1980’s. This will be a chance to see him with his new band!

"''Gerry Colvin'' is a writer of great substance who is able to give us something that has been largely missing in English Music for a long time. His subjects and characters are clearly defined and his songs create strong images and stories which can make us both laugh and cry in the same breath. This man is unique and unforgettable. The songs are brilliant. He should be a household name. Go see him." 
 ''Phil Beer, Show of Hands''

We have limited tickets for this event so book early to avoid disappointment – see Mary at the club, message Mary on Facebook at Mary Droscher, or leave a message on ''01295 709881'' to reserve tickets.

!!Club closed in August – reopens 9th September
Club closed in August – reopens 7th September
Back on 6th September – Guest Night with Under the Wychwood
Watch this space!
[[2010 listing|BFC2010P]]
Banbury Folk Club 2010 programme
3rd March - Sarah and Kathryn Tindall, Jossie Evans and Daniel Gascoigne
10th March - Sing, Say & Play. Open Session led by Sue Halls and Alan Maasz
17th March - St Patricks Celebration with Fola
24th March - Simon Care and Gareth Turner. Supported by Dan Walsh and Will Pound
31st March - Open Stage with Guest MC Braham Levy
 7th April - Club closed for Easter
14th April - Club's 11th Birthday Celebration with Bob Fox. Supported by Linda Watkins and Mike Moyse
21st April - Sing, Say and Play. Open Session led by Sheena and Davey ~McCormack
28th April - Washboard Bill's Jug Stompers
30th June – "Spire" (Oxford based traditional folk band)
7th July Austin Allegro Country Dance Consortium
14th July Open Stage Night, with guest MC Jules the Apprentice Storyteller 
21st July Fraser Winterbottom and Friends
28th July Annual BBQ and Festival Fundraiser Concert
 With wRants, Scarecrow and The Tindalls
1st Sept - Ric Sanders and Vo Fletcher
8th Sept - Sing, Say, Listen and Play with Sheena and Davey ~McCormack 
15th Sept - Sea Songs and Shanties
22nd Sept - Open Stage Night with guest MC Mike Moyes
29th Sept – Mick Ryan and Paul Downes
6th Oct - Club Closed pre Festival
8th–10th Oct Banbury Folk Festival www.banburyfolkfestival.co.uk
13th Oct - Post Festival Sing, Say, Listen and Play with Bill Bates
20th Oct - Putting on the Ritz with The Ritz Crackers
27th Oct - The wRants
[[2011 listing|BFC2011P]]
Banbury Folk Club - 2011 programme
5th Jan - Welcome in the New Year with the Sly Old Dogs (ex ~ODD-SODS)
12th Jan - A Banburyshire Evening with Julian Procter and Invited Guests
19th Jan - Open Stage Night with guest MC - Carrie O’Regan
26th Jan - "Burns" night with Selkie (Hector Gilchrist & Liz Thomson)
2nd Feb - Tom Leary and PJ Wright - supported by Sandra Shallis
9th Feb - Sing, Say, Listen and Play session led by Bill Bates
16th Feb - Valentine Special with the Tindalls
23rd Feb - Keith Donnelly supported by The Matt Morton Band
2nd March – ‘Beatlemania’ with the Paperback Writers
9th March – Red Shoes
16th March - Sing, Say, Listen and Play with a touch of the Irish
 Open session led by Kevin O’Regan
23rd March – ‘Linda’s Ladies’
 A showcase of female song and tune writers with Linda Watkins
30th March - Open Stage Night with guest MC tbc.
6th April - Club’s 12th Birthday
 With Special Guests – Something Nasty in the Woodshed
 Support- Fred Davies and Claire Trivett 
13th April – Special Guest Night - Fraser Nimmo
 Support – The Sceptics
20th April - Special Guest Night- Katriona Gilmore and Jamie Roberts
 Support – Mike Moyse
27th April – Club closed for the Easter break.
4th May - "Scarecrow"
11th May - Open Stage Night - with guest MC Don Thompson of Brackley Folk Club
18th May - Special Guest Night with Clive Gregson - with support Fagin’s Gang
25th May - Club Closed (Chris & Kellie While in the Mill Theatre)
1st June- Sing, Say Listen and Play- Open session
8th June - Chalice - supported by jiva
15th June - A Farmer’s Life - Farming songs led by ~GU4 with a Ploughman’s Supper
22nd June - Special Guest Night with Les Barker - supported by Toots and Fraser
29th June - The Somervilles
6th July – Song writing Competition
13th July - Bastille Celebration with special guest Flossie Malavialle. Support Martin and Val Day
20th July- Open Stage Night with Guest MC Dave Fry 
27th July - Festival Fundraiser Concert (in the Mill Theatre) with Keith Donnelly
            Harvey & Scarecrow. Guest MC Linda Watkins STARTS 8.00 PM! 
3rd August - Annual BBQ with Linda Watkins & Mike Moyse, Rag ’n’ Roll Band and Pete Watkins
7th September - Rory ~McLeod. Supported by Matt Carter and Dave Podson
14th September - Ian ‘Badger’ Collins and Friends
21st September- The Tindalls
28th September - Sing, Say, Listen and Play (SSLaP). Open Session led by Adderbury Bell Folk(tbc)
5th October - Club closed pre-festival
7th–9th October - Banbury Folk Festival
12th October - Post festival session (SSLaP). hosted by Sheena and Davey ~McCormack
19th October - ~FolkLaw
26th October – Karen Tweed. Supported by Dave Fry
2nd November - Open Stage Night with guest MC - Theo Hayward
9th November - Steve Hicks and Lynn Goulbourn
16th November - Red Kite Rising
23rd November - Special Guest Night
‘Take Another Night Off with Dave Pegg and PJ Wright’
Supported by Linda Watkins and Mike Moyse
30th November - Pete Joshua and Friends
7th December - Special Guest Night
‘Carolling and Crumpets’
With Special Guest John Kirkpatrick
14th December - A Christmas SSLaP with Carols
Led by Paula and Stuart Tindall
21st December - Club Christmas Party
With The Austin Allegro Country Dance Consortium
[[2012 listing|BFC2012P]]
Banbury Folk Club - 2012 programme
4th Jan. - Welcome in the New Year with the Sly Old Dogs 
11th Jan. - Sing, Say, Listen and Play
 Open session led by Sue Halls and Alan Maasz
18th Jan. - Mark Pidgeon and Friends
25th Jan. - "Burns" night with Selkie (Hector Gilchrist & Liz Thomson)
 and a Haggis, Tatties and Neeps Supper - piped in by Steve Duffy
1st Feb. - Special Guest Night with Tom Leary and PJ Wright
 Support – Stevie Matt Cooper
8th Feb. - Linda Watkins and Mike Moyse
15th Feb – Valentine Special- ‘Loving Pairs’
 with Matt and Lorna Morton, Toots and Fraser, Sheena and Davey ~McCormack and Paula and Stuart Tindall.
22nd Feb. - Open Stage Night with guest MC Bill Bates
29th Feb. - Sing, Say, Listen and Play
Open session led by John Leslie
7th March - Washboard Bill’s Jug Stompers
14th March - Kevin O’Regan and Friends
21st March - Special Guest Night – Keith Donnelly
28th March - Songwriting Competition
4th April - Sing, Say, Listen and Play
11th April - Club Birthday Party
 With Special Guests Steamchicken with Becky Wolff
18th April - Stevie Matt Cooper and Friends
25th April - Open Stage Night with Guest MC Tim Hall
9th May - Special Guest Night with James Hickman and Dan Cassidy
 Supported by Bluebird 
12th May - Kings Sutton Memorial Hall from 7.30pm - Festival Fundraiser
Swing Back To The Sixties
16th May - Special Guest Night with Meet on the Ledge
23rd May - Jim ~McLean
30th May - Open Stage night with guest MC. (tbc)
6th June - Peter and Barbara Snape
13th June - Sing, Say, Listen and Play
20th June - Special Guest Night with Harvey Andrews
 Supported by Paula and Stuart Tindall
27th June - Pete Watkins and Friends 
4th July - Celebrate with our cousins across the Pond!
 with Guest MC Mark Pidgeon 
11th July - Open Stage Night with Guest MC Sue Halls
18th July - Belzebub with support Nick Lines 
25th July - Festival Fundraiser Concert (in the Mill Theatre)
with Phil Riley, The Linda Watkins Band and
Something Nasty in the Woodshed
1st August - Annual BBQ
with Pete Watkins, Scarecrow & the Paperback Writers
At Drayton Leisure Golf Centre
5th Sept - Swing Back Again to the 60’s!
with Mike Moyse and Bill ~McKinnon
12th Sept - Open Stage Night with Guest MC Stevie Matt Cooper
Friday 14th Sept - 7.30 pm Brackley and Banbury Folk Clubs invite you to a
Nautical/ Shanty Night - In aid of Banbury Sea Cadets- TS Harvester
19th Sept - Special Guest Night with Cathryn Craig and Brian Willoughby
with support Damian Clarke (Pressgang)
26th September - A Night with Pete Joshua and Rory Evans plus invited guests
3rd October - Sing, Say, Listen and Play
Open session led by Tim Hall
10th October - Club Closed – Pre Festival
12th - 14th October - Banbury Folk Festival
17th October - ~Post-Festival Session
led by Sheena and Davey ~McCormack
24th October - Phil Riley
31st October - Halloween with Scarecrow
7th November - Sing, Say, Listen and Play
Open Session led by George Holmes
14th November - Open Stage Night - With Guest MC – Bill Bates
21st November - John Leslie, Jim Plester and friends
28th November - Change of venue due to flooding at The Mill
Folk Club is moving to Drayton Leisure Golf Centre
Warwick Road, Banbury ~OX17 1HJ.
Special Guest Night with Red Shoes
Supported by Kim Lowings and the Greenwood 
5th December - ‘The Turn of the Seasons through Songs and Poems’
with Special Guests Martyn ~Wyndham-Read, Iris Bishop & Jim Farr.
12th December - Banbury Folks’ Christmas Pudding
a seasonal mix led by Thrup’nny Bits
19th December - Club Christmas Party
With The Austin Allegro Country Dance Consortium
[[2013 listing|BFC2013P]]
Banbury Folk Club – 2013
9th Jan - Welcome in the New Year with the Sly Old Dogs
Open Session led by George Holmes
16th Jan - Sing, Say, Listen and Play. Open Session led by Kevin West
23rd Jan - Guest Night with Gawkey. Supported by Marian Wedley
30th Jan - Open Stage Night - Guest MC’s - John Wright & Jonathan Waller
6th Feb - Guest Night with Fifteen String Trio. Supported by Mark Pidgeon
13th Feb - Valentine Special- ‘Loving Pairs’
With Tiniregor, Sophie and Phil Thurman, Bill and Louise Bates and Paula & Stuart Tindall.
20th Feb - Special Guest Night with Haddo (Will & Nicky Pound). Supported by Pete Joshua
27th Feb - Guest Night with Pete Grassby
6th March - Sing, Say, Listen and Play - Open Session led by Jonathan Luxmoore
13th March - Festival Fundraiser Concert - Special Guest Night - ~FolkLaw with support Martin Vogwell
20th March - St Patrick’s Night with Cliodhna
27th March - Open Stage Night with Guest MC Peter Braybrook
3rd April - Club closed for Easter week 
10th April - Club Birthday Party - With Special Guests Meet on the Ledge
17th April - Guest Night with Gawkey. Supported by Marian Wedley
1st May - Sing in the May with ~GU4
3rd May (Friday) - Prince of Wales Folk Club Reunion
8th May - Open Stage – Folk Festival Auditions
Saturday 11th May - Banbury Folk Stage at Bloxham May Festival
15th May - Special Guest Night with Miriam Backhouse/Erasmus. Supported by Mike Moyse
22nd May - Sing, Say Listen and Play. Open Session Led by Sue Halls and Alan Maasz 
29th May - Local Guest Night – One Night Stand and Friends 
5th June - Open Stage – Folk Festival Auditions
12th June - Special Guest Night with Luke Jackson. Supported by Holly Perkins
19th June - Linda Watkins and Friends sing Sandy
26th June - Special Guest Night with Bob Fox - "Just an Old ~WarHorse" tour. Supported by Bluebird
3rd July - Sing, Say Listen and Play. Open Session Led by Fraser Winterbottom
10th July - Special Guest Night – Winter Wilson. Supported by Holler and Duck
17th July - Open Stage Night with Guest MC tbc
24th July - Mill Theatre Concert - Festival Fundraiser
with Tom Leary and PJ Wright, Red Shoes and Something Nasty in the Woodshed
31st July - Folk Club BBQ and Concert with Bill Bates, Pete Watkins and Scarecrow
4th September - Damian Clarke, with support Harry Pane
11th September - Sing, Say, Listen and Play. Open session led by Tim Hall
18th September - Special Guest Night with Vikki Clayton. Supported by 25 Years Late
Saturday 21st September - Banbury Folk Festival Fundraiser Concert - The Kevin O'Regan Band
25th September - A Night with Pete Joshua and Rory Evans plus Gawkey
2nd October - Guest Night with Kim Lowings and The Greenwood. Supported by Ash Centi
9th October - Club Closed – Pre Festival
11th – 13th OCTOBER 2013 - Here Comes the Sun! Banbury Folk Festival
16th October - ~Post-Festival Session - led by Paula and Stuart Tindall
23rd October - Banburyshire Night. Hosted by Jules Procter
30th October - Special Guest Night with 4Square, with support Kathryn Tindall
6th November - Local Guest Night with King’s Gambit
13th November - Sing, Say, Listen and Play,led by Ian Ralph Huckin
20th November - Special Guest Night with Maggie Boyle and Paul Downes, with support Peter Ball
27th November - Open Stage Night with Guest MC Pete Watkins
4th December - Christmas Magic Lantern Show featuring Allan and Rene Marriott’s Victorian Magic Lantern
and the Spare Parts Concertina Band. With support from The Skeptics
14th December - Sing, Say, Listen and Play. A Christmas SSLaP with Carols,led by Kevin Sexton
8th December - Club Christmas Party, with Palmerston
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Floor Spots – You are welcome to book in for a floor spot, usually two to three numbers, on club guest
nights apart from Special Guest nights.<br>
Just have a word with us at the club, or phone and leave a message on <b>01295 709881</b>. Derek & Mary<br>
Please only contact Jules Procter if there are issues with this website.<br>

<center><table width=600><tr>
<td><font size=2>
<b>The Banbury Folk Club</b><br> 
The Banbury Cross, 7 Butchers Row, Banbury. OX16 5JH<br>
<a href="http://www.banburycrosspub.co.uk" target="_blank">www.banburycrosspub.co.uk</a><br>
Free parking is available from 7.00pm in the Market Square or Calthorpe Street, a short walk away.<br>
We will continue our format of having local and nationally known guest nights, theme nights, open stage nights and our popular Sing, Say, Listen and Say (SSLaP) nights and we will also have regular floor spots to encourage local performers.<br>
<center><table width=600 bgcolor="grey"><tr>
<td><font size=3><center>
<b>Banbury Folk Festival News</b><br> 
<a href="http://www.banburyfolkfestival.co.uk/" target="_blank"><img src="images/bff.jpg" alt="Banbury Folk Festival" width=200></a><br>

|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Original Author|SteveRumsby|
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NOTE: For //enhanced// date popup display, optionally install [[DatePlugin]] and [[ReminderMacros]]
|{{{<<calendar>>}}}|full-year calendar for the current year|
|{{{<<calendar year>>}}}|full-year calendar for the specified year|
|{{{<<calendar year month>>}}}|one month calendar for the specified month and year|
|{{{<<calendar thismonth>>}}}|one month calendar for the current month|
|{{{<<calendar lastmonth>>}}}|one month calendar for last month|
|{{{<<calendar nextmonth>>}}}|one month calendar for next month|
|{{{<<calendar +n>>}}}<br>{{{<<calendar -n>>}}}|one month calendar for a month +/- 'n' months from now|
|''First day of week:''<br>{{{config.options.txtCalFirstDay}}}|<<option txtCalFirstDay>>|(Monday = 0, Sunday = 6)|
|''First day of weekend:''<br>{{{config.options.txtCalStartOfWeekend}}}|<<option txtCalStartOfWeekend>>|(Monday = 0, Sunday = 6)|

<<option chkDisplayWeekNumbers>> Display week numbers //(note: Monday will be used as the start of the week)//
|''Week number display format:''<br>{{{config.options.txtWeekNumberDisplayFormat }}}|<<option txtWeekNumberDisplayFormat >>|
|''Week number link format:''<br>{{{config.options.txtWeekNumberLinkFormat }}}|<<option txtWeekNumberLinkFormat >>|
2009.04.31 [1.5.0] rewrote onClickCalendarDate() (popup handler) and added config.options.txtCalendarReminderTags.  Partial code reduction/cleanup.  Assigned true version number (1.5.0)
2008.09.10 added '+n' (and '-n') param to permit display of relative months (e.g., '+6' means 'six months from now', '-3' means 'three months ago'.  Based on suggestion from Jean.
2008.06.17 added support for config.macros.calendar.todaybg
2008.02.27 in handler(), DON'T set hard-coded default date format, so that *customized* value (pre-defined in config.macros.calendar.journalDateFmt is used.
2008.02.17 in createCalendarYear(), fix next/previous year calculation (use parseInt() to convert to numeric value).  Also, use journalDateFmt for date linking when NOT using [[DatePlugin]].
2008.02.16 in createCalendarDay(), week numbers now created as TiddlyLinks, allowing quick creation/navigation to 'weekly' journals (based on request from Kashgarinn)
2008.01.08 in createCalendarMonthHeader(), 'month year' heading is now created as TiddlyLink, allowing quick creation/navigation to 'month-at-a-time' journals
2007.11.30 added 'return false' to onclick handlers (prevent IE from opening blank pages)
2006.08.23 added handling for weeknumbers (code supplied by Martin Budden (see 'wn**' comment marks).  Also, incorporated updated by Jeremy Sheeley to add caching for reminders (see [[ReminderMacros]], if installed)
2005.10.30 in config.macros.calendar.handler(), use 'tbody' element for IE compatibility.  Also, fix year calculation for IE's getYear() function (which returns '2005' instead of '105'). Also, in createCalendarDays(), use showDate() function (see [[DatePlugin]], if installed) to render autostyled date with linked popup.  Updated calendar stylesheet definition: use .calendar class-specific selectors, add text centering and margin settings
2006.05.29 added journalDateFmt handling
version.extensions.CalendarPlugin= { major: 1, minor: 5, revision: 0, date: new Date(2009,5,31)};
if(config.options.txtCalFirstDay == undefined)
	config.options.txtCalFirstDay = 0;
if(config.options.txtCalStartOfWeekend == undefined)
	config.options.txtCalStartOfWeekend = 5;
if(config.options.chkDisplayWeekNumbers == undefined)
	config.options.chkDisplayWeekNumbers = false;
	config.options.txtCalFirstDay = 0;
if(config.options.txtWeekNumberDisplayFormat == undefined)
	config.options.txtWeekNumberDisplayFormat = 'w0WW';
if(config.options.txtWeekNumberLinkFormat == undefined)
	config.options.txtWeekNumberLinkFormat = 'YYYY-w0WW';
if(config.options.txtCalendarReminderTags == undefined)
	config.options.txtCalendarReminderTags = 'reminder';

config.macros.calendar = {
	journalDateFmt:'DD MMM YYYY',
	holidays:[ ] // for customization see [[CalendarPluginConfig]]
function calendarIsHoliday(date)
	var longHoliday = date.formatString('0DD/0MM/YYYY');
	var shortHoliday = date.formatString('0DD/0MM');
	for(var i = 0; i < config.macros.calendar.holidays.length; i++) {
		if(   config.macros.calendar.holidays[i]==longHoliday
		   || config.macros.calendar.holidays[i]==shortHoliday)
			return true;
	return false;
config.macros.calendar.handler = function(place,macroName,params) {
	var calendar = createTiddlyElement(place, 'table', null, 'calendar', null);
	var tbody = createTiddlyElement(calendar, 'tbody');
	var today = new Date();
	var year = today.getYear();
	if (year<1900) year+=1900;

 	// get journal format from SideBarOptions (ELS 5/29/06 - suggested by MartinBudden)
	var text = store.getTiddlerText('SideBarOptions');
	var re = new RegExp('<<(?:newJournal)([^>]*)>>','mg'); var fm = re.exec(text);
	if (fm && fm[1]!=null) { var pa=fm[1].readMacroParams(); if (pa[0]) this.journalDateFmt = pa[0]; }

	var month=-1;
	if (params[0] == 'thismonth') {
		var month=today.getMonth();
	} else if (params[0] == 'lastmonth') {
		var month = today.getMonth()-1; if (month==-1) { month=11; year--; }
	} else if (params[0] == 'nextmonth') {
		var month = today.getMonth()+1; if (month>11) { month=0; year++; }
	} else if (params[0]&&'+-'.indexOf(params[0].substr(0,1))!=-1) {
		var month = today.getMonth()+parseInt(params[0]);
		if (month>11) { year+=Math.floor(month/12); month%=12; };
		if (month<0)  { year+=Math.floor(month/12); month=12+month%12; }
	} else if (params[0]) {
		year = params[0];
		if(params[1]) month=parseInt(params[1])-1;
		if (month>11) month=11; if (month<0) month=0;

	if (month!=-1) {
		cacheReminders(new Date(year, month, 1, 0, 0), 31);
		createCalendarOneMonth(tbody, year, month);
	} else {
		cacheReminders(new Date(year, 0, 1, 0, 0), 366);
		createCalendarYear(tbody, year);
	window.reminderCacheForCalendar = null;
// cache used to store reminders while the calendar is being rendered
// it will be renulled after the calendar is fully rendered.
window.reminderCacheForCalendar = null;
function cacheReminders(date, leadtime)
	if (window.findTiddlersWithReminders == null) return;
	window.reminderCacheForCalendar = {};
	var leadtimeHash = [];
	leadtimeHash [0] = 0;
	leadtimeHash [1] = leadtime;
	var t = findTiddlersWithReminders(date, leadtimeHash, null, 1);
	for(var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
		//just tag it in the cache, so that when we're drawing days, we can bold this one.
		window.reminderCacheForCalendar[t[i]['matchedDate']] = 'reminder:' + t[i]['params']['title']; 
function createCalendarOneMonth(calendar, year, mon)
	var row = createTiddlyElement(calendar, 'tr');
	createCalendarMonthHeader(calendar, row, config.macros.calendar.monthnames[mon]+' '+year, true, year, mon);
	row = createTiddlyElement(calendar, 'tr');
	createCalendarDayHeader(row, 1);
	createCalendarDayRowsSingle(calendar, year, mon);
function createCalendarMonth(calendar, year, mon)
	var row = createTiddlyElement(calendar, 'tr');
	createCalendarMonthHeader(calendar, row, config.macros.calendar.monthnames[mon]+' '+ year, false, year, mon);
	row = createTiddlyElement(calendar, 'tr');
	createCalendarDayHeader(row, 1);
	createCalendarDayRowsSingle(calendar, year, mon);
function createCalendarYear(calendar, year)
	var row;
	row = createTiddlyElement(calendar, 'tr');
	var back = createTiddlyElement(row, 'td');
	var backHandler = function() {
		createCalendarYear(calendar, parseInt(year)-1);
		return false; // consume click
	createTiddlyButton(back, '<', 'Previous year', backHandler);
	back.align = 'center';
	var yearHeader = createTiddlyElement(row, 'td', null, 'calendarYear', year);
	yearHeader.align = 'center';
	var fwd = createTiddlyElement(row, 'td');
	var fwdHandler = function() {
		createCalendarYear(calendar, parseInt(year)+1);
		return false; // consume click
	createTiddlyButton(fwd, '>', 'Next year', fwdHandler);
	fwd.align = 'center';
	createCalendarMonthRow(calendar, year, 0);
	createCalendarMonthRow(calendar, year, 3);
	createCalendarMonthRow(calendar, year, 6);
	createCalendarMonthRow(calendar, year, 9);
function createCalendarMonthRow(cal, year, mon)
	var row = createTiddlyElement(cal, 'tr');
	createCalendarMonthHeader(cal, row, config.macros.calendar.monthnames[mon], false, year, mon);
	createCalendarMonthHeader(cal, row, config.macros.calendar.monthnames[mon+1], false, year, mon);
	createCalendarMonthHeader(cal, row, config.macros.calendar.monthnames[mon+2], false, year, mon);
	row = createTiddlyElement(cal, 'tr');
	createCalendarDayHeader(row, 3);
	createCalendarDayRows(cal, year, mon);
function createCalendarMonthHeader(cal, row, name, nav, year, mon)
	var month;
	if (nav) {
		var back = createTiddlyElement(row, 'td');
		back.align = 'center';
		back.style.background = config.macros.calendar.monthbg;

		var backMonHandler = function() {
			var newyear = year;
			var newmon = mon-1;
			if(newmon == -1) { newmon = 11; newyear = newyear-1;}
			cacheReminders(new Date(newyear, newmon , 1, 0, 0), 31);
			createCalendarOneMonth(cal, newyear, newmon);
			return false; // consume click
		createTiddlyButton(back, '<', 'Previous month', backMonHandler);
		month = createTiddlyElement(row, 'td', null, 'calendarMonthname')
		month.setAttribute('colSpan', config.options.chkDisplayWeekNumbers?6:5);//wn**
		var fwd = createTiddlyElement(row, 'td');
		fwd.align = 'center';
		fwd.style.background = config.macros.calendar.monthbg; 

		var fwdMonHandler = function() {
			var newyear = year;
			var newmon = mon+1;
			if(newmon == 12) { newmon = 0; newyear = newyear+1;}
			cacheReminders(new Date(newyear, newmon , 1, 0, 0), 31);
			createCalendarOneMonth(cal, newyear, newmon);
			return false; // consume click
		createTiddlyButton(fwd, '>', 'Next month', fwdMonHandler);
	} else {
		month = createTiddlyElement(row, 'td', null, 'calendarMonthname', name)
	month.align = 'center';
	month.style.background = config.macros.calendar.monthbg;
function createCalendarDayHeader(row, num)
	var cell;
	for(var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
		if (config.options.chkDisplayWeekNumbers) createTiddlyElement(row, 'td');//wn**
		for(var j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
			var d = j + (config.options.txtCalFirstDay - 0);
			if(d > 6) d = d - 7;
			cell = createTiddlyElement(row, 'td', null, null, config.macros.calendar.daynames[d]);
			if(d == (config.options.txtCalStartOfWeekend-0) || d == (config.options.txtCalStartOfWeekend-0+1))
				cell.style.background = config.macros.calendar.weekendbg;
function createCalendarDays(row, col, first, max, year, mon) {
	var i;
	if (config.options.chkDisplayWeekNumbers){
		if (first<=max) {
			var ww = new Date(year,mon,first);
			var td=createTiddlyElement(row, 'td');//wn**
			var link=createTiddlyLink(td,ww.formatString(config.options.txtWeekNumberLinkFormat),false);
		else createTiddlyElement(row, 'td');//wn**
	for(i = 0; i < col; i++)
		createTiddlyElement(row, 'td');
	var day = first;
	for(i = col; i < 7; i++) {
		var d = i + (config.options.txtCalFirstDay - 0);
		if(d > 6) d = d - 7;
		var daycell = createTiddlyElement(row, 'td');
		var isaWeekend=((d==(config.options.txtCalStartOfWeekend-0)
			|| d==(config.options.txtCalStartOfWeekend-0+1))?true:false);
		if(day > 0 && day <= max) {
			var celldate = new Date(year, mon, day);
			// ELS 10/30/05 - use <<date>> macro's showDate() function to create popup
			// ELS 05/29/06 - use journalDateFmt 
			if (window.showDate) showDate(daycell,celldate,'popup','DD',
				config.macros.calendar.journalDateFmt,true, isaWeekend);
			else {
				if(isaWeekend) daycell.style.background = config.macros.calendar.weekendbg;
				var title = celldate.formatString(config.macros.calendar.journalDateFmt);
					daycell.style.background = config.macros.calendar.holidaybg;
				var now=new Date();
				if ((now-celldate>=0) && (now-celldate<86400000)) // is today?
					daycell.style.background = config.macros.calendar.todaybg;
				if(window.findTiddlersWithReminders == null) {
					var link = createTiddlyLink(daycell, title, false);
				} else
					var button = createTiddlyButton(daycell, day, title, onClickCalendarDate);
// Create a pop-up containing:
// * a link to a tiddler for this date
// * a 'new tiddler' link to add a reminder for this date
// * links to current reminders for this date
// NOTE: this code is only used if [[ReminderMacros]] is installed AND [[DatePlugin]] is //not// installed.
function onClickCalendarDate(ev) { ev=ev||window.event;
	var d=new Date(this.getAttribute('title')); var date=d.formatString(config.macros.calendar.journalDateFmt);
	var p=Popup.create(this);  if (!p) return;
	var rem='\\n\\<\\<reminder day:%0 month:%1 year:%2 title: \\>\\>';
	var cmd="<<newTiddler label:[[new reminder...]] prompt:[[add a new reminder to '%0']]"
		+" title:[[%0]] text:{{store.getTiddlerText('%0','')+'%1'}} tag:%2>>";
	var t=findTiddlersWithReminders(d,[0,31],null,1);
	for(var i=0; i<t.length; i++) {
		var link=createTiddlyLink(createTiddlyElement(p,'li'), t[i].tiddler, false);
	Popup.show(); ev.cancelBubble=true; if (ev.stopPropagation) ev.stopPropagation(); return false;
function calendarMaxDays(year, mon)
	var max = config.macros.calendar.monthdays[mon];
	if(mon == 1 && (year % 4) == 0 && ((year % 100) != 0 || (year % 400) == 0)) max++;
	return max;
function createCalendarDayRows(cal, year, mon)
	var row = createTiddlyElement(cal, 'tr');
	var first1 = (new Date(year, mon, 1)).getDay() -1 - (config.options.txtCalFirstDay-0);
	if(first1 < 0) first1 = first1 + 7;
	var day1 = -first1 + 1;
	var first2 = (new Date(year, mon+1, 1)).getDay() -1 - (config.options.txtCalFirstDay-0);
	if(first2 < 0) first2 = first2 + 7;
	var day2 = -first2 + 1;
	var first3 = (new Date(year, mon+2, 1)).getDay() -1 - (config.options.txtCalFirstDay-0);
	if(first3 < 0) first3 = first3 + 7;
	var day3 = -first3 + 1;

	var max1 = calendarMaxDays(year, mon);
	var max2 = calendarMaxDays(year, mon+1);
	var max3 = calendarMaxDays(year, mon+2);

	while(day1 <= max1 || day2 <= max2 || day3 <= max3) {
		row = createTiddlyElement(cal, 'tr');
		createCalendarDays(row, 0, day1, max1, year, mon); day1 += 7;
		createCalendarDays(row, 0, day2, max2, year, mon+1); day2 += 7;
		createCalendarDays(row, 0, day3, max3, year, mon+2); day3 += 7;
function createCalendarDayRowsSingle(cal, year, mon)
	var row = createTiddlyElement(cal, 'tr');
	var first1 = (new Date(year, mon, 1)).getDay() -1 - (config.options.txtCalFirstDay-0);
	if(first1 < 0) first1 = first1+ 7;
	var day1 = -first1 + 1;
	var max1 = calendarMaxDays(year, mon);
	while(day1 <= max1) {
		row = createTiddlyElement(cal, 'tr');
		createCalendarDays(row, 0, day1, max1, year, mon); day1 += 7;
setStylesheet('.calendar, .calendar table, .calendar th, .calendar tr, .calendar td { text-align:center; } .calendar, .calendar a { margin:0px !important; padding:0px !important; }', 'calendarStyles');
// // override cookie settings for CalendarPlugin:

// // override internal default settings for CalendarPlugin:
config.macros.calendar.journalDateFmt="DDD MMM 0DD YYYY";
Background: #fff
Foreground: #000
PrimaryPale: #8cf
PrimaryLight: #18f
PrimaryMid: #04b
PrimaryDark: #014
SecondaryPale: #ffc
SecondaryLight: #fe8
SecondaryMid: #db4
SecondaryDark: #841
TertiaryPale: #eee
TertiaryLight: #ccc
TertiaryMid: #999
TertiaryDark: #666
Error: #f88
''For Folk Club evenings from January 2018, tickets for any event can be reserved in advance by calling 07845 821041 or send us a message at https://www.facebook.com/banburyroots/''

''For artist enquiries,  please email Kevin West at  <html><a href="mailto:westkev58@gmail.com">westkev58@gmail.com</a>

Please only contact Jules Procter if there are issues with this website.<br>
<center><table width=600><tr>
<td><font size=2>
<b>The Banbury Folk Club</b><br> 
The Banbury Cross, 7 Butchers Row, Banbury. OX16 5JH<br>
<a href="http://www.banburycrosspub.co.uk" target="_blank">www.banburycrosspub.co.uk</a><br>
Free parking is available from 7.00pm in the Market Square or Calthorpe Street, a short walk away.<br>
We will continue our format of having local and nationally known guest nights, theme nights, open stage nights and our popular Sing, Say, Listen and Say (SSLaP) nights and we will also have regular floor spots to encourage local performers.<br>
<center><img src="./images/holly.jpg" height=30><font size="4" color="red" valign="top">BANBURY FOLK CLUB’S CHRISTMAS SEASON ............</font><img src="./images/holly.jpg" height=30><br>
<marquee width=500><img src="./images/xmas_santa.jpg" height=60></marquee>
!!3rd December – A Christmas SSLaP with Carols led by Kevin Sexton
''Jug Collection''
Your chance to join in in the last SSLaP night in the year! SSLaP stands for Sing, Say, Listen and Play. This is your opportunity to get into the Christmas mood with your own Christmas party pieces interspersed with carols. Kevin is a great traditional singer with a warm personality and we are sure he will set just the right tone for tonight’s proceedings! Carol sheets will be provided.

!!10th December – The Magical Christmas Tree Tour with Pete Morton, Emily Sanders and Chris Parkinson
''Admission £9/£8 Cons – Advance booking advised''
The Magical Christmas Tree Tour is ''Pete Morton'', ''Emily Sanders'', ''Chris Parkinson'' and a tree! Not just any old Christmas tree, but a very magical one. It makes these three unsuspecting folk performers do things they wouldn't do the other eleven months of the year. After four successful seasons touring the UK, this December show is a festive treat, where the audiences pick scrolls from the tree and make every night a unique occasion!&nbsp;&nbsp;This is a high-flying combination: a singer/ songwriter extraordinaire, a superb traditional singer and one of the folk scene’s most sought-after instrumentalists. Pete, Emily & Chris all excel in their own departments. Together they deliver a richly textured collection of vibrant new songs, beautiful old carols and stunning instrumentals – plus all three voices in three-part harmony... and they have a great time doing it. Superb acoustic music!

!!17th December – Christmas Party with Austin Allegro tbc
''Admission £8 (Cons. £7) – inc. Party Food!''
Back by popular demand and very much looking forward to seeing them in our new venue (with no pillars in the way) the ''Austin Allegro Country Dance Consortium'' will once again be entertaining us at our Club Christmas Party. This is becoming so popular that the band has put together a Christmas Hits Album! What will be in store for us this time? Will it be the return of the Cheese quiz? What will Santa have in his sack?  No doubt they will have a few seasonal surprises up their sleeves! Plus the usual Christmas nibbles!  

!!Club closed for Christmas and New Year

<center><img src="./images/holly.jpg" height=30><font size="4" color="red" valign="top">A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL!</font><img src="./images/holly.jpg" height=30><br>
<marquee width=500><img src="./images/xmas_santa.jpg" height=60></marquee>
!![img[./images/holly.jpg]]BANBURY FOLK CLUB’S CHRISTMAS SEASON …………[img[./images/holly.jpg]]

!!2nd December – A Christmas SSLaP with Carols led by Kevin Sexton
''Jug Collection''
Your chance to join in the last SSLaP night in the year! SSLaP stands for Sing, Say, Listen and Play. This is your opportunity to get into the Christmas mood with your own Christmas party pieces interspersed with carols. Kevin is a great traditional singer with a warm personality and we are sure he will set just the right tone for tonight’s proceedings! Carol sheets will be provided.

!!9th December – A Victorian Christmas 
!!!The club’s own Music Hall Show and Principally Yourselves!
For our Christmas Extravaganza we are bringing you the best of our local talent, but in a guise you may not have seen before! Join us for a marvellous, masterly, mellifluous mélange of melodrama, monologues, music and mirth, in the presence of Her Majesty Queen Victoria and His Royal Highness Prince Edward. Audience are invited to dress in the Spirit of the Occasion! 


A Star-studded Cast featuring ……. 
''MR TRISTRAM TIPPS'' – Orator and leading The Choruses 
''ADERYN BACH'' – The Welsh Warbler from the Valleys 
''MISS MELANIE MELODY'' – Melancholy and Melodrama 
''HARRY STOTTLE'' – The Hackney ~Heart-Throb 
''CHAS & MAVE'' – Two Chirpy Chapesses sing your Old Favourites 
''GORDON ZANDYCZ'' - All round Performer and Comedian 
''MISS LORELEI LUCAS'' - The Sawing Siren 
''The Wonderful WIDOW TWINKLE'' – Pantomime Dame 
''MINI COOPER'' - Raconteur, Singer & Family Historian for the Fabulous Cooper Family 
And All the Way From Tavira in Portugal ... 
''CARLOS ‘THE ROCK’ ROCHA III'' and his lovely assistant, ''DONNA MARIE'' 

Your Chairman for the Evening – The Loquacious Linguist, ''Mr. David ‘Lippy’ Lovick'' 
Your Hostess – ''Rafflin’ Di Jackson'' 
On the Door - ''The Sumptious Sear duo!'' 


''Admission £5 – Music Hall Artistes Free!''
!!16th December – Christmas Party with Austin Allegro tbc
''Admission £8 (Cons. £7) – inc. Party Food!''
The tradition continues! Back by popular demand the ''Austin Allegro Country Dance Consortium'' will once again be entertaining us at our Club Christmas Party. This is becoming so popular that the band has put together a Christmas Hits Album! What will be in store for us this time? Will it be the return of the Cheese quiz? What will Santa have in his sack?  No doubt they will have a few seasonal surprises up their sleeves! Plus the usual Christmas nibbles!  [[www.theaustinallegrocountrydanceconsortium.co.uk|http://www.theaustinallegrocountrydanceconsortium.co.uk]]

<marquee width=400><img src=./images/xmas_santa.jpg></marquee>
''Club closed for Christmas and New Year
[img[./images/holly.jpg]]A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL![img[./images/holly.jpg]]

!![img[./images/holly.jpg]]BANBURY FOLK CLUB’S CHRISTMAS SEASON …………[img[./images/holly.jpg]]

!!7th December – A Christmas SSLaP with Carols led by Kevin Sexton
''Jug Collection''
Your chance to join in the last SSLaP night in the year! SSLaP stands for Sing, Say, Listen and Play. This is your opportunity to get into the Christmas mood with your own Christmas party pieces interspersed with carols. Kevin is a great traditional singer with a warm personality and we are sure he will set just the right tone for tonight’s proceedings! Carol sheets will be provided.
<html><center><img src="./images/santa_sleigh.jpg"></center></html>

!!14th December – The Magical Christmas Tree Tour 
''Admission - £10/£9 Cons - on the door - Advance booking advised.''
The Magical Christmas Tree Tour is ''Pete Morton, Emily Sanders, Chris Parkinson and a tree!'' Not just any old Christmas tree, but a very magical one. It makes these three unsuspecting folk performers do things they wouldn't do the other eleven months of the year. After five successful seasons touring the UK, this December show is a festive treat, where the audiences pick scrolls from the tree and make every night a unique occasion! This is a high-flying combination: a singer/ songwriter extraordinaire, a superb fiddler and traditional singer and one of the folk scene’s most sought-after instrumentalists. Pete, Emily & Chris all excel in their own departments. Together they deliver a richly textured collection of vibrant new songs, beautiful old carols and stunning instrumentals – plus all three voices in three-part harmony... and they have a great time doing it. Superb acoustic music!

<html><center><img src="./images/christmas_trees.jpg"></center></html>

!!21st December – Christmas Party with Austin Allegro
''Admission £8 (Cons. £7) – inc. Party Food!''
The tradition continues! Back by popular demand the ''Austin Allegro Country Dance Consortium'' will once again be entertaining us at our Club Christmas Party. This is becoming so popular that the band has put together a Christmas Hits Album! What will be in store for us this time? Will it be the return of the Cheese quiz? What will Santa have in his sack?  No doubt they will have a few seasonal surprises up their sleeves! Plus the usual Christmas nibbles!
<html><center><img src="./images/christmas_party.jpg"></center></html>

<marquee><img src=./images/xmas_santa.jpg></marquee><br>
<b>Club closed for Christmas and New Year<br>
<img src="./images/holly.jpg">A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL!<img src="./images/holly.jpg"><br>
!![img[./images/holly.jpg]]BANBURY FOLK CLUB’S CHRISTMAS SEASON …………[img[./images/holly.jpg]]

!6th December – A Christmas SSLaP with Carols led by Kevin Sexton tbc
Your chance to join in the last SSLaP night in the year! SSLaP stands for Sing, Say, Listen and Play. This is your opportunity to get into the Christmas mood with your own Christmas party pieces interspersed with carols. Kevin is a great traditional singer with a warm personality and we are sure he will set just the right tone for tonight’s proceedings! Carol sheets will be provided.
''Jug Collection''

<html><center><img src="./images/santa_sleigh.jpg"></center></html>

!13th December – Carolling & Crumpets with Special Guest John Kirkpatrick
!!Supported by Alison Eve & Aly Rainey as 'Hey Diddle Diddle!'
A welcome return to the club of John’s festive show - ideal for anyone looking for a traditional, musical and fun start to the Christmas season! John Kirkpatrick, from BBC's ''Victorian Farm'', has been one of the most prominent figures on the English Folk Scene for many years. This solo show sees him delve into the customs and traditions of Christmas’ past, as well as the folklore and folk tales of Merrie England. You’ll hear of some bizarre rituals and murky goings-on in songs of wassailing, wren-hunting and stirring the fire, as well as traditional English folk carols such as 'The Holly and The Ivy', 'The Boar’s Head Carol' and a useful song 'That Great Christmas Pud' and 'Carolling and Crumpets' (the title song) is the Bethlehem story seen from the humorous point of view of the animals in the stables. 

John will be supported by ‘Hey Diddle Diddle’, a new duo comprising of ''Alison Eve'' and ''Aly Rainey'' to delight you with some Christmas and other seasonal selections from across the years.
The girls have performed together in many configurations over the years, the earliest  being a singing group in the early 1980s called ''Messenger'', and the longest being the Folk Rock band ''Eve & the Garden'' which formed in 1993. (You may remember that Eve & the Garden performed at the Folk Club in our early days.) “Quiet Earth and Shining Stars” was released in April 1996, and since then Alison has released a number of solo albums, and Aly sings and fiddles with folk trio ''The Bailey Sisters'', who are launching a third album “Down in Yon Forest” on 9th December 2017 at the Bridgewater Hall in Manchester. 



*We are expecting this to be popular so booking in advance is advisable. Book it with Mary at the club, Message us on Facebook or phone 01295 709881

''Admission - £10/£9 Cons - on the door- Advance booking advised.''

!20th December – Christmas Party with Austin Allegro & Surprise Guests
!Derek & Mary’s Farewell Finale!
The tradition continues! Back by popular demand the Austin Allegro Country Dance Consortium will once again be entertaining us at our Club Christmas Party. Featuring the bands’ famous Christmas Hits Album! 
This will be Derek and Mary’s Farewell Finale so they will be inviting a few surprise guests as well! 
Plus the usual Christmas nibbles!
''Admission £8 (Cons. £7) – inc. Party Food!''

<html><center><img src="./images/christmas_party.jpg"></center></html>

<marquee><img src=./images/xmas_santa.jpg></marquee><br>
<b>Club closed for Christmas and New Year<br>
<img src="./images/holly.jpg">A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL!<img src="./images/holly.jpg"><br>
Watch this space!
[[Apr 2018]]
[[May 2018]]
[[Jun 2018]]
[[Jul 2018]]
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|display current time with automatic update|
<<tiddler DigitalClock with: format tick>>
*''format'' is any TiddlyWiki date/time formatting string
*''tick'' is the time in seconds between display updates (default=1sec)
show hours, minutes and seconds, updated once per second:
{{{<<tiddler DigitalClock with: "hh:0mm:0ss" 1>>}}}
<<tiddler DigitalClock##show with: "hh:0mm:0ss" 1>>
<html><a href='javascript:;'></a></html><<tiddler {{
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%/<<tiddler {{'DigitalClock##'+(tiddler&&tiddler.title=='DigitalClock'?'info':'show');}}
	with: [[$1]] [[$2]]>>
!5th February – Guest Night - ‘The Kevins’ - Kevin O’Regan and Kevin Ward
Exuberant, varied, engaging – those three words sum up this duo who have performed a range of original songs together for some four years. Kevin O’Regan has written songs that are guaranteed to have an audience singing, songs of great wit and modern ballads of extraordinary sensitivity. Kevin Ward plays bass with passion and has a brilliant ability to bring out the nuances of a song’s melody and rhythm. He is one of the finest exponents of the five string fretless bass in the UK. You will be moved and you can be sure of laughter and great choruses. The Kevins are the core of The Kevin O’Regan Band who are gaining a significant reputation in the Midlands and, in a different guise, perform comic songs as Holler n Duck.
Visit the website at [[www.kevinoregan.co.uk|http://www.kevinoregan.co.uk]] and Facebook at [[www.facebook.com/pages/holler-n-duck|http://www.facebook.com/pages/holler-n-duck]]
Starts at 8.00pm.
Admission £6/£5 concessions
!!12th February – Valentine Special with Paula & Stuart Tindall.
Paula and Stuart Tindall are back to put a bit of romance into your lives with our Valentines Special on the theme of 'Love'! Paula & Stuart have been playing at folk clubs since the early '80s & went on to form their family Band in 2005 when their daughters were just 13 and 10, with gigs at folk clubs and festivals across the Midlands and Home Counties. Regulars at our Club and Festival they have also featured at Upton, Warwick & Bromyard Folk Festivals; a highlight being opening the Main stage concert at Bromyard Festival supporting Seth Lakeman. 2010 saw them achieving their ambition of performing at Fairport’s Cropredy Convention.
Starts at 8.00pm.
Admission £6/£5 concessions
!!19th February – Guest Night – Gawkey
Gawkey are Matt Morton (guitar/stomp box/vocals) and Nigel Walker (fiddle). Gawkey play around improvising with traditional tune sets from the English, Irish and American traditions, creating foot tapping energy with depth and soul, mixing these with quality original songs and a real chemistry at work. They went down a storm at Banbury Folk Festival last year, when they launched their new album ‘Sing an Honest Song’.
Starts at 8.00pm.
Admission £6/£5 concessions
!!26th February – Special Guest Night - Blackthorn
!! supported by Dave Fry
An exciting new band from the Oxford area! Blackthorn was formed on May 1st of 2012 when Pete Standing (formerly of Spire) met Ian Hall ( electric guitar/vocals), Bill McKinnon (melodeon/vocals) and Sue Mallett (fiddle) and just on a whim asked them if they would like to form a new band fusing British trad music with a rock influence. They were joined later in the year by Ian Clark (drums) and Linda Benton (cello). Their public demo was in January of 2013 and they have since been busy playing at venues in and around Oxford. Blackthorn is not a heavy band but likes to bring the dynamics of both acoustic and electric instruments together to meld the old and new.
Starts at 8.00pm.
Admission £7/£6 Concessions
!!4th February – Open Stage Night
''Admission £6/Cons £5 – on the door''
Our Open Stage nights have proved very successful over the past few years. They are
usually fully booked a month in advance! At the last one we were delighted to a wide
variety of acts. Many of these acts will almost certainly have a future booking either at
the club or the festival so by coming along to our Open Stage nights, not only as
performers, but as a listening audience gives you the chance to preview the acts first.
There are only five spots, so if you want to perform in one of them, please book it well in
advance on 01295 709881 or e-mail <html>
<a href="mailto:bfest@btinternet.com">bfest@btinternet.com</a>
</html> .

!!11th February – Special Guest Night – Kings & Folk. Floor spots available
''£7/£6 Cons- on the door''
You may remember this Worcester band from their debut at the club in 2013, when they
took part in the July Open Stage and simply blew us away! The roots of Kings & Folk lie
with piano and fiddle duo ''Ian & Claire King'', who combine their classical backgrounds
with a love of traditional music from Scotland, England, Ireland and Eastern Europe. They
are joined by multi-talented friend ''Helen Izod'' on whistle/flute/vocals and their son ''David'',
who adds rhythmic vitality on djembe drum and percussion. They play their unique mix
of original compositions and contemporary folk arrangements in festivals and folk clubs,
concert halls and churches, village halls and country gardens. “Branching Out” is their
first album featuring the full band line-up which was released in December 2014.

!!18th February –SSLaP led by Tim Hall
''Jug Collection''
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go
in a less formal setting. Come along & join in! Tim is a regular performer at these
sessions and usually has something up his sleeve to entertain us ... a monologue, a
poem, a comic song .... And we guarantee that he will not only be entertaining himself
but will encourage others to participate.

!!25th February – Geoff Phipps invites performers from Coventry and Warwickshire
!!!Guest MC: Dave Fry
''Admission £6/Cons £5 – on the door.'' 
Geoff is hosting tonight’s entertainment which features members of ''Coventry Singer
Songwriters'', which is a group of like-minded musicians who get together to give each
other the inspiration and motivation to write a new song each month. They are ''Katherine
Fear,Jon Harrington, Simon Veasey, Jan Richardson and Mike ~Carter-Jones''.
 Also appearing are ''Dave Cook, Justin Archer & Claire
Wall, Paul Buckley and Hedley Stone'', who are all well-known on the Coventry and
Warwickshire music scene.
!!3rd February – CHRIS BECK -A NIGHT OF FOLK n' FIFTIES - MC Jules Procter
''Admission £6/Cons £5 – on the door'' 
Chris appeared with Bill Bates and again at one of our Open Stage Nights last year. He delighted our audience with his heartfelt songs and winning personality. A versatile performer with a background in Country and Rock, Chris is now making an impact on the local folk scene.
Chris will be performing his own songs but also some popular numbers from the Fifties.
Our MC will be Jules Procter who will also regale us with a few tall tales!

!!10th February – Extra Special Guest Night – Ray Cooper (aka Chopper of the Oysterband) 
!!!Supported by Under the Wychwood
''Admission – £10/£9 Cons- on the door- Advance Booking advised.''
Famous as the charismatic cello player in the ''Oysterband'' from 1988 until 2013, the release of ''Ray Cooper’s'' first solo album ‘Tales of Love, War and Death by Hanging’ in 2010 represented a dramatic change of course in his career. ‘Tales of Love War and Death by Hanging’ has a strongly historical theme and was recorded in a small log cabin in Sweden. On the album, Ray played cello, guitar, harmonium, mandolin, mandola, harmonica and kantele to accompany his songs. Ray’s  second album, ‘Palace Of Tears’, released in 2014,  has a distinct Nordic flavour with the inclusion of Swedish fiddles and the Finnish kantele which runs like a seam throughout the album. Born of a Scottish mother and an English father, Ray Cooper grew up in England and started to play in bands when he was 16.  Moving between rock, punk, pop and world music, and working as a singer, bass guitar player and cellist, he finally hooked up with ''Oysterband'' in 1988 and began a long exploration into his own roots.  Ray moved to Sweden in 2000, with his wife and family, and tours in the UK are rare - so don’t miss this opportunity to catch him!

Ray will be supported by ''‘Under the Wychwood’'' who are  ''Mark Pidgeon, Rod Craig and Lefty Wright'', All three come together when there's a full moon and do strange things in and around the woods of West Oxfordshire.  Mostly musical although it has been said they sometimes sit around drinking tea!
We have limited tickets for this event so book early to avoid disappointment – see Mary at the club or leave a message on ''01295 709881'' to reserve tickets. 

!!17th February – SSLaP on the theme of Love led by Paula and Stuart Tindall
''Jug Collection''
As this is the nearest club date to Valentine’s Day, bring along your songs, poems and stories to take a romantic or a wry look at the theme of ‘Love’ for our SSLaP night.  And who better to inspire those loving feelings than ''Paula and Stuart Tindall''! Paula & Stuart have been playing at folk clubs since the early '80s & formed the family Band ''‘The Tindalls’'' in 2005 when their daughters Sarah & Kathryn were just 13 and 10, with gigs at folk clubs and festivals across the Midlands and Home Counties, culminating in their performance at Fairport Convention’s Cropredy Festival in 2010. Now that their daughters are spreading their wings, Paula & Stuart are performing as a duo again. 

!!24th February – Special Guest Night with Andrew Sharpe  & Amy Kakoura
!!!Supported by 25 Years Late 
''Admission £7/Cons £6 – on the door''
Andrew and Amy supported ''John Connolly'' at the club last June and they are back for a full night by popular request! ''Andrew Sharpe'' is the driving force behind ''Steamchicken'', the great jazz/folk/blues/Ceilidh band that has been going for 20 years! He is also their pianist. ''Amy Kakoura'' is the lead vocalist and co-writer for ''Steamchicken''.  After a Greek heritage, classical training, musical theatre degree, and a Jazz 'n' Blues baptism in London, ''Amy Kakoura'' is becoming known for the versatile and unique skills she brings to a variety of different genres.  Amy recorded lead vocals on concert guitarist ''Richard Durrant's'' 'Christmas Guitars' album, and last year toured around the UK for the third year running as guest vocalist for his Candlelit Christmas season.  Amy is currently working on her debut album. 
Supporting Andrew and Amy is regular Folk Club performer ''Kevin West'', with his band ''25 Years Late''. Kevin is a local singer/songwriter/guitarist. Kevin always had the ambition to have his own band and as the name suggests here it is – ''25 Years Late''!
!1st February – Open Stage Night - MC Dave Fry
Our Open Stage nights have proved very successful over the past few years. They are usually fully booked a month in advance! Many of these acts will almost certainly have a future booking either at the club or the festival so by coming along to our Open Stage nights, not only as performers, but as a listening audience gives you the chance to preview the acts first. There are only five spots, so if you want to perform in one of them, please book it well in advance on 01295 709881 or e-mail bfest@btinternet.com . 
''Bethany Weimers''. Oxford-based Bethany has been building a reputation as a stunning live performer for several years but this is her first time at Banbury Folk Club.
''Pete Joshua''. Pete was lured into the world of electric playing, which occupied most of the seventies and eighties, never forsaking his love of acoustic guitar, he now plays both guitar and banjo.
''Matthew Harris''. Matthew has recently moved up to Banbury from Trowbridge, and plays banjo and sings.
''Dave Fry''. Dave’s appearances at Banbury Folk Club & Festival  are always well received. Dave started by playing a Chad Valley tin banjo, when he was 10 years old!
''Admission £6/Cons £5 – on the door – Performers Free!''

!8th February – Special Guest Night – Fleetwood Cave (as part of their Album Tour) 
!!Supported by Wilson Wright
Two of British folk's most exciting musicians, sharing a love of performing live and for original and traditional music, Marion Fleetwood and Gregg Cave met through new folk super-group ~TRADarrr, who were headliners at last year’s Banbury Folk Festival. With a wealth of performing and recording experience between them, and a considerable catalogue of original and traditional music, they have joined together to form Fleetwood Cave.&nbsp; Fleetwood Cave kindly played for our Festival fundraiser at Banbury Folk Club in March 2016 and also went down a storm at last year’s Banbury Folk & Hobby Horse Festival!  This tour is to promote their debut CD, ‘People Like Us’.    With her winning personality, stunning vocals and excellent fiddle playing, Marion Fleetwood has always been a favourite with Banbury Folk Club and Festival, making regular appearances with Meet on the Ledge and Colvin Quarmby.  More recently we have seen her with the Jigantics. Gregg Cave has also become a staunch supporter of Banbury Folk Club and Festival and went down a storm at the club when he and fiddler Nick Ellison played a double bill with King’s Gambit in November 2015.  Gregg and Nick also played at Banbury Folk Festival in 2014.   [[www.fleetwoodcave.com|http://www.fleetwoodcave.com]]

We have limited tickets for this event so book early to avoid disappointment – see Mary at the club, message her on Facebook,  or leave a message on 01295 709881 to reserve tickets. 
''Admission – £10/£9 Cons - on the door - Advance Booking advised.''

!15th February – SSLaP on the theme of Love led by Paula and Stuart Tindall
As this is the nearest club date to Valentine’s Day, bring along your songs, poems and stories to take a romantic or a wry look at the theme of ‘Love’ for our SSLaP night.  And who better to inspire those loving feelings than Paula and Stuart Tindall! Paula & Stuart have been playing at folk clubs since the early '80s & formed the family Band ‘The Tindalls’ in 2005 when their daughters Sarah & Kathryn were just 13 and 10, with gigs at folk clubs and festivals across the Midlands and Home Counties, including their performance at Fairport Convention’s Cropredy Festival in 2010. Last year we were delighted to have a chance to have Kathryn at the club as a solo artist as well as having Paula & Stuart performing as a duo, but the icing on the cake was the Family Band’s fantastic performance at  last year’s Banbury Folk & Hobby Horse Festival! [[www.paula-and-stuart-tindall.co.uk|http://www.paula-and-stuart-tindall.co.uk]]
''Jug Collection''

!22nd February – Guest Night - Barney Newman & Tom Leary
Barney Newman is a song writer musician from Oxfordshire and has been touring around the Midlands for 20 years in a host of different genres ranging from folk to rock but most recently has settled into his love of all things blues, specialising in his own sound of blues roots folk.  

Tom Leary is no stranger to Banbury Folk Club, having played several times with PJ Wright, Kevin Dempsey and with Little Johnny England.  Tom’s career has seen him play with Lindisfarne, the late John B Spencer, Phil Bates (ELO), Clem Clempson, Steve Gibbons, Tanna, Zeus, Albion Morris and many more. Tom has been in Feast of Fiddles since the outset. 

The combination of Barney’s vocals, Banjo, harmonica and guitar with Toms fiddle and slide guitar make this duo a unique combination of pleasing rootsy sounds, with the original twists all coming together in their album ‘Chopping Wood’ released in 2014.  [[www.thebarneynewman.com|http://www.thebarneynewman.com]]    [[www.myspace.com/fiddlertomleary|http://www.myspace.com/fiddlertomleary]]
''Admission £7/Cons £6 – on the door- Floor spots available''
!7th February – Travelling Minstrel Evening
Only called such as both our guests tonight come from outside of the local area! Both performed at our recent Open Stage night and impressed so much they were invited back for longer sets that night.

''Craig Joiner'' is a Singer/Songwriter/Guitarist from Chorley Wood, near Watford, who is close to finishing his first album.
''Oakleas Rise'', a duo from Northamptonshire, ''Lesley Curtis'' and ''Stuart ~McLeod'', who are both Singer/Songwriters, playing their own brand of Folk/Country/Americana.
''Admission £8''

!14th February – SSLAP on the theme of Love! – hosted by Paula and Stuart Tindall
<html><img src="./images/sslap.jpg" width=200></html>
Come and celebrate Valentine’s Day, bring along your songs, poems and stories to take a romantic or a wry look at the theme of ‘Love’ for our ~SSLaP night.
''Jug Collection – suggested donation £3''

!21st February – Geoff Phipp’s 70th Birthday
An evening of fantastic music arranged by Geoff. Expect surprises and a superb evening from Geoff’s favourites.
''Admission by donation.''

!28th February – Special Guest Night – Phil Beer
Charming, disarming and exceptionally talented, multi-instrumentalist ''Phil Beer'' is something of a national treasure on the folk, roots and acoustic scene. One-half of award-winning powerhouse ''Show of Hands'', Beer is equally as in demand for his solo shows. In early 2018 Phil sets out to share some of his most-loved songs at carefully selected venues across the UK. With the odd laugh thrown in for good measure, Beer’s flawless musicianship and rich vocals will leave you wide-eyed and wanting more.
''Admission £15 – To book tickets please call 07845 821041 or send us a message at https://www.facebook.com/banburyroots/''
Floor Spots – You are welcome to book in for a floor spot, usually two to three numbers, on club guest nights apart from Special Guest nights.
Just have a word with us at the club, phone and leave a message on 01295 709881 ! Derek & Mary
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<td><a href="./gallery/GBOC14/index.html" target="_blank">Banbury Folk Club Opening Ceremony 2014</a></td></tr>
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You'll also need to enter your username for signing your edits: <<option txtUserName>>
!8th Jan & 15th Jan - Club closed

!22nd January - Burns Night with Selkie.
Hector Gilchrist, a great Scottish singer/guitarist from Ayrshire with a golden voice is well versed in the songs and poems of "Rabbie Burns". Hector will be once again joined by Liz Thomson from the Highlands, whose lovely voice and harmonies accompany him so well as the duo "Selkie". A haggis, tatties 'n' neeps supper will be provided at a small extra charge. Hector will be addressing the haggis in true Burns style. The haggis will be piped in by Pipe Major Steven Duffy who will then play some traditional tunes. There will be dancing from members of the Acushla Highland Dance Company.
Drayton Leisure Golf Centre OX17 1HJ
- Starts at 8.pm
Admission £8 (Cons. £7) - Haggis Supper £4
!29th January – Grand Opening Session at the Banbury Cross!
Hosted by Bill Bates.
Opening Ceremony to be performed by the Town Mayor of Banbury, Councillor Nicholas Turner.

A positively humungous SSLaP to start off the season in our lovely new venue! We are expecting a good turn-out from our local performers. Bill Bates is well loved by our audience for his comic and sensitive songs and his friendly personality. We are sure he will provide just the right note for this occasion.
Join us to re-launch Banbury Folk Club in style!
Starts at 8.00pm.
Jug Collection
!!7th January – Start the year with Acoustic Journey. Floor spots available
''£6/Cons £5 – on the door''
These three guys from Northamptonshire have delighted us with their enthusiastic
performances each time they have appeared at the club, so we thought it was time to
give them a night of their own. ''Acoustic Journey'' are a Country/Americana/Acoustic Rock
trio.The band consists of ''Andrew Jones'' providing lead vocals, ''Ben Gurney'' on guitar and
''Andy Sammons'' a drummer, who provides the beat of the group's music on the cajon. A
melting pot of sounds has clearly influenced their varied musical styles, but at its' heart
it is modern Country music. [[www.acousticjourney.co.uk|http://www.acousticjourney.co.uk]]   

!!14th January –SSLaP – led by Ian Ralph Huckin
''Jug Collection''
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go
in a less formal setting. Come along & join in! ''Ian Ralph Huckin'' is a regular contributor to
these sessions, often accompanied by his talented grandchildren ''Thomas and Megan''. He
has an eclectic taste in music and a great sense of humour, so expect the unexpected!

!!21st January- Pete Joshua and Ian Giles. Floor spots available
''Admission £6/Cons £5 – on the door''
Two very diverse performers from Oxford - ''Pete Joshua'' is an excellent guitarist who pens
some very unusual songs. Pete began playing in the folk clubs of the sixties. Pete was
lured into the world of electric playing, never forsaking his love of acoustic guitar. Joining
him is ''Ian Giles'', well-known singer from the group ''‘Magpie Lane’''. Ian’s voice is amongst
the finest on the folk scene: warm and mellow, but with great power when required. A
veteran of many folk club gigs and pub sessions, Ian is equally at home with a lyrical
ballad, or leading a lusty chorus song. See what happens when contemporary meets
trad! We are repeating this in our programme as last year Ian unfortunately became ill,
leaving Pete to carry the night on his own!

!!28th January - Burns Night with Selkie
''Admission £8/Cons £7- Haggis Supper £4 – Advance Booking advised.''
''Hector Gilchrist'', a great Scottish singer/guitarist from Ayrshire with a golden voice is well
versed in the songs and poems of “Rabbie Burns”. Hector will be once again joined by
''Liz Thomson'' from the Highlands, whose lovely voice and harmonies accompany him so
well as the duo “Selkie.  [[www.hectorgilchrist.co.uk|http://www.hectorgilchrist.co.uk]] 
A haggis, tatties ‘n’ neeps supper will be provided at a small extra charge. Hector will be
addressing the haggis in true Burns style. The haggis will be piped in by ''Pipe Major
Steven Duffy'' who will then play some traditional tunes. There will be dancing from
members of the ''Acushla Highland Dance Company''.
We have limited tickets for this event so book early to avoid disappointment –
see Mary at the club or leave a message on 01295 709881 to reserve tickets.
!!6th January – Start the year with  Acoustic Journey
!!!Floor spots available 
''Admission £7/Cons £6 – on the door ''
They started off our Folk Club Year last year and we are glad to see them back again! ''Acoustic Journey'' are a Country/Americana/Acoustic Rock trio from Northamptonshire. The band consists of ''Andrew Jones'' providing lead vocals, ''Ben Gurney'' on guitar and ''Andy Sammons'' a drummer, who provides the beat of the group's music on the cajon. A melting pot of sounds has clearly influenced their varied musical styles, but at its' heart it is modern Country music. ''Acoustic Journey'' have had one hell of a year playing shows alongside some of the best UK Country artists around all over the UK. The guys have also recorded a brand new EP ‘Get Back Up: Get Back On It’, which you can find on iTunes, Amazon and ~GooglePlay.
[[ www.acousticjourney.co.uk|http:// www.acousticjourney.co.uk]] 

!!13th January – SSLaP – led by Fraser & Toots
''Jug Collection''
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in! ''Fraser and Susanne (Toots)'' are Buckingham based “songsters and tunesmiths” mixing accordion, guitar and vocals, with a huge repertoire of their own songs, acoustic folk, and jazzy ragtime blues they call rag’n’roll music. With them in the chair anything goes!

!!20th January- Noah’s Cape
!!!Floor spot - Stuart Tindall
''Admission £6/Cons £5 – on the door''
''Linda Watkins, Marian Wedley and Paula Tindall'' have combined through happy accident and the result is magical…..a girl group, with a difference. Three ladies, three voices, three sets of musical talent&nbsp;including multi instrumental skills, songwriting expertise and a huge sense of fun. Using strings, percussion and delicious harmony in careful measure, ''Noah’s Cape'' present an entertaining show with songs from corners least expected and material conjured from their own minds – all blended together with an ear for musical arrangement and a passion for a good tune! 

!!27th January - Burns Night with Selkie
''Admission £8/Cons £7- Haggis Supper £4 – Advance Booking advised.''
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<td width=200><center><img src="./images/haggis.jpg"> </td>
<td width=200><center><img src="./images/piper.gif"></td>
''Hector Gilchrist'', a great Scottish singer/guitarist from Ayrshire with a golden voice is well versed in the songs and poems of “Rabbie Burns”. Hector will be once again joined by ''Liz Thomson'' from the Highlands, whose lovely voice and harmonies accompany him so well as the duo ''“Selkie"''.

A haggis, tatties ‘n’ neeps supper will be provided at a small extra charge. Hector will be addressing the haggis in true Burns style. The haggis will be piped in by ''Pipe Major Steven Duffy'' who will then play some traditional tunes. There will be dancing from members of the ''Acushla Highland Dance Company'' 
We have limited tickets for this event so book early to avoid disappointment – see Mary at the club or leave a message on 01295 709881 to reserve tickets.
!11thJanuary – Start the year with The Ponderosa
!!Floor spots available
We saw this band at Swanfest, Wychwood Folk Club’s one day festival and snapped them up! The Ponderosa are Rod Craig (mandolin/vocals), Kate Saunders (fiddle/vocals), Simon Stafford (vocals/guitar), and Colin Tester (percussion). Hailing from the gently rolling hills and river valleys of Oxfordshire, they play an infectious blend of the familiar and obscure: traditional and contemporary acoustic music played with passion and energy, by turns sublime and rabble rousing. The Ponderosa can be guaranteed to start off the Club Year with a bang! 
''Admission £8/Cons £7 on the door''

!18thJanuary – SSLaP – led by Tim Hall
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in! Tim is a regular performer at these sessions and usually has something up his sleeve to entertain us … a monologue, a poem, a comic song …. And we guarantee that he will not only be entertaining himself but will encourage others to participate.
''Jug Collection''

!25th January - Burns Night with Selkie 
Our annual Burns celebration – this time it really is on Burns Night! Hector Gilchrist, a great Scottish singer/guitarist from Ayrshire with a golden voice is well versed in the songs and poems of “Rabbie Burns”. Hector will be once again joined by Liz Thomson from the Highlands, whose lovely voice and harmonies accompany him so well as the duo “Selkie.  [[www.hectorgilchrist.co.uk|http://www.hectorgilchrist.co.uk]]

A haggis, tatties ‘n’ neeps supper will be provided at a small extra charge. Hector will be addressing the haggis in true Burns style. The haggis will be piped in by Pipe Major Steven Duffy who will then play some traditional tunes. There will be dancing from members of the Acushla Highland Dance Company 
We have limited tickets for this event so book early to avoid disappointment – see Mary at the club, message her on Facebook,  or leave a message on 01295 709881 to reserve tickets. 
''Admission £9/Cons £8- Haggis Supper £4 – Advance Booking advised.''
!10th January – Patron’s Night – with Marion Fleetwood and Gerry Colvin
<html><img src="./images/patrons_marion_gerry.jpg" width=200></html>
We start off the new year with a special night under the guidance of our good friends and new club patron’s, ''Marion Fleetwood'' and ''Gerry Colvin''. Superb musicianship is guaranteed.
''Admission - £8 – on the door''

!17th January – SSLAP – hosted by Dave Fry
<html><img src="./images/sslap.jpg" width=200></html>
Our ~SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in! Who better than Dave Fry to lead an evening to welcome in the New Year!
''Jug Collection – suggested donation £3''

!24th January - Burns Night with Hector Gilchrist
<html><img src="./images/bfc_room.jpg" width=200></html>
Our annual Burns celebration. ''Hector Gilchrist'', a great Scottish singer/guitarist from Ayrshire with a golden voice is well versed in the songs and poems of “Rabbie Burns”.
A haggis, tatties ‘n’ neeps supper will be provided at a small extra charge. Hector will be addressing the haggis in true Burns style. The haggis will be piped in by Pipe Major ''Steven Duffy'' who will then play some traditional tunes. There will be dancing from members of the ''Acushla Highland Dance Company'' 
We have limited tickets for this event so book early to avoid disappointment – reserve your tickets at the club, message us on Facebook, or leave a message on 07845 821041 to reserve tickets. 
''Admission £8- Haggis Supper £4 – Advance Booking advised.''

!31st January – Local Youth Music Night hosted by Stevie Cooper
A night of performance from young local artists.
''Blue E. Watson'' has grown up round musicians and the arts. His first solo performance was at the folk club. He has featured in the long running local band ''The Next Hot Thing''.
''Katie Wickham'' has appeared a few times at the folk club and is branching out as a solo act. She performs a wide range of acoustic genres and has been gaining much appreciation in various venues.
''Miah Alicia'' is rather new to the scene and can be found busking in Banbury and attending open mics. Her classic style vocals has made people pay attention.
''Pheobe Rose'' is a multi-talented singer-song writer. A pianist, guitarist and concert violinist. Pheobe writes, performs and creates a hybrid of acoustic roots music and pop.
''Admission £8''
!!2nd July - Guest Night - Gregg Cave & Nick Ellison
''Admission £7.00/Cons £6.00, on the door''
At the age of 18 Gregg formed folk-rock band ''CAVE''. The band toured extensively around England and enjoyed main stage billing at some of the best English folk festivals and venues. The mixture of Gregg’s songs and carefully selected traditional songs & tunes with members such as ''Guy Fletcher'' (fiddle) and ''Simon Care'' (melodeon) made for a very popular live sound. In the autumn of 2012,&nbsp;Gregg embarked on a very successful tour of Germany where he was joined by fiddler ''Nick Ellison''. Gregg and Nick played at last year’s Banbury Folk Festival and we are delighted to see them at the club! 

!!9th July – SSLaP – Led by Jules Procter
''Jug Collection''
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in! Banburyshire Storyteller Jules is a regular performer at these evenings and usually has something up his sleeve to delight and surprise you!

!!16th July – Open Stage Night
''Performers Free, Audience £6.00/Cons £5.00 – on the door''
A showcase for artists to perform in front of an audience. Spots are available app. 20 minutes each performance. Please book in with Derek and Mary at the club or ‘phone 01295 709881. Many of these acts are likely to be booked for future nights at the club.

!!23rd July – Special Guest, Les Barker, supported by Floot Street 
''Admission £9.00/Cons £8.00 – on the door''
Les Barker writes strange poems and comes originally from Manchester, but he's now Welsh. He was an accountant before he became a professional idiot. Les began his career as assistant to Mrs Ackroyd, a small hairy mongrel who lay around in folk clubs, bit people and became famous. Les is mainly a solo performer, but has been known to appear with humans occasionally, such as The Mrs Ackroyd Band and as Idiot and Friend with Keith Donnelly.  Les is adorable, hilarious, unique and not to be missed!
 Les will be supported by Floot Street, who played at one of our Open Stage Nights in 2013. Ewan, Karen and Dan got together at a pub garden session in Warwick at the 2013 Folk Festival. They have been playing together ever since, delighting audiences with beautiful traditional music from all over Britain and beyond, performing imaginative arrangements and displaying stunning musicianship. 

!!30th July – BBQ/Festival Fundraiser Concert at Drayton Leisure Golf Centre
BBQ starts at 7.00pm, Concert at 8pm
''Admission £7/Cons £6 + small charge for BBQ food''
Our annual end of season event in aid of Banbury Folk Festival.  BBQ, fun & games!  Concert features:
''Linda Watkins'' - The return of the Welsh Songstress! 
''Toots & Fraser'' - Husband and wife team Toots on accordion and Fraser on guitar and vocals will delight you with their mix of sweet and silly songs, witty banter and musicianship.
''Black Parrot Seaside'' – Got us all giggling at our Open Stage in March! Traditional Folk, Blues and Contemporary and Comedy Folk band. Some covers + many self-penned. Audience participation preferred.

!!Club closed in August – Re-opens Wednesday 3rd September

!!1st July - Open Stage - MC Di Jackson
''Admission £6/Cons £5 on the door. Performers Free!''
A showcase for artists to perform in front of an audience. Spots are available approx. 20 minutes each performance. Please book in with Derek and Mary at the club, message Mary on Facebook at Mary Droscher,or ‘phone 01295 709881. Many of these acts may well be booked for future nights at the club.

!!8th July - Special Guest Marion Fleetwood
!!!Support Ben Clempson and Nina Bailey
''Admission £8/Cons £7 on the door''
''Marion'' has launched her first solo album this year, financing this via Crowdfunding where her fans were able to bid for copies of her CD but also for gigs …. So we were straight in there! With her winning personality, stunning vocals and excellent fiddle playing, Marion has always been a favourite with Banbury Folk Club and Festival, making regular appearances with ''Meet on the Ledge'' and ''Colvin Quarmby''. More recently we have seen her with the ''Jigantics'' and she is now a member of Folk Rock super-group ''~TRADarrr''. We have always wanted to hear more of Marion on her own, and now’s our chance!

Marion will be supported by local contemporary duo ''Ben Clempson and Nina Bailey''. You may remember Nina’s amazing voice when they did a floor-spot when ''Palmerston'' was at the club last November. 

We have limited tickets for this event so book early to avoid disappointment – see Mary at the club, message Mary on Facebook at Mary Droscher, or leave a message on 01295 709881 to reserve tickets.

!!15th July – SSLaP led by Tim Hall
''Jug Collection''
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen& Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in!

!!22nd July – Special Guest Night – Winter Wilson
!!!Support Sian Magill
''Admission £7/£6 Cons on the door''
''Winter Wilson'' have built up a reputation for fine songs, stunning harmonies and spontaneous, (occasionally outrageous!) off-the-wall humour. ''Dave Wilson'' is now recognised as one of the UK’s best contemporary, acoustic songwriters. A great wordsmith, his songs are sometimes challenging, often lyrical, but always poetic and have been widely covered, including “Storm around Tumbledown” recorded by ''Vin Garbutt'', amongst many others. ''Kip Winter'' has simply one of the best voices in the business, delivering power and emotion in equal measure. In the past she has sung everything from opera to soul and jazz, but is at her best (and happiest) singing folk and blues. With a full touring schedule for 2015 and an ever-increasing fan base, Winter Wilson’s reputation can only continue to grow.&nbsp; 
Supporting Winter Wilson will be singer/songwriter ''Sian Magill''. Based in Oxford & Milton Keynes, Sian’s varying musical taste comes together to create a varied and beguiling performance, producing songs inspired by her folk roots, love of blues and jazz vocalists, and passion for literature and the written word. An up and coming talent not to miss. 

We have limited tickets for this event so book early to avoid disappointment – see Mary at the club, message Mary on Facebook at Mary Droscher, or leave a message on 01295 709881 to reserve tickets.

!!29thJuly – Local Guest Night  - The Skeptics - Floor spots available
''Admission £6/Cons £5 – on the door''
They started off our Summer programme by leading the SSLaP on the theme of Summer, so this time we have given them a night on their own to round off the season. An a capella trio with a distinctive harmony style, The Skeptics perform a miscellany of songs drawing on their varied musical pasts. Working under the adage that anything done more than once is traditional, The Skeptics add their ~Folk-Fusion twist to a range of “traditional” songs you may just recognise from elsewhere!
!!Wednesday 6th July – Comic Songwriting Competition
''Admission £6/Cons £5 – on the door- Performers Free!''
Our annual Songwriting Competition, this time with a comic twist! Local artists will be invited to join the panel of judges plus a member of the Folk Club. The audience will also have a vote which will be taken into account in the event of a tie. There will be a prize of £50 for the winning song!  Competitors can enter up to 3 songs. To enter please speak to Derek or Mary at the club, phone 01295 709881 and leave us a message, or message Mary on Facebook at Mary Droscher. 

!!Wednesday 13th July –SSLaP led by Tim Hall tbc
''Jug Collection''
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen& Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in!

!!Wednesday 20th July – Guest Night with Chris Tobin 
!!!Floor spots available.
''£7/£6 Cons - on the door''
It’s been too long since Chris last played at Banbury Folk Club and we are sure he will go down well at the Banbury Cross!
Chris was born into a musical family in Banbury in 1951. "We made our own entertainment, as the saying goes, in those early days!" A cousin introduced Chris to the guitar when he was eleven and sparked an interest that would never fade. After spending nearly 35 years in various pop, rock, dance bands, Chris came full circle and returned to the 'old piano stool' and for the last ten years, with just Chris and his guitar, he gives his interpretation of the songs that inspired him as a youngster. Chris says, “I play the songs that I like and hope that the audience likes them too!”  

!!Wednesday 27th July – Local Guest Night with Paula & Stuart Tindall
!!!Floor spots available.
''Admission £6/£5 Cons - on the door''
Paula & Stuart have been playing at folk clubs since the early '80s & went on to form their family Band in 2005 when their daughters were just 13 and 10, with gigs at folk clubs and festivals across the Midlands and Home Counties, the highlight being a performance at Fairport’s Cropredy Convention in 2010. Now that daughters Sarah and Kathryn are pursuing their own careers, Paula & Stuart have a chance to perform as a duo again and we are sure they will not disappoint! We had a taste of Tindall talent with Kathryn’s solo gig last month – now its Mum & Dad’s turn! 

!!Sunday 31st July – Folk in the Courtyard Festival Fundraiser
A great day of free music hosted by Banbury Folk Club to give local people a taster of some of the great acts that have appeared at the club and will be at this year's Banbury Folk Festival.


There will be a bucket collection and raffle to go towards festival funds.
!5th July – Song Competition
Our annual Song Competition for all you talented song-writers!! Local artists will be invited to join the panel of judges plus a member of the Folk Club. The audience will also have a vote which will be taken into account in the event of a tie. There will be a prize of ''£50'' for the winning song!  Competitors can enter up to 3 songs. To enter please speak to Derek or Mary at the club, phone 01295 709881 and leave us a message, or message Mary on Facebook at Mary Droscher. 
''Admission £6/Cons £5 – on the door- Performers Free!''

!12th July –SSLaP led by Thrup’nny Bits
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen& Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. 
Theme for the evening - Songs of Sedition and Seduction.
Thrup’nny Bits are a three voice unaccompanied harmony group singing traditional and contemporary folk songs, some music hall material, with some Early Music and humorous songs for good measure. Many&nbsp;of their songs encourage (even require) audience participation!  ''Barbara and Gareth Wyatt'', and ''Des Patalong'' come from Warwickshire and Coventry and are well known on the local folk scene having been in various line-ups in the past. Come along & join in!
''Jug Collection''

At The Banbury Cross, Butchers Row.
MC: ''Linda Watkins''
1.00pm - ''Whiter Than''
2.00pm - ''Scarecrow''
3.00pm - ''15 String Trio''
4.00pm - ''The  Kevin O'Regan Band''
Free Entry
Bucket Collection, Raffle and Tombola
In aid of Banbury Folk Festival & Hobby Horse Festival

!19th July – Guest Night with Bill ~McKinnon
!!Floor spots available.
Bill has 30 years experience and enjoyment of traditional music, playing 5-string banjo, tenor banjo, guitar, mandolin and melodeon (& probably too many other instruments to mention!) Bill is a great session leader, inspiring all with his energy and enthusiasm, but added to that is a superb singer and solo performer. Bill hosted our SSLaP session at the club in May and regularly hosts our Music sessions at Banbury Folk Festivqal. He has also appeared at the club with ''Cliodhna'' and ''Blackthorn''. About time we gave him a night of his own!
''Admission £6/£5 Cons - on the door''

!26thJuly – Special Guest Night with Les Barker
!!Support - Toots & Fraser
Les Barker writes strange poems and comes originally from Manchester, but he's now Welsh. He was an accountant before he became a professional idiot. Les began his career as assistant to ''Mrs Ackroyd'', a small hairy mongrel who lay around in folk clubs, bit people and became famous. Les is mainly a solo performer, but has been known to appear with humans occasionally, such as ''The Mrs Ackroyd Band'' and as ''Idiot and Friend'' with ''Keith Donnelly''.  Les is adorable, hilarious, unique and not to be missed! [[www.mrsackroyd.com|http://www.mrsackroyd.com]]
Fraser and Susanne (Toots) are Buckingham based “songsters and tunesmiths” mixing accordion, guitar and vocals, with a huge repertoire of their own songs, acoustic folk, and jazzy ragtime blues they call rag’n’roll music.

We have limited tickets for this event so book early to avoid disappointment – see Mary at the club, message Mary on Facebook at Mary Droscher, or leave a message on 01295 709881 to reserve tickets.
''Admission £10/Cons £9 – on the door''

!Club closed in August – reopens 6th September
!4th July - SSLAP

!11th July - Ian Ralph Huckin Night

!18th July - Sunjay

!21st July - Special Guest Night - TBA
Type the text for 'Jules Procter'
!!For Banbury Folk Club booking enquiries, please ring Derek and Mary on 01295 709881

Web-site maintained by :-<br>
Jules Procter<br>
18 Bath Road<br>
OX16 0TP<br>
<a href="mailto:jprocter@banburyshire.net">jprocter@banburyshire.net</a>

!!4th June - Local Guest Night - Scarecrow 
''Admission £6.00/Concessions £5.00 – on the door''
Once again we are welcoming back Scarecrow who are regular favourites at the club and the Folk Festival. They are a band that is well known in the Banbury area, performing at Music at the Crossroads, Adderbury’s Party in the Park and Banbury Canal Day. The band consists of Dave Moore (whistle, flute and hummelchen bagpipes), Gordon Raitt (guitar and bouzouki) and Rey Lear (bass guitar, flute and whistle). Their music ranges from traditional to contemporary folk with some jazz and blues for good measure! A fantastic combination of instruments which makes for great sounding haunting tunes and a good repertoire of songs which have also been built into their sets.

!!11th June – Special Guest Night – The Jigantics _ Supported by Dave Oakley
''Admission £8.00/Concessions £7.00 – on the door''
The Jigantics are a five-piece band, part of a growing group of contemporary artists who are looking beyond conventional musical stereotypes, and enjoying a fusion of great songs, stunning harmonies and fine musicianship. In this case it's a genre-defying mix of Roots, Blues, Trad, Country and then some! They went down a storm at Banbury Folk Festival last year! The line-up is Rick Edwards (guitar, vocal); Marion Fleetwood (vocals, fiddle, cello, and mandolin); Adrian Deane (bass guitar, vocals); Mark Cole (vocals, mandolin, squeezeboxes, and harmonica); Martin Fitzgibbon (drums, percussion, vocals).
Dave Oakley delighted everyone with his songs at the recent evening with performers from the Bell Inn at Adderbury, so we are pleased to have this opportunity to hear more of him!
!!18th June – SSLaP – Led by Sarah Mellor and Caroline Watsham
 ''Jug Collection''
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in!
Sarah and Caroline are no strangers to these sessions and with them in charge we can guarantee a varied night’s entertainment.

!!25th June - Dave Fry and Friends
''Admission £6.00/Concessions £5.00 – on the door''
Dave delighted our audience on our Opening Night at The Banbury Cross and when he supported Blackthorn earlier this year. Dave started by playing a Chad Valley tin banjo, when he was 10 years old, till he blistered his thumb and he was hooked! He bought his first home-made guitar at twelve. He played in beat groups in Cumbria in the swinging 60s, and then found folk at 17. He fell in love with twelve-string guitar at 18 and has been playing one ever since. Dave has appeared at many folk clubs and festivals across the Midlands, where he has built up a reputation as an all-round entertainer, singer, guitarist and raconteur. Tonight he is inviting his musical friends to join him for a great evening’s entertainment! 
!!3rd June – Special Guest Night with PJ Wright & Guy Fletcher
!!!Supported by Bruce Gomersall
''Admission £7/Cons £6 on the door''
''PJ Wright's'' career has ranged from guitar player with Bobby Vee, Del Shannon, The Coasters and Millie Jackson to membership of Ashley Hutchings' Morris On Band. Through the 1980s and 90s, PJ regularly recorded and toured as lead guitarist with the Steve Gibbons Band, going on to form the Fairport Convention offshoot Dylan Project with Dave Pegg and Steve in 1998. Since 1999, he has been lead singer and guitarist with the folk rock band Little Johnny England as well as performing as a solo artist. More recently he has become part of exciting Folk Rock group ''~TRADarrr''. PJ has been a regular performer at the club performing solo, with Tom Leary and with Dave Pegg. 
Also now part of ''~TRADarr'', joining PJ is multi-musician ''Guy Fletcher''. Guy has been at the forefront of British folk music for over a decade, equally at home on the fiddle, mandolin, guitar or drums. Feast of Fiddles, Little Johnny England, Morris On, Tickled Pink... the list goes on.

Supporting PJ and Guy will be singer/guitarist ''Bruce Gomersall'', who as Nettlebed Folk Cub resident, has supported many of the biggest names on the Folk scene. Bruce sings a range of contemporary, traditional and self-penned songs.
We have limited tickets for this event so book early to avoid disappointment – see Mary at the club, message Mary on Facebook at Mary Droscher, or leave a message on 01295 709881 to reserve tickets.

!!10th June – SSLaP led by Jules Procter
''Jug Collection''
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in!

!!17th June – Fish & Chips & Sea Shanties Night with Sharp as Razors
''Admission £6.00/Cons £5.00 on the door. Please contact Mary to make advance orders for the Fish & Chips!''
You can’t get much further from the sea than land-locked Banbury but that doesn’t stop us enjoying a nautical night. We will start off the evening with a Fish & Chips supper and then will be entertained by ''Sharp as Razors''.  Sharp as Razors have been singing to audiences at folk clubs and festivals both individually and in various groups for well over sixty years. They first got together towards the end of 2009 and had their first public performance at Bromsgrove Folk Club in May 2010. Since then, they have performed at a good number of folk clubs and festivals in the Midlands and further afield. They sing shanties and maritime songs, mostly upbeat but with some quieter and humorous items to give variety to their performances.

!!24th June - Special Guest Night with John Connolly
!!!Supported by Andrew Sharpe & Amy Kakoura
''Admission £8/Cons £7 on the door''
''John Connolly'' comes from Grimsby, on the northeast coast of England. He has been writing and singing folk songs for more years than you may care to remember. You might say he is a real folk singer and one that was around in the revival era of the 60's. Indeed, his name appears on Sidmouth, and many other festival guest lists, even earlier than Martin Carthy. Many sing his songs not knowing who wrote them. Many think some of his songs are traditional; particularly his world famous song 'Fiddlers Green', frequently listed as traditional in the credits on other artists albums. Other masterpieces of his include 'Punch and Judy Man', 'Out of Season', and let's not forget his monologue 'Albert goes to Cleethorpes'.  A night with John Connolly will move you to tears of emotion and then to laughter. Not to be missed!
Supporting John will be pianist ''Andrew Sharpe'' accompanying the powerful vocals of ''Amy Kakoura'', both part of the jazz/roots band ''Steamchicken''. 

We have limited tickets for this event so book early to avoid disappointment – see Mary at the club, message Mary on Facebook at Mary Droscher, or leave a message on 01295 709881 to reserve tickets.
!!Wednesday 1st  June – Guest Night with Kathryn Tindall
!!!Floor spots available.
''Admission £6/Cons £5– on the door'' 
No stranger to Banbury Folk Club, Kathryn has been performing from an early age alongside her family in ‘The Tindalls’ where she has appeared at numerous Folk festivals (including Fairports Cropredy Convention) and clubs around the country. Kathryn is proving to be a talented solo performer. She is currently in her 2nd year studying Musical Theatre in Guildford at the Performance Preparation Academy drama school. Kathryn plays mostly acoustic covers; big influences of hers include Eva Cassidy, Sara Barielles and Fleetwood Mac. We are lucky to catch Kathryn in her half-term break. 

!!Wednesday 8th June – Guest Night with Jenkinson’s Folly
!!!Supported by Caroline Watsham
''Admission £8/Cons £7 – on the door''
Jenkinson's Folly are Towcester based Folk duo, ''Phil Thurman'' (Guitars, Bouzouki, Vocals) and ''Sophie Thurman'' (Cello, Whistles, Vocals) They appeared at the club in our Open Stage Night last July and are back for a night of their own by popular demand. Formerly a stalwart of the Oxford folk scene, Sophie Thurman is also a member of Magpie Lane while Phil Thurman previously hosted the fondly remembered Fir Tree Tavern sessions. Their repertoire of traditional and contemporary folk songs has enchanted audiences at pubs, clubs and festivals, with rich vocals and crafted instrumental accompaniment. 
Supporting Jenkinson’s Folly will be ''Caroline Watsham'', who as well as many performances at the club with her musical saw, did a delightful set with her auto-harp at last November’s Open Stage. Caroline won the Comic Song Competition at the club in 2014 and recently hosted our ‘~Folkie-Oki’ night. She can also be seen taking part in local theatricals as well as riding hobby horses!

!!Wednesday 15th June – SSLaP Led by Ian Ralph Huckin tbc
''Jug Collection''
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in!

!!Wednesday 22nd June - Guest Night with Bruce Gomersall
!!!Floor spots available. 
''Admission £6/Cons £5– on the door''
We are pleased to welcome back singer/guitarist ''Bruce Gomersall'', who as Nettlebed Folk Cub resident has supported many of the biggest names on the Folk scene. Bruce has done concert and MC spots at Sidmouth, Warwick, Whitby and Otley Festivals, as well as a load of Folk Clubs around the UK. Bruce sings a range of contemporary, traditional and self-penned songs.2 CD's to date, made with a select range of musicians, and a First World War set which is extremely powerful.

!!Wednesday 29th June – Special Guest Night with Scold’s Bridle
''Admission £8/Cons £7 – on the door''
The duo Scold’s Bridle are ''Sue Bousfield'' and ''Liz Moore'' who originate from the Fylde coast in Lancashire.&nbsp; They have been playing music together for nearly 40 years, Their warmth, friendliness, and relaxed approach on stage, combined with harmonies accompanied by Liz’s guitar result in an entertaining evening&nbsp;of good music.&nbsp; They cover a wide spectrum of songs, from wistful, to sad, to funny, with plenty to sing along to. They will also be joining us for this year’s Banbury Folk Festival.  

We have limited tickets for this event so book early to avoid disappointment – see Mary at the club, message Mary on Facebook at Mary Droscher, or leave a message on 01295 709881 to reserve tickets.
!7th June – SSLaP Led by Caroline Watsham
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Caroline is a regular contributor to these sessions. She lives on a narrow boat and enjoys dabbling in a variety of instruments - some more proficiently than others! - including guitar, keyboard, dulcimer, autoharp and, most notoriously, her musical saw. With extensive research Caroline has discovered that today is National Chocolate Ice Cream Day, so tonight’s them will be Chocolate, ~Ice-Cream or anything with a sweet connection!
Come along & join in!
''Jug Collection''

!14th June - Guest Night with Acousticana
!!Floor spots available.
Acousticana is ''Braham Levy'' and ''David Menday'', who have been singing together for many years now. Playing a mix of music from a variety of genres, their interest is in presenting acoustic versions of songs in a new way. Both also write their own songs and perform them together with songs, well known and new, from other writers. They did a great spot last year supporting the Jigantics and we are delighted to have them back as tonight’s guests.
''Admission £6/Cons £5– on the door''
!21st June - Special Guest Night with Bob Fox
!!Supported by Anna Ryder
Wonderful to have Bob back at the club!  ''Bob Fox'' is one of the scene’s superior singers, a passionate interpreter of song. Bob is a talented musician playing guitar, melodeon and dulcimer, who in recent years has found fame as ‘Song Man, in the West End and touring productions of ‘War Horse.  Bob is also one of the key players in the hugely successful show ‘The Pitmen Poets.’  Add to that a full and varied repertoire of traditional and modern songs and plenty of good ‘craic’ and you can be sure of a good night. [[www.bobfoxmusic.com|http://www.bobfoxmusic.com]]

Supporting Bob and joining him for a few numbers is ''Anna Ryder''. Anna is a superb singer-songwriter and talented multi-instrumentalist whose songs are consistently original and inventive. She combines a captivating stage presence with an endearing naivety that reaches out to the whole audience. Anna and Bob have both guested for Fairport Convention’s Winter Tour in the past and know each other well. We are in for some fun!

We have limited tickets for this event so book early to avoid disappointment – see Mary at the club, message Mary on Facebook at Mary Droscher, or leave a message on 01295 709881 to reserve tickets.
''Admission £10/Cons £9– on the door.''

!28h June – Guest Night with Linda Watkins
!!Floor spots available
''Linda Watkins'' has always been a great supporter of Banbury Folk Club and Festival and can be seen in many guises, with The Linda Watkins Band, with her all female trio Noah’s Cape, as MC, or assisting her husband Richard with his sound engineering. Tonight the spotlight is turned on her solo performance. 

Linda is a singer songwriter and guitarist, but it doesn’t end there. She also enjoys playing mandolin and bodhran and an assortment of more unusual instruments including Portuguese guitar, Puerto Ricancuatro, Greek bouzouki, cittern and dulcimer, which often sneak their way into her performances. She even surprised us with a Welsh harp at the club’s Music Hall in 2015!  Linda’s songs reflect a varied set of musical influences from traditional to contemporary.   [[www.lindawatkins.co.uk|http://www.lindawatkins.co.uk]]
''Admission £6/Cons £5– on the door''
!6th June - SSLAP - hosted by TBC
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in! There may be cake in the interval!

''Jug Collection - suggested donation £3''

!13th June - Noah’s Cape - support TBC
A return for a club favourite in a new format. ''Linda Watkins'' and ''Marion Wedley'' are now joined by ''Mark Neil''. Their short performance at Geoff Phipp’s birthday evening recently was a preview of what promises to be a fantastic evening.

''Admission £8''
!20th June - Navaro - support TBC
Three friends with distinctive voices formed a band together around 10 years ago. Their blend of country/folk tinged acoustic music led to an indie record deal, two albums, critical acclaim and numerous gigs and festival appearances. The band are currently recording their third album. One not to miss!

''Admission £8''

!27th June - Vikki Clayton - support TBC
A welcome return to the club for Vikki Clayton, who was last here in 2013!

''Admission £8– advanced booking is advised -  please call 07845 821041 or send us a message at https://www.facebook.com/banburyroots/''
<<tiddler DefaultTiddlers>>
<a href="./gallery/index.html" target="_blank"><b>Gallery</b></a>
[[Floor Spots]]

Programme :
<<slider chkSliderOptionsPanel BFC2018 '2018»' 'Banbury Folk Club Programme 2018'>>
<<slider chkSliderOptionsPanel BFC2017 '2017»' 'Banbury Folk Club Programme 2017'>>
<<slider chkSliderOptionsPanel BFC2016 '2016»' 'Banbury Folk Club Programme 2016'>>
<<slider chkSliderOptionsPanel BFC2015 '2015»' 'Banbury Folk Club Programme 2015'>>
<<slider chkSliderOptionsPanel BFC2014 '2014»' 'Banbury Folk Club Programme 2014'>>
<<slider chkSliderOptionsPanel BFC2013 '2013»' 'Banbury Folk Club Programme 2013'>>
<<slider chkSliderOptionsPanel BFC2012 '2012»' 'Banbury Folk Club Programme 2012'>>
<<slider chkSliderOptionsPanel BFC2011 '2011»' 'Banbury Folk Club Programme 2011'>>
<<slider chkSliderOptionsPanel BFC2010 '2010»' 'Banbury Folk Club Programme 2010'>>

Website by:

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!!5th March - Pete Joshua and Ian Giles
'' - Admission £6.00/Concessions £5.00 – on the door''
Two very diverse performers from Oxford. Pete Joshua is an excellent guitarist who pens some very
unusual songs. Pete began playing in the folk clubs of the sixties. Pete was lured into the world of electric
playing, never forsaking his love of acoustic guitar. Joining him is Ian Giles, well-known singer from the
group ‘Magpie Lane’. Ian’s voice is amongst the finest on the folk scene: warm and mellow, but with great
power when required. A veteran of many folk club gigs and pub sessions, Ian is equally at home with a
lyrical ballad, or leading a lusty chorus song. See what happens when contemporary meets trad!
!!12th March – Stevie Matt Cooper
'' - Admission £6.00/Concessions £5.00 – on the door''
Stevie Matt Cooper is a familiar face on the Banbury music scene ... one of Oxfordshire's most unsung
musical talents, who can often be seen playing alongside names like Aurora J Young and The Next Hot
Thing. Last year saw him doing a great spot with his sister Jodie at Kevin O’ Regan’s fundraiser for
Banbury Folk Festival. A gifted singer/ songwriter and musician, this is a rare chance to see him
performing in his own right!
!!19th March - A Touch of the Irish! Open Session led by Kevin O’Regan
'' - Jug Collection . Irish Stew & Soda Bread @£4''
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal
setting. Come along & join in! As this one is our closest night to St Patrick’s Day there will be an Irish
Theme and Kevin will be drawing on his Irish roots to set the scene. Home-made Irish Stew and Soda
Bread will be available at a small charge!
!!26th March - Open Stage Night - Guest MC Di Jackson
'' - Admission £6.00/Concessions £5.00 ––
on the door - Performers Free''
A showcase for artists to perform in front of an audience. Spots are available app. 20 minutes each
performance. Please book in with Derek and Mary at the club or ‘phone 01295 709881. Many of these acts
are likely to be booked for future nights at the club. This is Di’s debut as an M.C. We are sure she’ll sparkle
just as she does as our Raffle Queen!
!!4th March - The Bell at Adderbury Showcase
''Admission £6/Cons £5 – on the door''
''Kevin West'' is reconvening this showcase of performers from the ''Bell at Adderbury''. The
Bell Folk session is on the first and third Monday of the month. They describe themselves
as an eclectic bunch of musicians – some just beginners, some who have been playing
for too long to recall. With roots in the Folk tradition, they also love to try out new songs
and tunes. Blues, Beatles and Bhangra might all be part of a typical Bell Folk night.

!!11th March - Linda Watkins and Friends
''Admission £6/Cons £5 – on the door''
The return of the club’s very own ''Linda Watkins''! Linda’s songs reflect a very varied set
of musical influences from traditional to contemporary. Born and raised in the Welsh
valleys, Linda is somewhat of a musical chameleon - well known for her diverse sets
incorporating many different genres of music. More recently performing with The Linda
Watkins Band, she will be joined by several of her musical friends for this gig!

!!18th March –Irish Night with The Random Murphys
''Admission £6/Cons £5 – on the door + Irish Stew & Soda Bread @ £4''
The night after St Patrick’s Day so get ready to be entertained by some great music from
the ''Random Murphys''. Featuring ''Chris Start-up'' from ''Kings Gambit'', The Random Murphys
are a 3 piece band from Northampton featuring vocals, Irish whistles, guitars and
percussion. Home-made Irish Stew and Soda Bread will be available at a small charge!
There will be a prize for the best Irish costume!

!!25th March – Special Guest Night – The Rachel Hamer Band. 
!!! Supported by Pete Watkins
''Admission £7/£6 Cons - on the door'' 
''The Rachel Hamer Band'' is an exciting new four piece folk band based in Newcastle. The
band is made up of North Eastern singer ''Rachel Hamer'', Jedburgh guitarist ''Graeme
Armstrong'', Saltburn’s fiddle player and clogger ''Grace Smith'' and Glossops’s whistle,
flute and pipes player ''Sam Partridge''. Forming in 2013 over a shared love of music and
song, they perform an exciting blend of traditional and contemporary songs.
Supporting them will be local hero ''Pete Watkins'' - Pete’s solo performances are legendary, 
playing songs from the widest possible range of era’s and styles. 
A lesser known fact is that Pete is a great singer/songwriter who has just launched a solo album
of his own material. Come along for a taster!
!!Wednesday 2nd March Special Festival Fundraiser Concert with Marion Fleetwood & Gregg Cave. 
''Admission - £9/£8 Cons- on the door'' advised.
With her winning personality, stunning vocals and excellent fiddle playing, Marion has always been a favourite with Banbury Folk Club and Festival, making regular appearances with ''Meet on the Ledge'' and ''Colvin Quarmby''. More recently we have seen her with the ''Jigantics'' and she is now a member of Folk Rock super-group ''~TRADarrr''.  Marion blew us away with her solo album launch in July last year at the club and also with ''~TRADarrr'' at Banbury Folk Festival last October.

Along with Marion, ''Gregg Cave'' has also become a staunch supporter of Banbury Folk Club and Festival and went down a storm at the club when he played a double bill with ''King’s Gambit'' in November 2015.  At the age of 18 Gregg formed folk-rock band ''CAVE''. The mixture of Gregg’s songs and carefully selected traditional songs & tunes with members such as ''Guy Fletcher'' (fiddle) and ''Simon Care'' (melodeon) made for a very popular live sound. In the autumn of 2012,&nbsp;Gregg embarked on a very successful tour of Germany where he was joined by fiddler ''Nick Ellison''.  Gregg and Nick played at Banbury Folk Festival in 2014 and Gregg also performed at Banbury Folk Festival last October with ''~TRADarrr''.  

''This Concert is to raise funds for this year’s Banbury Folk Festival which is on 7th – 9th October 2016
We have limited tickets for this event so book early to avoid disappointment – see Mary at the club or leave a message on 01295 709881 to reserve tickets.'' 

!!9th March – ~Folkie-Oki SSLaP – led by Caroline Watsham
''Jug Collection''
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in! This one will be a bit different as we are doing it Karaoke style! There will be room for the more serious performers as well. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;When ''Sue Bousfield'' from the duo ''Scold’s Bridle'' (who will be back at the club this summer) suggested it would be a fun idea to do a ‘~Folkie-Oki’ we thought so too! And we knew just the right person to run the night! Caroline is a regular contributor to these sessions. She lives on a narrow boat and enjoys dabbling in a variety of instruments - some more proficiently than others! - including guitar, keyboard, dulcimer, autoharp and, most notoriously, her musical saw. 

!!16th March – Irish Night with Cliodhna
''Admission £7/Cons £6 – on the door + Irish Stew & Soda Bread @ £4''
The night before St Patrick’s Day so get ready to be entertained by some great music from ''Cliodhna''.  ''Cliodhna'' last played the club in 2013. Put together five excellent musicians with experience of playing traditional music and song and ask them to specialise in Irish music, then you are just asking for a rollicking good time when you join their company! ''Anne Tarrant'' on fiddle, ''Bill ~McKinnon'' leading from the front, as always, with his tremendous vocals and guitar accompaniment, ''Paul Hancock'' with whistle playing to die for, ''Stephen Sindell'' on Bodhran and ''Lefty Wright'' on Cajon make up the band ''‘Cliodhna’'' to produce jigs, reels and songs not only full of warmth and vigour but also the perfect backdrop to a pint or two of the ‘black stuff’. Oh yes ... and there may even be a banjo involved…. Don’t miss them..... Or the home-made Irish Stew! There will be a prize for the best Irish costume!
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!!23rd March – Local Guest Night – Sheena & Kim
!!!Floor spots available
''Admission £6/£5 Cons - on the door''
Sheena and Kim are ''Sheena ~McCormack'' and ''Kim Hobday'', a popular act in the early days of the club and more recently when they supported ''AJ Clarke'' and ''Dave Pegg'' last year! The girls have been singing together now for over 15 years, sometimes in bands with real paying audiences and sometimes at home in the kitchen just for the fun of it. On fiddle, mandolin and guitar - or just plain a cappela, these girls really know how to deliver a song in sweet harmonies that are one minute tugging on your heart strings and the next making you smile and laugh out loud. With a set list that reaches back into their early influences, with Dougie Maclean, Richard Thompson and the Dixie Chicks figuring prominently - this duo have put together a set list that will have you singing along to some of the best music ever written in the folk and country world.

!!30th March – Special Guest Night – Granny’s Attic
!!!Supported by Caroline Watsham
''Admission £7/£6 Cons - on the door''
''Granny's Attic'' are a young folk trio from Worcester, England, who play a range of English, Irish, Scottish traditional music, as well as original tunes. Lewis, Cohen and George play a variety of instruments, with their main line-up being melodeon/concertina; guitar; and fiddle/mandolin. They met and formed at secondary school in 2009 and have since been regularly playing a variety of gigs including festivals, local events and gigs across the country. Granny’s Attic were ''BBC Radio 2 Young Folk Award Nominees'' in 2014. 
''Granny’s Attic'' have been on our wish list for a while now, ever since they played in our Young Performers’ Concert at Banbury Folk Festival a few years ago. In fact Cohen was a solo performer in our Young Performers’ Concert at Banbury Folk Festival before that. Now that the boys are all at different universities it is not so easy to pin them down to a booking, so we are delighted to have achieved this at last!

Supporting ''Granny’s Attic'' will be ''Caroline Watsham'', who as well as many performances at the club with her musical saw, did a delightful set with her auto-harp at last November’s Open Stage. Caroline won the comic Song Competition at the club in 2014 and recently hosted our ‘~Folkie-Oki’ night. She can also be seen taking part in local theatricals as well as riding hobby horses!

!Banbury Folk & Hobby Horse Festival Fundraiser
!Wednesday 1st March - Mad Hares Concert  with MC Tim Hall
!!Marian Wedley, The Somerville Gentlemen, 
!!Caroline Watsham & Armitage Shanks and the Ubenz

Marian Wedley, Singer Songwriter and member of Noah’s Cape with Linda Watkins & Paula Tindall has many songs in her repertoire taking a wry look at life!

The Somerville Gentlemen won our Comic Songwriting Competition last year.  They describe themselves as a Seventies folk boy-band,   back in harness after a short rest of 30 years!  [[www.somervillegentlemen.co.uk|http://www.somervillegentlemen.co.uk]]

Caroline Watsham , equally at home busking with her musical saw, singing like a nightingale, strumming her auto-harp, riding Cheryl the Hobby Horse or on stage with the Cropredy Harlequins,  can always  be relied on to pull something out of the bag! [[www.carolinewatsham.wixsite.com/musicalsawladyuk|http://www.carolinewatsham.wixsite.com/musicalsawladyuk]]

Armitage Shanks and the Ubenz stole the show when they supported Gawkey last year. Headed up by Matt Morton’s ‘twin brother’, they are a slightly wonky trio from a very small village. [[www.facebook.com/armitageshanksandtheubenz|http://www.facebook.com/armitageshanksandtheubenz]]
''Admission £8/£7 cons. on the door.''

!8th March – SSLaP – led by Whiter Than 
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in! Whiter Than are duo Mat White on guitar, vocals and percussion and Helen White on fiddle, vocals and percussion. The duo moved into the Banbury area after being popular performers at The Grove Inn, Leeds where Mat ran the Open Mic for many years.  Whiter than supported Granny’s Attic at the club last year and also appeared at the Festival. Mat currently runs the Open Mic session ‘Open Mind’ at Naomi’s Café so we know that we are in good hands with tonight’s session.
''Jug Collection''

!15th March – Irish Night with The Kevin O’Regan Band 
Two nights before St Patrick’s Day, so get ready to be entertained by some great Irish music with the Kevin O’Regan Band! The Kevin O’Regan band consists of Kevin on vocals, guitar and sometimes piano, Kevin Ward on fretless bass and Rai Clews on cahon. Kevin’s songs draw from his Irish background, capturing the energy, wisdom and wit that are so loved by all and the band’s rendition of favourite Irish traditional songs is guaranteed to have everyone singing. All this is washed down with a large measure of Kevin’s characteristic exuberance. [[www.kevinoregan.co.uk|http://www.kevinoregan.co.uk]]

The Band’s Irish Night features Irish dancer Katie Smith who was inspired by Riverdance to start dancing. She has danced with several groups including Shalayleigh Irish Dance Company in Bristol. She qualified for the world Irish Dancing Championships in 2016 and is currently going through the process of becoming a qualified dance teacher.
Don’t miss them..... Or the home-made Irish Stew! There will be a prize for the best Irish costume!
''Admission £8/Cons £7– on the door + Irish Stew & Soda Bread @ £4''

!22nd March – Guest Night – Red Shoes 
!!Floor spots available
We are pleased to welcome back Red Shoes, who have had several appearances at the Folk Club and Banbury Folk Festival, but this will be their first time at the Banbury Cross. Carolyn and Mark Evans have long established themselves as successful songwriters and tour as a three piece folk/acoustic band. Their songs are sure to engage the audience with tales woven around mesmerising lead vocals and melodic harmonies drawing fans into a world where the song writing skills of the duo are beautifully revealed.  Blending Folk, Roots & Americana music with soaring vocals, chiming acoustic guitars and beautifully crafted original songs, Red Shoes performances are both passionate and inspiring and are sure to leave fans with the knowledge that they have just witnessed something very special. They are currently working on their third album, the follow up to “All The Good Friends” and “Ring Around The Land”.  Red Shoes are recognised for their original song-writing, one of which, “Celtic Moon”, has become both a stage favourite with Fairport Convention and features on the album ‘Festival Bell'. [[www.redshoes-music.com|http://www.redshoes-music.com]]
''Admission - £7/£6 Cons - on the door''

!29th March – Special Guest Night – Cathryn Craig & Brian Willoughby
!!Supported by 25 Years Late (Acoustic) 
“One of Nashville’s finest voices and one of the world’s greatest acoustic guitarists… stunning!”&nbsp; The Rock
Cathryn Craig learned her music in church in Virginia and her first professional engagement was as backing singer with former Righteous Brother Bill Medley. Eventually she left the bright lights of the city and returned to her back porch in Nashville where she made her first solo album. Brian Willoughby may have learned his music in Ireland but his first professional gig was as Mary Hopkin's guitarist. After a stint with folk trio Foggy he spent twenty-six years as a Strawb and duo partner of Dave Cousins. He was also in the film Time Bandits, although you might have to look carefully to spot him. Cathryn and Brian have worked together for nineteen years and she finally made an honest man of him earlier this year. A delightful blend of their musical roots from the stone walls of Ulster to the wide open spaces of the American south.  [[www.craigandwilloughby.com|http://www.craigandwilloughby.com]]

Supporting them will be 25 Years Late, a group of friends brought together by local singer songwriter, Kevin West to perform his original songs and a selection of covers from some unusual sources.  The line-up is Kevin, Stevie Cooper and Dave Lovick.

We have limited tickets for this event so book early to avoid disappointment – see Mary at the club, message her on Facebook,  or leave a message on 01295 709881 to reserve tickets. 
''Admission £9/£8 Cons - on the door- Advance Booking advised.''
!7th March – Special Guest Night – Miranda Sykes
Miranda Sykes, the acclaimed singer and bassist with ''Show of Hands'' is returning to her roots. After a career spanning over 20 years, during which time she has played with many of the top musicians and singers within the folk world, she will be touring as she started out: one woman, one bass, and one guitar. Borrowed Places is a project that draws its inspiration primarily from the songs and landscapes of her native Lincolnshire but seen through the eyes of someone who has lived away for many years. The themes are not specific; the land changes, it grows, it shrinks, it adapts and it resists but most of all it lives and breathes. With her sensational voice, and accompanying herself, Miranda interprets the soul of the land and takes her audience on a journey that resonates with us all, wherever we live and it is one you won’t want to miss.
''Admission £12 – To book tickets please call 07845 821041 or send us a message at https://www.facebook.com/banburyroots/''

!14th March – Grannies Attic – support TBC
A welcome return to the club for ''Granny's Attic''. A young folk trio from Worcester, England, who play a range of English, Irish, Scottish traditional music, as well as original tunes. Lewis, Cohen and George play a variety of instruments, with their main line-up being melodeon/concertina; guitar; and fiddle/mandolin. They met and formed at secondary school in 2009 and have since been regularly playing a variety of gigs including festivals, local events and gigs across the country. Granny’s Attic were BBC Radio 2 Young Folk Award Nominees in 2014. 
''Admission £8– advanced booking is advised -  please call 07845 821041 or send us a message at https://www.facebook.com/banburyroots/''

!21st March – St Patrick’s Day – Irish Night – Kevin O’Regan
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Two nights before St Patrick’s Day, so get ready to be entertained by some great Irish music with the ''Kevin O’Regan Band''! The Kevin O’Regan band consists of Kevin on vocals, guitar and sometimes piano, ''Kevin Ward'' on fretless bass and ''Rai Clews'' on cahon. Kevin’s songs draw from his Irish background, capturing the energy, wisdom and wit that are so loved by all and the band’s rendition of favourite Irish traditional songs is guaranteed to have everyone singing. All this is washed down with a large measure of Kevin’s characteristic exuberance. 
Don’t miss them..... Or the home-made Irish Stew! There will be a prize for the best Irish costume!
''Admission £8– on the door + Irish Stew & Soda Bread @ £4''

!28th March – Special Guest Night – IOTA – support P J Wright
We welcome the new ladies super group and great friends, to Banbury Folk Club. I O T A comprise ''Sally Barker'', ''Anna Ryder'' and ''Marion Fleetwood''. Expect a superb evening of music from a wide range of influences and the already famous – after 2 gigs! – musical raffle!

Support from long time club friend ''P J Wright''.
''Admission £8– on the door''
!!5th March - Pete Joshua and Ian Giles
'' - Admission £6.00/Concessions £5.00 – on the door''
Two very diverse performers from Oxford. Pete Joshua is an excellent guitarist who pens some very
unusual songs. Pete began playing in the folk clubs of the sixties. Pete was lured into the world of electric
playing, never forsaking his love of acoustic guitar. Joining him is Ian Giles, well-known singer from the
group ‘Magpie Lane’. Ian’s voice is amongst the finest on the folk scene: warm and mellow, but with great
power when required. A veteran of many folk club gigs and pub sessions, Ian is equally at home with a
lyrical ballad, or leading a lusty chorus song. See what happens when contemporary meets trad!
!!12th March – Stevie Matt Cooper
'' - Admission £6.00/Concessions £5.00 – on the door''
Stevie Matt Cooper is a familiar face on the Banbury music scene ... one of Oxfordshire's most unsung
musical talents, who can often be seen playing alongside names like Aurora J Young and The Next Hot
Thing. Last year saw him doing a great spot with his sister Jodie at Kevin O’ Regan’s fundraiser for
Banbury Folk Festival. A gifted singer/ songwriter and musician, this is a rare chance to see him
performing in his own right!
!!19th March - A Touch of the Irish! Open Session led by Kevin O’Regan
'' - Jug Collection . Irish Stew & Soda Bread @£4''
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal
setting. Come along & join in! As this one is our closest night to St Patrick’s Day there will be an Irish
Theme and Kevin will be drawing on his Irish roots to set the scene. Home-made Irish Stew and Soda
Bread will be available at a small charge!
!!26th March - Open Stage Night - Guest MC Di Jackson
'' - Admission £6.00/Concessions £5.00 ––
on the door - Performers Free''
A showcase for artists to perform in front of an audience. Spots are available app. 20 minutes each
performance. Please book in with Derek and Mary at the club or ‘phone 01295 709881. Many of these acts
are likely to be booked for future nights at the club. This is Di’s debut as an M.C. We are sure she’ll sparkle
just as she does as our Raffle Queen!
!!7th May - Special Guest Night - Gerry Colvin with Elliott Rooney and Trish Keelan - Supported by Wilson & Wright, Guest M.C. – Sue Halls
''Admission £8.00/Concessions £7.00 – on the door''
Much loved in Banbury for his enthusiastic performances with ColvinQuarmby at the club and festival, Gerry Colvin has been creating songs that reflect his vast musical influences and lyrical insight since the early 1980’s.  For tonight’s concert Gerry will be joined by Elliott Rooney, young musician of the year nominee, on piano and guitar and Trish Keelan, Irish songstress and wonderful accordion player. They will be playing songs from ColvinQuarmby and new songs from 'Jazz Tales of Country Folk' and the album Gerry is recording later this year 'Six of One, Half a Dozen of the Other.' Don't be put off by the word 'jazz'! 

Gerry will be supported by Wilson and Wright. John Wright is no stranger to the club but he is now in a duo with Hilary Wilson and they are making a name for themselves on the local circuit. Their material is based around a mix of Hilary's originals and John’s contemporary numbers, Hilary has just released her first CD, which was recorded last summer.

!!10th May – Banbury Folk Stage at Bloxham May Festival
Come and see us at the Banbury Folk Stage in Randalls Garden, opposite the Elephant & Castle between 11.30 am – 6.00pm
Line up for Banbury Folk Stage at Bloxham is:
Kevin West, Stevie Matt Cooper, The Linda Watkins Band, Red Shoes, The Pete Watkins Originals, Gawkey and The Seven O’Clock Junkies

!!14th May – SSLaP -  Open Session - Led by Peter Braybrook
''Jug Collection''
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in! 
A frequent contributor to these sessions, this is Peter’s first time as host.

!!21st May – Comic Song Competition
''Admission £6.00/Concessions £5.00 – on the door, Performers Free!''
Our annual Song Competition … but with a twist! This year the theme is Comedy! Well known for his comic songs, the panel of judges will include Bill Bates. There will be a prize of £50 for the winning song!  Competitors can enter up to 3 songs. To enter please speak to Derek or Mary at the club, phone 01295 709881 and leave us a message, or message us on Facebook at Banbury Folk. 

!!28th May – Local Guest Night - Harry Pane
''Admission £6.00/Concessions £5.00 – on the door''
Harry performs a very wide range and varied style of music, including his own original material as well as creating his own take on songs from all genres. He does this using a voice that is incredibly soulful and emotive. Harry did a great support slot to Damian Clarke in September last year. We are delighted to have him back as a guest in his own right! 
!!6th May – Bring on the Summer – SSLaP session hosted by the Skeptics
''Jug collection''
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in! Who better than local a Capella singing trio ''The Skeptics'' to lead an evening to welcome in the Summer!

!!Saturday 9th May – Banbury Folk Stage at Bloxham May Festival – in Randall’s Garden, opposite the Elephant & Castle.

!!13th May – Local Guest Night – Toots and Fraser
!!!  Floor spots available
''Admission £6/Cons £5 on the door''
''Fraser and Susanne (Toots)'' are Buckingham based “songsters and tunesmiths” mixing accordion, guitar and vocals, with a huge repertoire of their own songs, acoustic folk, and jazzy ragtime blues they call rag’n’roll music. They always play to entertain their audiences whether with the story in their songs, an unexpected melody, or something from the repertoire of Louis Jordan, Fred Astaire or Fats Waller. Fraser’s songs have been heard on BBC local radio, and ''Fraser and Toots'' are regular performers at folk and acoustic clubs, festivals and ceilidh dances.

!!20th May - Special Guest Clive Gregson 
!!!Supported by Paula and Stuart Tindall
''Admission £9/Cons £8''
Wonderful to be welcoming ''Clive Gregson'' back to the club! Clive has been a revered artist on the British Folk Scene since the 1980’s. Between 1985 and 1992, he formed a renowned partnership with Christine Collister.  Clive has also toured and recorded with Richard Thompson, Nanci Griffith, Eddi Reader and Boo Hewerdine. Clive's songs have been recorded by many artists including Nanci Griffith, Fairport Convention, and Norma Waterson. Clive's live shows also demonstrate the guitar skills that prompted Guitar to include him in their "1,000 Great Guitarists". Clive relocated to the USA in 1993. He continues to tour regularly and write prolifically. In recent years he has also run a number of songwriting workshops and master classes and remains in demand as a record producer and session musician. Obviously there's no sign of Clive slowing down just yet!
Because we know they love his music, it seemed fitting to invite ''Paula & Stuart Tindall'' to support Clive. Paula & Stuart have been playing at folk clubs since the early '80s & went on to form their family Band in 2005 when their daughters were just 13 and 10. With gigs at folk clubs and festivals across the Midlands and Home Counties, the highlight being a performance at Fairport’s Cropredy Convention in 2010. Now that daughters Sarah and Kathryn are pursuing their own careers, Paula & Stuart have a chance to perform as a duo again and we are sure they will not disappoint!
We have limited tickets for this event so book early to avoid disappointment – see Mary at the club, message Mary on Facebook at Mary Droscher, or leave a message on 01295 709881 to reserve tickets.

!!27th May – Song-writing Competition
''Admission £6/Cons £5 on the door. Performers Free!''
Our annual Song Competition! Well-known local singer/song-writers ''Linda Watkins'' and ''Pete Watkins'' will be in the panel of judges plus a member of the Folk Club. The audience will also have a vote which will be taken into account in the event of a tie. There will be a prize of £50 for the winning song!  Competitors can enter up to 3 songs. To enter please speak to Derek or Mary at the club, phone 01295 709881 and leave us a message, or message Mary on Facebook at Mary Droscher. 
!!Wednesday 4th May - Keith Donnelly and Friends - Benefit night for Matt Bates
''Admission - £9/£8 Cons- on the door''
''Keith Donnelly'' and his partner ''Ursula ~Holden-Gill'' have been raising money for a special cause – ''Bill Bates'' is a well- loved performer and comic at Banbury Folk Club and Festival. Bill’s son Matt is having intensive treatment for Stage 4 Cancer. This money is to enable Bill and his family to support his treatment and visit him in hospital. Ursula recently ran a half-marathon and has raised a significant sum through Crowdfunding. Keith has donated his time to several gigs at clubs in the area. Tonight he will be joined by several musical friends, so we are guaranteed a good night and let’s raise some money! 

!!Wednesday 11th May - Open Stage Night - MC Pete Joshua.
''Admission £6/Cons £5 – on the door - Performers Free!'' 
A showcase for artists to perform in front of an audience. Spots are available app. 20 minutes each performance. Please book in with Derek and Mary at the club, message Mary on Facebook at Mary Droscher, or ‘phone 01295 709881. Many of these acts are likely to be booked for future nights at the club.

!!Wednesday 18th May – SSLaP led by Dave Fry
''Jug Collection''
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in! Who better than ''Dave Fry'' to lead an evening to welcome in the Summer! 

!!Wednesday 25th May – Special Guest Night with Benji Kirkpatrick and Janie Mitchell
!!!Supported by Stevie Cooper
''Admission £10/£9 cons.''
This tantalising new duo brings together the beguiling voice of ''Janie Mitchell'' (“The Mary Webb Songs”) and the instrumental mastery of ''Benji Kirkpatrick'' (Bellowhead, Faustus). Performing their own songs on guitars, bouzouki and hammered dulcimer, the pair - from Shropshire - sing of love, loss and longing; but don’t be downhearted: their harmonies and humour will lift your spirits and their dark passion will carry you out of the ordinary into the sublime.  Janie, with her previous duo ‘Beguildy’, enjoyed wide ranging radio play with The Mary Webb Songs, one of which featured on the coveted froots magazine sampler ~CDs. She has taken her voice around the world but settled back in Shropshire where she and Benji hooked up again to write songs together. 
Benji has worked extensively with Seth Lakeman, Maddy Prior (the voice of Steeleye Span) and Oysterband as well as being a stalwart of Bellowhead and Faustus and continues to perform and release albums as a solo artist.  
Supporting Benji and Janie will be Stevie Cooper. Stevie Cooper is a familiar face on the Banbury music scene … one of Oxfordshire's most unsung musical talents, who can often be seen playing alongside names like Aurora J Young and The Next Hot Thing. Pianist, acoustic guitarist, songwriter and session musician, Stevie last appeared at the club with 25 Years Late in February when the group supported Andrew Sharpe & Amy Kakoura.

We have limited tickets for this event so book early to avoid disappointment – see Mary at the club, message Mary on Facebook at Mary Droscher, or leave a message on 01295 709881 to reserve tickets.

!3rd May – SSLaP led by Bill ~McKinnon
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in! This close to 1st May the theme has to be ‘Bring on the Summer!’ To lead the session we have ''Bill ~McKinnon''. Bill is famous for running a good session around Oxford, Wallingford and of course at Banbury Folk Festival. Add to this a cracking voice and supreme musicianship and you know we are in for a good night! 
''Jug Collection''    

!10th May – Human Jukebox Night - Festival Fundraiser with Folk Club Favourite Acts!
!!Paula & Stuart Tindall, Linda Watkins, Kevin West, Pete Watkins, Mark Pidgeon & Bill Bates
A fundraiser with a difference! The ‘Human Jukebox’ will contain selected numbers that are popularly performed by the above artists. Individual members of the audience must select which artists and which number will be performed next! All proceeds to go to Banbury Folk & Hobby Horse Festival Funds!
''Admission £5 for all – Jukebox Selections £3 per number. Bring spare cash for this and the raffle!''

!17th May - Open Stage Night  hosted by Stevie Cooper
A showcase for artists to perform in front of an audience. This one has been put together by local musician and songwriter ''Stevie Cooper'' and will feature up and coming acts from the Banbury area. Now fully booked. The audience gets a chance to enjoy a night of variety and also a chance to see who they would like to see back at the club.
20.00 - Erin Tiger Lilly
20.25 - Blue N Watson
20.50 - Katy Wickham
- Raffle and announcements
21.35 - Freddy Cragg
22.00 - The Triskel3
''Admission £6/Cons £5 – on the door- Performers Free!''
!24th May – Special Guest Night with Ninebarrow
!!Support tbc.
 Ninebarrow are a multi-award-winning folk duo, who are impressing audiences across the country with their innovative and captivating take on the folk tradition. Described by Mike Harding as sounding ‘damn fine’ and by Kate Rusby as ‘absolutely amazing’, ''Jon Whitley'' and ''Jay ~LaBouchardiere'' combine breath taking vocal harmonies and melodies, delivering original songs that are inspired and rooted in the landscape and history of the British Isles. As well as crafting unique and engaging original material, Ninebarrow also take a wide-range of traditional folk songs and rework them in their own, distinctive way. Not only exceptional singers and musicians, Ninebarrow are also equally passionate about the stories behind their songs&nbsp;- combining their music with history, folklore and storytelling.&nbsp;The duo was recently nominated for the Horizon Award at the BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards. [[www.ninebarrow.co.uk|http://www.ninebarrow.co.uk]]

We have limited tickets for this event so book early to avoid disappointment – see Mary at the club, message Mary on Facebook at Mary Droscher, or leave a message on 01295 709881 to reserve tickets.
''Admission £10/£9 cons.on the door''

!31st May – Guest Night with The Pete Watkins Originals 
!!Floor spots available.
The Pete Watkins Originals perform original songs by singer/songwriter/guitarist ''Pete Watkins'': these combine thought-provoking lyrics with beautiful melodies. Pete is joined by spectacular jazz fiddle player ''Dave ~Favis-Mortlock'', and the superbly polished ''Gordon Raitt'' on bass guitar plus intricate percussion from ''Drew Pountney''. The result is a unique sound which brings together folk, acoustic roots, classic pop, and a hint of jazz and blues.
''Admission £6/Cons £5– on the door''
!2nd May – SSLAP – hosted by Derek Drosher
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in! Who better than Derek Drosher to lead the evening? There may be cake in the interval!

''Jug Collection – suggested donation £3''

!9th May – Human Juke Box - Stevie Cooper, Pete Watkins, Bill Bates, The Tindalls, Mark Pidgeon & Kevin West
A fundraiser with a difference! The ‘Human Jukebox’ will contain 18 songs, 3 from each of our 6 local artists. Audience members select which song and artist performs next. All proceeds to go to Banbury Folk Festival Funds!

''Admission £5 for all - Jukebox Selections £3 per number. Bring spare cash for this and the raffle!''

!16th May - Georgie Lewis Band
!!Support by Strawberry Thieves
Georgia Lewis is a "young, exuberant & musically adept" (R2 Magazine) folk singer and multi-instrumentalist with "the stage assurance of a veteran ... she is fast becoming one of the most in demand artists on the club and festival circuit.”

''Admission £8''

!23rd May - Open Stage
Open stage evening for 4 acts to showcase their talents.

''Admission £8''

!30th May - Miriam Erasmus
Miriam’s career spans 6 decades of touring, teaching, and creating clubs and venues for other artists to share their talents.
She learned folk songs from her grandparents, and has been involved in the Folk Music revival since the '60s when, whilst studying to be a Music and Speech and Drama teacher, she started singing at Bradford University Folk Club.
As a professional touring artiste in the '70s she was given the name “First Lady of Folk”, becoming one of the foremost interpreters of British Folk Songs. Her debut album “Gypsy without a road” on Mother Earth Music label, is now a collector's item and mentioned in Electric Eden by Rob Young.

Best known for her songs“Over Africa” “Sittin' here sittin'” and “The beautiful pass at van Reenen”, her album “Over Africa” is a classic.

''Admission £8''
!Banbury Folk Club Programme Summer 2018
(provisional, details to follow.)

4th April: SSLAP and Music Quiz 	
11th April: Club Birthday with Bill Bates 	
18th April: Banter
25th April: St George's Day - English Songs and Tunes with Bill ~McKinnon
2nd May: SSLAP with Derek Droscher
9th May: Human Juke Box 		
16th May: Georgia Lewis Band
23rd May: Open Stage 		
30th May: Miriam Erasmas
6th June: SSLAP 			
13th June: Noahs Cape 		
20th June: Navaro
27th June: Vikki Clayton 		
4th July: SSLAP 	 		
11th July: Ian Ralph Huckin night with 25 Years Late
18th July: Sunjay 	
25th July: Glymjack

''For reserving tickets for any event, please call 07845 821041 or send us a message at https://www.facebook.com/banburyroots/''

''For artist enquiries,  please email Kevin West at  <html><a href="mailto:westkev58@gmail.com">westkev58@gmail.com</a>

Admission – Regular admission is £8, except Special Guest Nights as advertised and our SSLAPP session evenings where we suggest a donation of £3.
!!5th November – SSLaP – led by Kevin West
''Jug Collection''
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in! Kevin writes and plays his own songs as well as some interesting covers and is a regular contributor to these sessions.

!!12th November – The Peace Concert – to raise money for the Peace Window at Banbury Town Hall
''£7/£6 Cons - on the door''
<img src="./images/peace_window.jpg" width=400>
On the night after Armistice Day we have invited local artists to perform on the theme of Peace. We have committed £200 from the Folk Club towards the cost of the stunning new Peace window at Banbury Town Hall which was installed in August with a dedication ceremony held on 4th August on the anniversary of the start of the 1st World War. We are aiming to raise this amount at tonight’s club, so be generous!

!!19th November – Special Guest Night – Chris Leslie 
!!!with support from One Night Stand and PJ Wright
''Admission £9/£8 Cons – Advance booking advised''
<center><font size="4" color="red" valign="top"><marquee width=300>SOLD OUT! - SOLD OUT! - SOLD OUT! - SOLD OUT! - SOLD OUT!</marquee> </font>
We have been trying to book ''Chris Leslie'' since the club started so we are delighted that he has finally said “Yes!” Just in case you didn’t know, Chris is a multi instrumentalist and singer-songwriter, primarily known for the past seventeen years for his work with Fairport Convention. He has played and recorded with, amongst others: Steve Ashley, the Albion Band, Jez Lowe, Ian Anderson, Chris While and Julie Matthews, Whippersnapper, Alan Stivell, Feast of Fiddles and St. Agnes Fountain. Chris has provided music for a number of Radio Four plays and classic serials. His fiddle playing has also been heard on the TV series Heartbeat, Midsommer Murders and Billy Connolly’s World Tour of Scotland. Chris plays: fiddle, mandolin, tenor guitar, bouzouki, ukulele, banjo, oud, whistle and Native American flute.
Chris will be supported by local trio ''One Night Stand'' (Sheena & Davey ~McCormack and Sandra Shallis) plus there will also be a spot from ''PJ Wright''. We have limited tickets for this event so book early to avoid disappointment – see Mary at the club or leave a message on 01295 709881 to reserve tickets.

!!26th November – Palmerston
''£6.00/£5.00 Cons – on the door – Floorspots available''
 Great harmonies, musicianship and loads of enthusiasm! This is the band that played at the club’s Christmas Party last year! Drawn together by the tides of time; Strolling on the shores of creative endeavour. These four musicians of the metropolis gathered together to defy gravity, and play whilst standing up. Inspired by the songs of Alan Rondeau, harmonies flow, solos glow and la musique blossoms like, well, like blossom. Alan’s lyrics cover all aspects of life, from love and lust, to drink and death. Eclectic in style, the music steps gracefully between haunting and lyrical, strides purposefully down the road of rock to the party in the park.

!!Tuesday 3rd & Wednesday 4th November – for Two Nights – Extra Special Guests 
!!A Double Dose of AJ & Peggy - Anthony John Clarke & Dave Pegg
!!!Supported by Sheena ~McCormack & Kim Hobday
''Admission £10 – Sorry, no concessions*''
Popular singer-songwriter ''Anthony John Clarke'' teams up with local hero ''Dave Pegg'' of Jethro Tull and Fairport Convention fame for a welcome visit to the club.  ''Anthony John'' was a headline guest at last year’s Banbury Folk Festival.  ''Anthony John’s'' songs will take you on a journey from happy to sad and every emotion in between. His words have the knack of hitting the nail right on the head with every song he performs. You don't just get a guy singing great songs, you get a great performance! ''Anthony John'' is joined by Fairport Convention’s bass player ''Dave Pegg''. This combination guarantees an evening of exquisite, outstanding music and a lot of humour.
AJ & Peggy will be supported by ''Sheena ~McCormack and Kim Hobday'', a popular act in the early days of the club and well known at the Bell in Adderbury,  who perform contemporary and traditional songs, with some delightful harmonies. 

 *We are running this for two nights as we are expecting it to be popular so booking in advance is advisable. Book it with Mary at the club, Message us on Facebook or phone 01295 709881

!!11th November – Sing, Say, Listen and Play on the theme of Peace - led by Ches Gibbons
As it is Armistice Day it seems appropriate to have tonight’s session focusing on the theme of Peace. These are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in! Ches performed at last year’s Peace Concert and is a passionate performer of her own songs on the subject. Tonight’s Jug Collection will be for the ''Prem Rawat Foundation'' which is a non –profit organisation dedicated to promoting world peace and has several initiatives with  rural villages in poverty-stricken areas that is bringing about significant improvements in school attendance and achievement, community health, and economic outlook.

!!18th November - King’s Gambit and Gregg Cave with Nick Ellison
''Admission £8/£7 cons on the door''
Two great acts in store for tonight, both popular at the Club and Festival. 
''King’ Gambit'' have always been well received at the club and went down a storm at last year’s Festival! ''King's Gambit'' is a contemporary folk dance band from Northamptonshire incorporating the beautifully matched voices of Katie Paton and Chris Startup. Along with acoustic guitarist and bass, Helen Turton's cello, blends melody and storytelling. The unusual colour and textures that the band achieve, are helped along by upbeat rhythms, clever song writing and accomplished musicianship. The music crosses popular song with original folk tunes and sometimes even fusing Dub/Ska with Folk… get ready to get up there and dance!  
At the age of 18 Gregg formed folk-rock band CAVE. The mixture of Gregg’s songs and carefully selected traditional songs & tunes with members such as Guy Fletcher (fiddle) and Simon Care (melodeon) made for a very popular live sound. In the autumn of 2012,&nbsp;Gregg embarked on a very successful tour of Germany where he was joined by fiddler ''Nick Ellison''. Gregg and Nick played at last year’s Banbury Folk Festival and also at Banbury Folk Club last July. This year Gregg performed at the Festival with the exciting Folk-rock combination, ''~TRADarr'', who also performed at Fairport’s Cropredy Convention

!!25th November – Open Stage Night - MC Kevin West
Our Open Stage nights have proved very successful over the past few years. They are usually fully booked a month in advance! At the last one we were delighted to a wide variety of acts. Many of these acts will almost certainly have a future booking either at the club or the festival so by coming along to our Open Stage nights, not only as performers, but as a listening audience gives you the chance to preview the acts first. There are only five spots, so if you want to perform in one of them, please book it well in advance on 01295 709881, message us on Facebook at Banbury Folk Club or e-mail bfest@btinternet.com .
!!2nd November – Special Guest Night with Kim Lowings & The Greenwood
!!!Supported by Brush Jones
''Admission - £8/£7 Cons - on the door – Advance booking advised.''
Since the last time they played at Banbury Folk Club in 2012, ''Kim Lowings & the Greenwood'' have gone from strength to strength!  Described as having "a beauty of spirit that transcends in her lovely songs", Kim is an Appalachian mountain dulcimer player, pianist and songwriter. She sings with an enchantingly pure voice and The Greenwood create a harmonious backline of hypnotic guitar, bouzouki, double bass and percussion. It transports you away and will get you singing along and tapping your feet. Working with traditional folk song and their own original material, they weave musical stories inspired by both fables and everyday life.  The Midlands based four piece have been touring at venues, folk clubs and festivals around the country. They have been making an impression on the British folk scene, sharing stages with musicians such as ''Dougie ~MacLean, Martin Simpson, Lucy Ward and Jackie Oates'' among others
Brush Jones recently turned up at Banbury to take part in our Comic Song Competition and it was obvious that here was a polished performer! Brush has been a semi-pro Folk musician for 40+ years, performing solo but also with bands, such as Fool’s Gold and Wayland Smithy, who were the resident band at Nettlebed Folk Club for a time.  Brush’s music encompasses Traditional/contemporary Folk, ~Folk-Rock, Celtic, Country, Bluegrass, plus his own material. 

!!9th November – Sing, Say, Listen and Play on the theme of Peace led by Ches Gibbons.
!!!Peace Charity Collection for Peace Direct UK
These are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting.  As this is the nearest club night to Armistice Day it seems appropriate to have tonight’s session focusing on the theme of Peace. ''Ches Gibbons'' is a passionate performer of her own songs on the subject. Tonight’s Jug Collection will be for Peace Direct, a Peace Charity that is doing some great work by empowering grass roots organisations and individuals to take an active role in finding peaceful resolution in areas of conflict. It’s a fantastic way to ensure we build peace around the world. 

!!15th & 16th November – for Two Nights – Extra Special Guest – Chris Leslie 
!!!Supported by ~WilsonWright.
''Admission - £10/£9 Cons - on the door- Advance booking advised.''

Last time Chris appeared at the club in 2014 we had to turn people away, so this time we are having two nights of him! Just in case you didn’t know, Chris is a multi instrumentalist and singer-songwriter, primarily known for the past nineteen years for his work with ''Fairport Convention''. He has played and recorded with, amongst others: ''Steve Ashley, the Albion Band, Jez Lowe, Ian Anderson, Chris While and Julie Matthews, Whippersnapper, Alan Stivell, Feast of Fiddles and St. Agnes Fountain''. Chris has provided music for a number of Radio Four plays and classic serials. His fiddle playing has also been heard on the TV series Heartbeat, Midsommer Murders and Billy Connolly’s World Tour of Scotland. Chris plays: fiddle, mandolin, tenor guitar, bouzouki, ukulele, banjo, oud, whistle and Native American flute.   

Chris will be supported by ''~WilsonWright''. Warwickshire based, ''Hilary Wilson'' and ''John Wright'' have been playing together since 2013 with a wide mix of music centred on Hilary's life searching original material, but including carefully selected covers from traditional and contemporary folk though country, blues, Americana and jazz influences... pigeon hole them if you can! Vocal harmonies feature prominently in performances and two guitars form the core of musical backing, with use of additional instruments to broaden the sound spectrum wherever possible. 

*We are running this for two nights as we are expecting it to be popular so booking in advance is advisable. Book it with Mary at the club, Message us on Facebook or phone 01295 709881

!!23rd November – Open Stage Night - MC Dave Fry
''Performers Free – Audience - £6/£5 Cons - on the door''
Our Open Stage nights have proved very successful over the past few years. They are usually fully booked a month in advance! At the last one we were delighted to a wide variety of acts. Many of these acts will almost certainly have a future booking either at the club or the festival so by coming along to our Open Stage nights, not only as performers, but as a listening audience gives you the chance to preview the acts first. There are only five spots, so if you want to perform in one of them, please book it well in advance on 01295 709881, message us on Facebook at Banbury Folk Club or e-mail bfest@btinternet.com .

!!30th November – Guest Night with Alkevan
!!!Floor spots available
''Admission - £7/£6 Cons - on the door''
This group was well received at the club when they supported ''John Richards'' in April. ''Alkevan'' are a fresh combination of voices and instruments singing mainly original songs written by guitarist ''Kevin Moffat''. ''Alan Harvey'' provides his wonderful main vocals with some driving bodhran, while ''Anne Bowden'' provides haunting flute, whistle and cello. Then put all three voices together for the occasional unaccompanied songs. A treat not to be missed! 
!1st November – Guest Night with Scarecrow
!!Support by Greg Rowlands 
Once again we are welcoming back Scarecrow who are regular favourites at the club and the Folk Festival. They are a band that is well known in the Banbury area, performing at Music at the Crossroads, Brackley’s Folk in the Park and Banbury Canal Day. The band consists of ''Dave Moore'' (whistle, flute and hummelchen bagpipes), ''Gordon Raitt'' (guitar and bouzouki) and ''Rey Lear'' (bass guitar, flute and whistle). Their music ranges from traditional to contemporary folk with some jazz and blues for good measure! A fantastic combination of instruments which makes for great sounding haunting tunes and a good repertoire of songs which have also been built into their sets.  
Supporting Scarecrow is Greg Rowlands, one of many singers to have been featured in Songs From The Caravan. Take a look at his performance of the Kate Rusby song [["Old Man Time"|http://www.songsfromthecaravan.co.uk/greg-rowlands-old-man-time-3]].
''Admission - £7/£6 Cons - on the door''

!7th & 8th November – for Two Nights – Extra Special Guests 
!A Double Dose of AJ & Peggy - Anthony John Clarke & Dave Pegg
!!Supported by Sheena ~McCormack & Kim Hobday
Popular singer-songwriter ''Anthony John Clarke'' teams up with local hero ''Dave Pegg'' of Jethro Tull and Fairport Convention fame for a welcome visit to the club.  Anthony John was a headline guest at last year’s Banbury Folk Festival.  Anthony John’s songs will take you on a journey from happy to sad and every emotion in between. His words have the knack of hitting the nail right on the head with every song he performs. You don't just get a guy singing great songs, you get a great performance! Anthony John is joined by Fairport Convention’s bass player Dave Pegg. This combination guarantees an evening of exquisite, outstanding music and a lot of humour. 
AJ & Peggy will be supported by Sheena ~McCormack and Kim Hobday, a popular act in the early days of the club and well known at the Bell in Adderbury,  who perform contemporary and traditional songs, with some delightful harmonies. 
''Admission £10 – Sorry, no concessions''
We are running this for two nights as we are expecting it to be popular so booking in advance is advisable. Book it with Mary at the club, Message us on Facebook or phone 01295 709881

!15th November - ~SSLaP - hosted by Tim Hall
Our ~SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in! Tim is a versatile performer who usually has something up his sleeve to entertain us … a monologue, a poem, a comic song …. And we guarantee that he will not only be entertaining himself but will encourage others to participate.
!!Jug collection

!22nd November – Open Stage Night - hosted by Pete Watkins
Our Open Stage nights have proved very successful over the past few years. This one is no exception and is fully booked! These evenings provide an opportunity for performers to showcase themselves, and to give our listening audience the chance to see who they would like to see back at the club.
The night will be hosted by local Singer/Songwriter/Guitarist ''Pete Watkins'', who will also have a couple of spots himself.
Then there will be ''Half-way Handy'' a traditional duo from Oxford, comprising ''Josh Newman'' and ''George Haggett''. 
''Craig Joiner'' is a Singer/Songwriter/Guitarist from Chorley Wood, near Watford, who is close to finishing his first album.
''Terry Andrews'' is a local Songwriter/Entertainer and Amateur Actor, who will be performing his own material; one song having been performed by Roy Bailey. He will be joined by local Singer/Guitarist ''Katie Wickham''.
Finally there will be a performance by ''Oakleas Rise'', a duo from Northamptonshire, ''Lesley Curtis'' and ''Stuart ~McLeod'', who are both Singer/Songwriters, playing their own brand of Folk/Country/Americana.
''Performers Free – Audience - £6/£5 Cons - on the door''

!29th November – Guest Night with Anna Ryder & Friends
Anna supported Bob Fox earlier in the year and also appeared at Banbury Folk Festival in October.  Anna is a superb singer-songwriter and talented multi-instrumentalist whose songs are consistently original and inventive. She combines a captivating stage presence with an endearing naivety that reaches out to the whole audience. Anna will be inviting some of her musical friends to join her tonight.  We are in for some fun!
Featuring a star-studded cast of ''Sally Barker, Marion Fleetwood (IOTA),Tom Leary, Bill Bates and  Keith Donnelly''.
''Admission - £8/£7 Cons - on the door''
Watch this space!
!!1st October – Fabian Holland
''£7/£6 Cons- on the door'' – Floorspots available
''Fabian Holland'' is a contemporary singer, songwriter, and guitarist based in London. Fabian seems to have sprung fully‐fledged from nowhere though he’s been playing music and performing live since a youngster. Folk Radio UK was even more direct in its enthusiasm “He’s not good, he’s bloody good! We can’t wait to hear more!”His music is influenced by folk songs and tales from around The British Isles, together with an upbringing in Blues; this is then enriched with his love of storytelling and his continuing emphasis upon musical improvisation. He now rarely plays the same song in the same way, resulting in every performance becoming quite unique. 

!!8th October – Club Closed pre Festival

!10-12th October - Banbury Folk Festival
<a href="http://www.banburyfolkfestival.co.uk/" target="_blank"><img src="images/bff.jpg" alt="Banbury Folk Festival" width=200></a>
.........AND MANY, MANY MORE''
Main Concerts ~ Acoustic Concerts ~ Shanty Session ~ Big Sing ~  
Folk Clubs ~ Ceilidh ~ Morris Dancing~ Workshops   
Song, Music and Storytelling Sessions 

!!15th October – Post Festival session led by Stuart & Paula Tindall
''Jug Collection''
The club’s annual wind-down session after the Festival, tonight in the capable hands of ''Paula & Stuart Tindall''. Paula & Stuart have been playing at folk clubs since the early '80s & formed the family Band ‘The Tindalls’ in 2005 when their daughters Sarah & Kathryn were just 13 and 10, with gigs at folk clubs and festivals across the Midlands and Home Counties, culminating in their performance at Fairport Convention’s Cropredy Festival in 2010. Derek and Mary will be away for this one so the night is very much what you make it!                                                                                                                         

!!22nd October – Banburyshire Night hosted by Jules Procter
''£6.00/£5.00 Cons – on the door''
Storyteller Jules took up the noble art of storytelling at Banbury Folk Club a few years ago. He has also built up a reputation as a podcaster and promoter of Banburyshire events. Special guests are  ''Rob Lanyon'' and ''Katy Jackson'', as part of an acoustic evening with a difference. Jules is also inviting Banburyshire businesses to get their staff to perfom, in ''[[The Banburyshire Business Challenge|http://www.banburyshire.net/tbbc14.html]]''!

!!29th October – Special Guest Night – The Hut People
!!!with support from Sharpe and Guy
''£8/£7 Cons Advance booking advised''
''The Hut People'' are one of the hottest & most entertaining world/folk acts touring today. A genuinely engaging, entertaining and action packed show, taking the audience on a voyage across the globe with their varied material ,they perform a high-octane unique blend of home-grown tunes mixed with British, Nordic and European folk music, perfectly formed & embellished with the driving accordion and a mind-boggling array of exotic percussion. The Hut People are a duo of accordionist Sam Pirt and percussionist Gary Hammond. Great music & virtuosity aside, a show from The Hut People is overflowing with humour, spontaneity, often hilarious patter. They went down a storm at Banbury Folk Festival last year! Don’t miss them!  
Hut People are constantly gaining more of reputation as one of the most entertaining acts to appear on the folk scene in stomping accor
dion and mind-boggling array of exotic percussion (with some Quebecois foot percussion & dancing thrown in for good hugely entertaining duo getting unbelievable feedback

The Hut People will be supported by ''Sharpe & Guy'', an exciting duo consisting of young singer and fiddler ''Harriet Guy'' and Steamchicken pianist ''Andrew Sharpe''. In early 2014 they put together a set of folk ballads and story songs, contemporary and traditional. They have been gigging regularly in Warwickshire since then building up a steady following. We were lucky enough to catch up with them at Shrewsbury Folk Festival when Derek was an M.C.  

MC Linda Watkins

11.00am - ALKEVAN
Warwick trio with a fresh combination of voices and instruments!

12.00pm - SCARECROW
Local band with a great range of musical styles, from Folk to Jazz!

1.00pm - MAY THRILL
Harmonies, music and humour in a relaxed engaging style.

2.00pm - NOAH'S CAPE
All girl trio - a new combination of three local talents!

3.00pm - FOLKLAW
Energetic band, furious fiddle, whirling jigs and lyrics which bite!

All artists will also be appearing at the Banbury Folk Festival 9th – 11th October

!!7th October – Club Closed pre Festival

!![img[./images/bff_sun.jpg]] Banbury Folk Festival - 9th – 11th October  

''ROVING CROWS* BOB FOX* ~TRADarrr* FIDDLER & THE FOOL (aka Martyn Oram & Keith Donnelly)
 .........AND MANY, MANY MORE''
Main Concerts ~ Acoustic Concerts ~ Foot-tappers & Heckler’s Club 
 Big Sing ~ Folk Clubs ~ Ceilidh ~ Song, Music and Storytelling Sessions 
Morris Dancing~ Visiting Hobby Horses and Beasts~ Workshops   

!!14th October – Post Festival session led by Stuart & Paula Tindall
''Jug Collection''
The club’s annual wind-down session after the Festival, tonight in the capable hands of ''Paula & Stuart Tindall''. Paula & Stuart have been playing at folk clubs since the early '80s & formed the family Band ''‘The Tindalls’'' in 2005 when their daughters Sarah & Kathryn were just 13 and 10, with gigs at folk clubs and festivals across the Midlands and Home Counties, culminating in their performance at Fairport Convention’s Cropredy Festival in 2010. Derek and Mary will be away for this one so the night is very much what you make it!                                                                                                                         

!!21st October – A Night with Bill Bates
!!! Floor spots available
''£6.00/£5.00 Cons – on the door''
Bill’s songs are often about the ordinary things in life, such as disastrous family holidays in his little caravan, recycling his children's toys at a car boot sale to pay the bills and a song about a Mars bar party where people started to unexpectedly take off their clothes. Some of his songs are funny; other songs are serious; However the mood takes him, in Bill’s hands we know we are in for an enjoyable evening.

!!28thOctober – Scarecrow
!!!Floor spots available 
''£7/£6 Cons – on the door''
Once again we are welcoming back ''Scarecrow'' who are regular favourites at the club and the Folk Festival. They are a band that is well known in the Banbury area, performing at Music at the Crossroads, Adderbury’s Party in the Park and Banbury Canal Day. The band consists of Dave Moore (whistle, flute and hummelchen bagpipes), Gordon Raitt (guitar and bouzouki) and Rey Lear (bass guitar, flute and whistle). Their music ranges from traditional to contemporary folk with some jazz and blues for good measure! A fantastic combination of instruments which makes for great sounding haunting tunes and a good repertoire of songs which have also been built into their sets. 
!!5th October – Club Closed pre Festival

!!Banbury Folk Festival & Hobby Horse Festival 7th - 9th October  

WINTER WILSON – FLEETWOODCAVE – THE TINDALLS - SCOLD’S BRIDLE                                                                                                             KING’S GAMBIT - LINDA WATKINS BAND - PAT SMITH & NED CLAMP GEORGE PAPAVGERIS - CHRIS TOBIN – HOT CLUB 42''
………….and many, many more
Hobby Horses & Traditional Beasts
Main Concerts ~ Acoustic Concerts ~ ‘Meets’ ~ Folk Clubs ~ Song, Music and Storytelling Sessions
Big Sing ~ Open Stages ~ Dance Sides ~ Workshops ~ Grand Procession with Hobby Horses & Beasts

!!12th October – Post Festival session led by Stuart & Paula Tindall
''Jug Collection''
The club’s annual wind-down session after the Festival, tonight in the capable hands of ''Paula & Stuart Tindall''. Paula & Stuart have been playing at folk clubs since the early '80s & formed the family Band ‘The Tindalls’ in 2005 when their daughters Sarah & Kathryn were just 13 and 10, with gigs at folk clubs and festivals across the Midlands and Home Counties, culminating in their performance at Fairport Convention’s Cropredy Festival in 2010. Derek and Mary will be away for this one so the night is very much what you make it! 
!!19th October – Linda Watkins & Friends
!!!Floor spots available
''Admission - £6/£5 Cons - on the door''
 ''Linda Watkins'', singer songwriter and entertainer. No stranger to the Folk Club, but always surprises us with her collection of ‘friends’ (yes, she does have some lol!)  So, who is she bringing this time?
''Chris Ayres'' – the intelligent one! Something for all the guitarists out there…… Fingers faster than a gazelle; can make a Tommy Emmanuel piece seem easy. Cross his palm with silver and he’ll share the secrets of guitar playing.  ''Simon Loake'' – small but perfectly formed accountant fond of drinking pineapple juice and studying Theology (really?!). He is occasionally let loose on unsuspecting audiences with his various stringed instruments!  ''Caroline Watsham'' – originally cut her teeth at Banbury but has sawed her way to great heights, playing in Paris, Vienna and..er..Sheffield! Expect the ethereally beautiful and some saucy comedy songs!

!!26th October – Gawkey
!!!Floor spots available
''Admission - £6/£5 Cons - on the door''
We are pleased to welcome back ''Gawkey'',  who were amongst the first guests to play at the Banbury Cross pub when the club moved here in 2014.  Gawkey are ''Matt Morton'' (guitar/stomp box/vocals) and ''Nigel Walker'' (fiddle). Gawkey play around improvising with traditional tune sets from the English, Irish and American traditions, creating foot tapping energy with depth and soul, mixing these with quality original songs and a real chemistry at work. 

!4th October – Club Closed pre Festival

!Banbury Folk Festival & Hobby Horse Festival 6th - 8th October  
………….and many, many more
Hobby Horses & Traditional Beasts
Main Concerts ~ Acoustic Concerts ~ ‘Meets’ ~ Folk Clubs ~ Song, Music and Storytelling Sessions
Big Sing ~ Open Stages ~ Dance Sides ~ Workshops ~ Grand Procession with Hobby Horses & Beasts

!11th October – Post Festival session led by Stuart & Paula Tindall
The club’s annual wind-down session after the Festival, tonight in the capable hands of ''Paula & Stuart Tindall''. Paula & Stuart have been playing at folk clubs since the early '80s & formed the family Band ‘The Tindalls’ in 2005 when their daughters Sarah & Kathryn were just 13 and 10, with gigs at folk clubs and festivals across the Midlands and Home Counties, culminating in their performance at Fairport Convention’s Cropredy Festival in 2010. Derek and Mary will be away for this one so the night is very much what you make it! 
''Jug Collection''
!18th October – Dave Fry & Friends
Dave’s appearances at Banbury Folk Club have always been well received. Dave started by playing a Chad Valley tin banjo, when he was 10 years old, till he blistered his thumb and he was hooked! He bought his first home-made guitar at twelve. He played in beat groups in Cumbria in the swinging 60s, and then found folk at 17. He fell in love with twelve-string guitar at 18 and has been playing one ever since. Dave has appeared at many folk clubs and festivals across the Midlands, where he has built up a reputation as an all-round entertainer, singer, guitarist and raconteur. 
Joining Dave will be ''Martin Day, Colin Squire, Dragonhead'' and ''Hannah & Chris Tobin''. They will be mixing, matching and soloing so we are looking forward to a fine evenings entertainment!
''Admission - £6/£5 Cons - on the door''

!25th October – Female Singer Songwriters Night - 
!Mandy Woods with Harry Brzezinski & Katherine Fear with Daisybell
Two talented female Singer Songwriters share the night.
''Mandy Woods'' is a seasoned writer and performer in both the UK and America.  Mandy has spent most of her adult life giving in to wanderlust and crafting songs, many of which tell a story - about the ups and downs of relationships, her own and other people's struggles and quests for whatever it is we think our life is about, and anything else that has set her imagination off on her unconventional journey to where she is now. Mandy is accompanied by guitarist and dobro player ''Harry Brzezinski''. 
Our next Singer Songwriter, ''Katherine Fear'' is joined by her trio ''Daisybell''. Daisybell are Katherine, Ginny and Anya, a folk trio singing and playing original and traditional material with a strong emphasis on harmonies and fun! Daisybell have headlined at folk clubs in Nuneaton, Atherstone, Bedworth and Warwick as well as venturing to the wilds of Leicestershire and Oxfordshire. 
''Admission - £6/£5 Cons - on the door''
Watch this space!
<div class='header' >
<div class='headerShadow'>
<table width="900" bordercolor="#ffffff" bgcolor="#ffffff" >
<td width=200><a href="http://www.banburycrosspub.co.uk" target="_blank"><img src="images/tbc.jpg" alt="The Banbury Cross Inn" width=200></a></td>
<td width=500><center><img src="images/Folk_Club_Logo_2.jpg" alt="Banbury Folk Club" width=500 height=164></center></td>
<td width=200><a href="http://www.banburycrosspub.co.uk" target="_blank"><img src="images/tbc2.jpg" alt="The Banbury Cross Inn" width=200></a></td></tr>
<tr><td width=200><a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Banbury-Folk-Club/1433574340268406" target="_blank"><img src="images/facebook.jpg" alt="Banbury Folk Club on Facebook" height=69></a></td>
<td height="50" width=500><font size="3" face="Verdana, Arial" color="#800040"><center><b>
Invites you to an evenings entertainment<br>
of folk, roots and acoustic music<br>
Wednesdays, 8.00pm at The Banbury Cross Inn,<br>
7 Butchers Row, Banbury,<br>
OX16 5JH</b></center></font></td>
<td width=200><a href="http://www.banburyfolkfestival.co.uk/" target="_blank"><img src="images/bff.jpg" alt="Banbury Folk Festival" width=200></a></td>

<div id='mainMenu' refresh='content' tiddler='MainMenu'></div>
<div id='sidebar'>
<div id='sidebarOptions' refresh='content' tiddler='SideBarOptions'></div>
<div id='sidebarTabs' refresh='content' force='true' tiddler='SideBarTabs'></div>
<div id='displayArea'>
<div id='messageArea'></div>
<div id='tiddlerDisplay'></div>
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|Save current document to another path/filename|
see [[SaveAsPluginInfo]]
2009.10.13 2.7.0 added 'here' param (saves current tiddler)
2009.08.16 2.6.2 fixed handling for backstage
| Please see [[SaveAsPluginInfo]] for additional revision details |
2006.02.03 1.0.0 Created
version.extensions.SaveAsPlugin= {major: 2, minor: 7, revision: 0, date: new Date(2009,10,13)};

config.macros.saveAs = {
	label: 'save as...',
	labelparam: 'label:',
	prompt: 'Save current document to a different path/file',
	promptparam: 'prompt:',
	filePrompt: 'Please select or enter a target path/filename',
	targetparam: 'target:',
	defaultFilename: 'new.html',
	filenameparam: 'filename:',
	currfilekeyword: 'here',
	typeparam: 'type:',
	type_TW: 'tw', type_PS: 'ps', type_TX: 'tx', type_CS: 'cs', type_NF: 'nf', // file type tokens
	type_map: {
		tiddlywiki:'tw', tw:'tw', wiki: 'tw',
		purestore: 'ps', ps:'ps', store:'ps',
		plaintext: 'tx', tx:'tx', text: 'tx',
		comma:     'cs', cs:'cs', csv:  'cs',
		newsfeed:  'nf', nf:'nf', xml:  'nf', rss:'nf'
	limitparam: 'limit:',
	replaceparam: 'replace',
	mergeparam: 'merge',
	quietparam: 'quiet',
	openparam: 'open',
	askParam: 'ask',
	hereParam: 'here',
	askMsg: "Enter a tag filter (use * for all tiddlers, 'none' for blank document)",
	hereMsg: 'Enter a tiddler title',
	emptyParam: 'none',
	confirmmsg: "Found %0 tiddlers matching\n\n'%1'\n\nPress OK to proceed",
	mergeprompt: '%0\nalready contains tiddler definitions.\n'
		+'\nPress OK to add new/revised tiddlers to current file contents.'
		+'\nPress Cancel to completely replace file contents',
	mergestatus: 'Merged %0 new/revised tiddlers and %1 existing tiddlers',
	okmsg: '%0 tiddlers written to %1',
	failmsg: 'An error occurred while creating %1',
	filter: '',
	handler: function(place,macroName,params) {
		if ((params[0]||'').startsWith(this.labelparam))
			var label=params.shift().substr(this.labelparam.length);
		if ((params[0]||'').startsWith(this.promptparam))
			var prompt=params.shift().substr(this.promptparam.length);
		if ((params[0]||'').startsWith(this.targetparam))
			var target=params.shift().substr(this.targetparam.length);
		if ((params[0]||'').startsWith(this.filenameparam))
			var filename=params.shift().substr(this.filenameparam.length);
		if ((params[0]||'').startsWith(this.typeparam))
			var filetype=this.type_map[params.shift().substr(this.typeparam.length).toLowerCase()];
		if ((params[0]||'').startsWith(this.limitparam))
			var limit=params.shift().substr(this.limitparam.length);
		var q=((params[0]||'')==this.quietparam);   if (q) params.shift();
		var o=((params[0]||'')==this.replaceparam); if (o) params.shift();
		var m=((params[0]||'')==this.mergeparam);   if (m) params.shift();
		var a=((params[0]||'')==this.openparam);    if (a) params.shift();
		var btn=createTiddlyButton(place,label||this.label,prompt||this.prompt,
			function(){ config.macros.saveAs.go( this.getAttribute('target'),
				this.getAttribute('filename'), this.getAttribute('filetype'),
				this.getAttribute('filter'), this.getAttribute('limit'),
				return false;
		if (target) btn.setAttribute('target',target);
		if (filename) btn.setAttribute('filename',filename);
		btn.setAttribute('filter',params.join(' '));
	go: function(target,filename,filetype,filter,limit,quiet,overwrite,merge,autoopen,here) {
		var cm=config.messages; // abbreviation
		var cms=config.macros.saveAs; // abbreviation
		if (window.location.protocol!='file:') // make sure we are local
			{ displayMessage(cm.notFileUrlError); return; }

		// get tidders, confirm filtered results
		var tids=cms.selectTiddlers(filter,here);
		if (tids===false) return; // cancelled by user
		if (cms.filter!=cms.emptyParam && cms.filter.length && !quiet)
			if (!confirm(cms.confirmmsg.format([tids.length,cms.filter]))) return;

		// get target path/filename
		if (!filetype) filetype=this.type_TW;
		if (!target) return; // cancelled by user

		var link='file:///'+target.replace(/\\/g,'/');
		var samefile=link==decodeURIComponent(window.location.href);
		var p=getLocalPath(document.location.href);
		if (samefile) {
			if (config.options.chkSaveBackups)
				{ var t=loadOriginal(p);if(t)saveBackup(p,t); }
			if (config.options.chkGenerateAnRssFeed && saveRss instanceof Function)
		var notes='';
		var total={val:0};
		var out=this.assembleFile(target,filetype,tids,limit||0,notes,quiet,overwrite,merge,total);
		var ok=saveFile(target,out);
		if (ok && autoopen) {
			if (!samefile) window.open(link).focus();
			else { store.setDirty(false); window.location.reload(); }
		if (!quiet || !(ok && autoopen))
	selectTiddlers: function(filter,here) {
		var cms=config.macros.saveAs; // abbreviation
		var tids=[]; cms.filter=filter||'';
		if (filter==cms.emptyParam)
			return tids;
		if (filter==config.macros.saveAs.hereParam) {
			var here=story.findContainingTiddler(here);
			if (here) var tid=here.getAttribute('tiddler');
			else var tid=prompt(config.macros.saveAs.hereMsg,'');
			while (tid && !store.tiddlerExists(tid)) {
				var err='"'+tid+'" not found.\nPlease try again.\n\n';
				var tid=prompt(err+config.macros.saveAs.hereMsg,tid);
			if (!tid) return false;  // cancelled by user
			return [store.getTiddler(tid)];
		if (filter==config.macros.saveAs.askParam) {
			if (!filter) return false;  // cancelled by user
		if (!filter||!filter.length||filter=='*') tids=store.getTiddlers('title');
		else tids=store.filterTiddlers('[tag['+filter+']]');
		return tids;
	getTarget: function(defName,defExt) {
		var cms=config.macros.saveAs; // abbreviation
		// get new target path/filename
		var newPath=getLocalPath(window.location.href);
		var slashpos=newPath.lastIndexOf('/'); if (slashpos==-1) slashpos=newPath.lastIndexOf('\\'); 
		if (slashpos!=-1) newPath=newPath.substr(0,slashpos+1); // trim filename
		if (!defName||!defName.length) { // use current filename as default
			var p=getLocalPath(window.location.href);
			var s=p.lastIndexOf('/'); if (s==-1) s=p.lastIndexOf('\\'); 
			if (s!=-1) defName=p.substr(s+1);
		var defFilename=(defName||cms.defaultFilename).replace(/.html$/,'.'+defExt);
		var target=cms.askForFilename(cms.filePrompt,newPath,defFilename,defExt);
		if (!target) return; // cancelled by user
		// if specified file does not include a path, assemble fully qualified path and filename
		var slashpos=target.lastIndexOf('/'); if (slashpos==-1) slashpos=target.lastIndexOf('\\');
		if (slashpos==-1) target=target+(defName||cms.defaultFilename).replace(/.html$/,'.'+defExt);
		return target;
	askForFilename: function(msg,path,file,defExt) {
		if(window.Components) { // moz
			try {
				var nsIFilePicker = window.Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
				var picker = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/filepicker;1'].createInstance(nsIFilePicker);
				picker.init(window, msg, nsIFilePicker.modeSave);
				var thispath = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
				if (picker.show()!=nsIFilePicker.returnCancel) var result=picker.file.persistentDescriptor;
			catch(e) { alert('error during local file access: '+e.toString()) }
		else { // IE
			try { // XP/Vista only
				var s = new ActiveXObject('UserAccounts.CommonDialog');
				s.Filter='All files|*.*|Text files|*.txt|HTML files|*.htm;*.html|';
				s.FilterIndex=(defExt=='txt')?2:3; // default to HTML files;
				if (s.showOpen()) var result=s.FileName;
			catch(e) { var result=prompt(msg,path+file); } // fallback for non-XP IE
		return result;
		+'Created:\n\t%3 by %4\n'
		+'Application:\n\tTiddlyWiki %5 / %6 %7\n\n',
		'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n'
		+'|     title: %0\n'
		+'|   created: %1\n'
		+'|  modified: %2\n'
		+'| edited by: %3\n'
		+'|      tags: %4\n'
		+'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n'
		 '<'+'?xml version="1.0"?'+'>\n'
		+'<rss version="2.0">\n'
		+'<copyright>Copyright '+(new Date().getFullYear())+' %4</copyright>\n'
		+'<generator>TiddlyWiki %5 / %6 %7</generator>\n',
		+'<style type="text/css">'
		+'	#storeArea {display:block;margin:1em;}'
		+'	#storeArea div {padding:0.5em;margin:1em;border:2px solid black;height:10em;overflow:auto;}'
		+'	#pureStoreHeading {width:100%;text-align:left;background-color:#eeeeee;padding:1em;}'
		+'<div id="pureStoreHeading">'
		+'	TiddlyWiki "PureStore" export file<br>'
		+'	Source'+': <b>%0</b><br>'
		+'	Title: <b>%1</b><br>'
		+'	Subtitle: <b>%2</b><br>'
		+'	Created: <b>%3</b> by <b>%4</b><br>'
		+'	TiddlyWiki %5 / %6 %7<br>'
		+'	Notes:<hr><pre>%8</pre>'
		+'<div id="storeArea">',
	assembleFile: function(target,filetype,tids,limit,notes,quiet,overwrite,merge,total) {
		var revised='';
		var now = new Date().toLocaleString();
		var src=convertUnicodeToUTF8(document.location.href);
		var title = convertUnicodeToUTF8(wikifyPlain('SiteTitle').htmlEncode());
		var subtitle = convertUnicodeToUTF8(wikifyPlain('SiteSubtitle').htmlEncode());
		var user = convertUnicodeToUTF8(config.options.txtUserName.htmlEncode());
		var twver = version.major+'.'+version.minor+'.'+version.revision;
		var v=version.extensions.SaveAsPlugin; var pver = v.major+'.'+v.minor+'.'+v.revision;
		var headerargs=[src,title,subtitle,now,user,twver,'SaveAsPlugin',pver,notes];
		switch (filetype) {
			case this.type_TX: // plain text
				var header=this.plainTextHeader.format(headerargs);
				var footer=this.plainTextFooter;
			case this.type_CS: // comma-separated
				var fields={};
				for (var i=0; i<tids.length; i++) for (var f in tids[i].fields) fields[f]=f;
				var names=['title','created','modified','modifier','tags','text'];
				for (var f in fields) names.push(f);
				var header=names.join(',')+'\n';
				var footer='';
			case this.type_NF: // news feed (XML)
				var header=this.newsFeedHeader.format(headerargs);
				var footer=this.newsFeedFooter;
			case this.type_PS: // PureStore (no code)
				var header=this.pureStoreHeader.format(headerargs);
				var footer=this.pureStoreFooter;
			case this.type_TW: // full TiddlyWiki
				var currPath=getLocalPath(window.location.href);
				var original=loadFile(currPath);
				if (!original) { alert(config.messages.cantSaveError); return; }
				var posDiv = locateStoreArea(original);
				if (!posDiv) { alert(config.messages.invalidFileError.format([currPath])); return; }
				var header = original.substr(0,posDiv[0]+startSaveArea.length)+'\n';
				var footer = '\n'+original.substr(posDiv[1]);
		if (parseInt(limit)!=0) tids=tids.slice(0,limit);
		var out=this.getData(target,filetype,tids,quiet,overwrite,merge,fields);
		var revised = header+convertUnicodeToUTF8(out.join('\n'))+footer;
		// if full TW, insert page title and language attr, and reset MARKUP blocks as needed...
		if (filetype==this.type_TW) {
			var newSiteTitle=convertUnicodeToUTF8(getPageTitle()).htmlEncode();
			revised=revised.replaceChunk('<title'+'>','</title'+'>',' ' + newSiteTitle + ' ');
			var titles=[]; for (var i=0; i<tids.length; i++) titles.push(tids[i].title);
				titles.contains('MarkupPreHead')? 'MarkupPreHead' :null);
				titles.contains('MarkupPreBody')? 'MarkupPreBody' :null);
		return revised;
	getData: function(target,filetype,tids,quiet,overwrite,merge,fields) {
		// output selected tiddlers and gather list of titles (for use with merge)
		var out=[]; var titles=[];
		var url=store.getTiddlerText('SiteUrl','');
		for (var i=0; i<tids.length; i++) {
		// if TW or PureStore format, ask to merge with existing tiddlers (if any)
		if (filetype==this.type_TW || filetype==this.type_PS) {
			if (overwrite) return out; // skip merge... forced overwrite
			var txt=loadFile(target);
			if (txt && txt.length) {
				var remoteStore=new TiddlyWiki();
				if (version.major+version.minor*.1+version.revision*.01<2.52) txt=convertUTF8ToUnicode(txt);
				if (remoteStore.importTiddlyWiki(txt) && (merge||confirm(this.mergeprompt.format([target])))) {
					var existing=remoteStore.getTiddlers('title');
					for (var i=0; i<existing.length; i++)
						if (!titles.contains(existing[i].title))
					if (!quiet) displayMessage(this.mergestatus.format([tids.length,out.length-tids.length]));
		return out;
	formatItem: function(s,f,t,u,fields) {
		if (f==this.type_TW)
			var r=s.getSaver().externalizeTiddler(s,t);
		if (f==this.type_PS)
			var r=this.pureStoreTiddler.format([t.title,s.getSaver().externalizeTiddler(s,t)]);
		if (f==this.type_NF)
			var r=this.newsFeedTiddler.format([t.saveToRss(u)]);
		if (f==this.type_TX)
			var r=this.plainTextTiddler.format([t.title, t.created.toLocaleString(), t.modified.toLocaleString(),
				t.modifier, String.encodeTiddlyLinkList(t.tags), t.text]);
		if (f==this.type_CS) {
			function toCSV(t) { return '"'+t.replace(/"/g,'""')+'"'; } // always encode CSV
			var out=[ toCSV(t.title), toCSV(t.created.toLocaleString()), toCSV(t.modified.toLocaleString()),
				toCSV(t.modifier), toCSV(String.encodeTiddlyLinkList(t.tags)), toCSV(t.text) ];
			for (var f in fields) out.push(toCSV(t.fields[f]||''));
			var r=out.join(',');
		return r||'';
// automatically add saveAs to backstage
config.tasks.saveAs = {
	text: 'saveAs',
	tooltip: config.macros.saveAs.prompt,
	action: function(){ clearMessage(); config.macros.saveAs.go(); }
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|Documentation for SaveAsPlugin|
>//Note: This plugin replaces ''[[NewDocumentPlugin]]'' (except for the HTML+CSS "snapshot" features, which are now provided by [[SnapshotPlugin]].//
This plugin automatically adds a 'save as' command to the TiddlyWiki 'backstage' menu so you can quickly create an exact copy of the current TiddlyWiki document.  The plugin also defines a macro that you can use to place a "save as..." command link into your sidebar/mainmenu/any tiddler (or wherever you like).  When the command link is clicked, a system-specific dialog box will be displayed so you can select/enter the desired target path and filename.
<<saveAs "label:..." "prompt:..." "filename:..." "type:..." "limit:..."
	quiet replace merge open filter|ask|here|none>>
//(all parameters are optional)//
*''label:...''<br>custom link text (instead of "save as...")
*''prompt:...''<br>custom tooltip text
*''filename:...''<br>default filename to be shown when asking for an output path/file
*''type:...''<br>a keyword, indicating one of the following output file formats:
**''~TiddlyWiki''<br>(or ''wiki'' or ''tw'') a TiddlyWiki HTML document 
**''~PureStore''<br>(or ''store'' or ''ps'') a TiddlyWiki "PureStore" HTML export file (just tiddlers, no core code)
**''~PlainText''<br>(or ''text'' or ''tx'') a plain text file listing of tiddler //source// content
**''Comma''<br>(or ''csv'' or ''cs'') a Comma-Separated Value (CSV) database/spreadsheet file
**''~NewsFeed''<br>(or ''xml'' or ''rss'' or ''nf'') an RSS ~NewsFeed XML file
*''limit:...''<br>output is limited to the specified number of tiddlers
*''quiet''<br>normally, when using filtering (see below), the number of matching tiddlers is reported and you are asked to confirm before saving those tiddlers to a new file.  Use the ''quiet'' keyword to suppress this confirmation step.
*''replace''<br>overwrites existing output file, if any, without confirmation.
*''merge''<br>merges with existing output file, if any, without confirmation.
*''open''<br>opens the newly created document file in a separate browser tab/window.
*''filter''<br>selects a subset of tiddlers to be written into the new document.  If omitted, all tiddlers in the document are written to the new file.  ''filter'' can either:
**a tag value<br>selects only tiddlers that are tagged with that value.  To select tiddlers based on a combination of tags, you can install [[MatchTagsPlugin]] to construct complex 'tag expressions' using full 'boolean' logic with AND, OR, and NOT operators, as well as nested parentheses.
**''ask''<br>prompts you to enter a tag (or tag expression) whenever you click on the 'save as...' command
**''here''<br>selects the current tiddler (if any).  If the command is not embedded within a tiddler, you will be prompted to enter a tiddler title.
**''none''<br>omits all tiddlers and creates a new //empty// document
save all tiddlers:
>{{{<<saveAs>>}}}<br>try it: <<saveAs>>
save only tiddlers matching a single tag:
>{{{<<saveAs "label:create Import/Export starter" "filename:TW+ImportExport.html" ImportExportPackage>>}}}
>try it: <<saveAs "label:create Import/Export starter" "filename:TW+ImportExport.html" "ImportExportPackage>>
save to a ~PureStore format:
>{{{<<saveAs "label:create Import/Export archive" "filename:ImportExportPackage.html" type:PureStore open ImportExportPackage>>}}}
>try it: <<saveAs "label:create Import/Export archive" "filename:ImportExportPackage.html" type:PureStore open ImportExportPackage>>
save to a ~PlainText format:
>{{{<<saveAs "label:create Import/Export source listing" type:PlainText open ImportExportPackage>>}}}
>try it: <<saveAs "label:create Import/Export source listing" type:PlainText open ImportExportPackage>>
save tiddlers matching a complex combination of tags (requires [[MatchTagsPlugin]]):
>{{{<<saveAs (alpha or settings) and not systemConfig>>}}}
>try it: <<saveAs (alpha or settings) and not systemConfig>>
prompt for tag or tag expression each time:
>{{{<<saveAs "label:custom save as..." ask>>}}}
>try it: <<saveAs "label:custom save as..." ask>>
save this tiddler:
>{{{<<saveAs "label:save this tiddler..." {{"filename:"+tiddler.title}} quiet here>>}}}
>try it: <<saveAs "label:save this tiddler..." {{"filename:"+tiddler.title}} quiet here>>
2009.10.13 2.7.0 added 'here' param (saves current tiddler)
2009.08.16 2.6.2 fixed handling for backstage
2009.08.04 2.6.1 fixed handling when limit is omitted.
2009.08.03 2.6.0 added 'limit:nn' parameter.
2009.08.02 2.5.3 in getData(), if type=RSS, sort by modified (most recent first).
2009.07.03 2.5.2 TW252 fixup: don't call convertUTF8ToUnicode() for local loadFile() I/O
2009.04.30 2.5.1 custom fields in CSV output.
2009.04.19 2.5.0 added CSV format.
2008.09.29 2.4.3 in getData(), convert UTF8 to Unicode before merging (fixes international characters).
2008.09.28 2.4.2 in go(), fixed typo that prevented backstage SaveAs from working.
2008.09.24 2.4.1 if rewriting *current* file and chkSaveBackups and/or chkGenerateAnRssFeed is enabled, then write a backup file or RSS feed, respectively
2008.09.24 2.4.0 when 'open' param is used and file is saved to current location, reload() page instead of opening a new tab/window.  Added 'filename' param to specify default filename.  Added 'replace' and 'merge' keyword params to control file handling without asking user.  Improved use of 'quiet' flag to eliminate more unwanted messages
2008.09.19 2.3.2 fixed backstage SaveAs command (was defaulting to empty document).  in formatItem(), removed unnecessary convertUnicodeToUTF8() (was causing double-conversion!)
2008.09.16 2.3.1 fixed IE 'navigate away' error by returning false from button onclick handler
2008.09.11 2.3.0 added support for alternative file formats: ~PlainText (TX), ~PureStore (PS), or ~NewsFeed (XML) in addition to existing ~TiddlyWiki (TW) document format
2008.09.06 2.2.1 corrected handling of autoopen attribute so it only applies when "open" param is specified
2008.08.01 2.2.0 added "open" param to auto-open newly saved document
2008.07.20 2.1.3 added "quiet" param to bypass confirmation when using tag filter
2008.04.22 2.1.2 corrected use of getTarget() to check for "user cancelled"
2008.04.22 2.1.1 documentation fixes
2008.04.22 2.1.0 added support for tag filtering to completely replace [[NewDocumentPlugin]] (now retired)
2008.04.12 2.0.1 automatically add "saveAs" to backstage commands
2008.04.12 2.0.0 initial release based on [[NewDocumentPlugin]]

__Previous revisions from [[NewDocumentPlugin]]__
2008.04.20 1.8.0 added support for 'noCSS' and 'viewer' params for alternative snapshot output
2008.01.08 [*.*.*] plugin size reduction: documentation moved to ...Info tiddler
2007.12.04 [*.*.*] update for ~TW2.3.0: replaced deprecated core functions, regexps, and macros
2007.03.30 1.7.0 added support for "print" param as alternative for "snap".  When "print" is used, the filename is ignored and ouput is directed to another browser tab/window, where the print dialog is then automatically triggered
2007.03.30 1.6.1 added support for "here" keyword for current tiddler elementID and "prompt:text" param for specifying tooltip text
2007.02.12 1.6.0 in onClickNewDocument(), reset HTML source 'markup'
2006.10.23 1.5.1 in onClickNewDocument(), get saved parameter value for snapID instead of using default "contentWrapper" (oops!)
2006.10.18 1.5.0 new optional param for 'snap'... specify alternative DOM element ID (default is still "contentWrapper")
2006.08.03 1.4.3 in promptForFilename(), for IE (~WinXP only), added handling for ~UserAccounts.~CommonDialog
2006.07.29 1.4.2 in onClickNewDocument(), okmsg display is now linked to newly created file
2006.07.24 1.4.1 in promptForFilename(), check for nsIFilePicker.returnCancel to allow nsIFilePicker.returnOK **OR** nsIFilePicker.returnReplace to be processed
2006.05.23 1.4.0 due to very poor performance, support for tag *expressions* has been removed, in favor of a simpler "containsAny()" scan for tags
2006.04.09 1.3.6 in onClickNewDocument, added call to convertUnicodeToUTF8() to better handle international characters
2006.03.15 1.3.5 added nsIFilePicker() handler for selecting filename in moz-based browsers.  IE and other non-moz browsers still use simple prompt() dialog
2006.03.15 1.3.0 added "label:text" param for custom link text.  added special "all" filter parameter for "save as..." handling (writes all tiddlers to output file)
2006.03.09 1.2.0 added special "snap" filter parameter to generate and write "snapshot" files containing static HTML+CSS for currently rendered document
2006.02.24 1.1.2 Fix incompatiblity with TW 2.0.5 by removing custom definition of getLocalPath() (which is now part of TW core)
2006.02.03 1.1.1 concatentate 'extra' params so that tag expressions don't have to be quoted.   moved all text to 'formatted' string definitions for easier translation.
2006.02.03 1.1.0 added support for tag EXPRESSIONS.  plus improved documentation and code cleanup
2006.02.03 1.0.0 Created
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|toolbar command to save tiddler source definition to an external text file|
Embedded as a macro in tiddler content:
<<saveTiddlerToFile label:text prompt:text filename:text path:text>>
or, as a tiddler toolbar command in [[ViewTemplate]]:
<span class='toolbar' macro='toolbar saveTiddlerToFile'></span>
* ''label'' //(optional)//<br>specifies the text to display for the command
* ''prompt'' //(optional)//<br>specifies the mouseover 'tooltip' text for the command
* ''filename'' //(optional)//<br>specifies the default filename to create.  You can use "*" within the filename as a 'substitution marker' that will be automatically replaced with the current tiddler's title.    If ''file'' is omitted, a system-specific 'ask for filename' dialog box will be displayed, using 'tiddlername.tid' as the suggested default filename.  //Note: if the tiddler is a plugin (tagged with <<tag systemConfig>>), then the suggested filename will use ".js" instead of ".tid"//
* ''path'' //(optional)//<br>specifies the default folder in which to create the output file.  If the path begins with "./" (or ".\" for Windows) it is treated as a relative path, and the path containing the current document will be prepended to create a full path reference.  Otherwise, the specified path must be a full path reference.  You can use "*" within the path as a 'substitution marker' that will be automatically replaced with the current tiddler's title.  If ''path'' is omitted, the path containing the current document will be used by default.
>{{{<<saveTiddlerToFile>>}}}<br>Try it: <<saveTiddlerToFile>>
>{{{<<saveTiddlerToFile label:"save 'txt' file to current folder..." filename:*.txt>>}}}<br>Try it: <<saveTiddlerToFile label:"save 'txt' file to current folder..." filename:*.txt>>
>{{{<<saveTiddlerToFile label:"save 'txt' file to archive..." filename:*.txt path:./archive>>}}}<br>Try it: <<saveTiddlerToFile label:"save 'txt' file to archive..." filename:*.txt path:./archive>>
When {{{<span class='toolbar' macro='toolbar saveTiddlerToFile'></span>}}} is used to create a tiddler toolbar command, the default values for all parameters are applied (e.g., you will be prompted to select/enter a filename with a ".tid" or ".js" extension).  You can override these defaults by writing the following into a tiddler tagged with <<tag systemConfig>>:
2008.04.22 [1.1.0] converted from inline script to tiddler toolbar command
2007.06.26 [1.0.0] initial release as inline script
version.extensions.SaveTiddlerToFilePlugin= {major: 1, minor: 1, revision: 0, date: new Date(2008,4,22)};

config.macros.saveTiddlerToFile = {
	label: "save this tiddler to a file",
	prompt: "save this tiddler's SOURCE text to a local file",
	askmsg: "select an output filename for this tiddler",
	okmsg: "Tiddler source written to %0",
	failmsg: "An error occurred while creating %0",
	handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
		params = paramString.parseParams("anon",null,true,false,false);
		var label=getParam(params,"label",this.label);
		var prompt=getParam(params,"prompt",this.prompt);
		var filename=getParam(params,"filename","");
		var path=getParam(params,"path","");
		var btn=createTiddlyButton(place,label,prompt,
	go: function(src,event) {
		var cms=config.macros.saveTiddlerToFile; // abbreviation
		var here=story.findContainingTiddler(src); if (!here) return;
		var tid=here.getAttribute('tiddler');
		var filename=src.getAttribute("filename")||"";
		var path=src.getAttribute("path")||"";
		if (!path.length||path.substr(0,2)=="./"||path.substr(0,2)==".\\") {
			var curr=getLocalPath(document.location.href);
			var slashpos=curr.lastIndexOf("/"); if (slashpos==-1) slashpos=curr.lastIndexOf("\\"); 
			if (slashpos!=-1) curr=curr.substr(0,slashpos+1); // remove filename, leave trailing slash
			var trailingslash=curr.indexOf("\\")!=-1?"\\":"/"; // fixup for missing trailing slash
			if (path.length && path.substr(path.length,1)!=trailingslash) path+=trailingslash;
			path=!path.length?curr:curr+path.substr(2); // convert relative path to absolute path
		var deffn=tid+(store.getTiddler(tid).isTagged("systemConfig")?".js":".tid");
		var target=filename.length?path+filename:cms.askForFilename(cms.askmsg,path,deffn); // ask
		if (!target||!target.length) return false; // cancelled by user
		var msg=saveFile(target,store.getTiddlerText(tid))?cms.okmsg:cms.failmsg;
		clearMessage(); displayMessage(msg.format([target]),"file:///"+target.replace(/\\/g,'/'));
	askForFilename: function(msg,path,file) {
		if(window.Components) { // moz
			try {
				var nsIFilePicker = window.Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
				var picker = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/filepicker;1'].createInstance(nsIFilePicker);
				picker.init(window, msg, nsIFilePicker.modeSave);
				var thispath = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
				if (picker.show()!=nsIFilePicker.returnCancel) var result=picker.file.persistentDescriptor;
			catch(e) { alert('error during local file access: '+e.toString()) }
		else { // IE
			try { // XP/Vista only
				var s = new ActiveXObject('UserAccounts.CommonDialog');
				s.Filter='All files|*.*|Text files|*.txt;*.tid;*.js|HTML files|*.htm;*.html|';
				s.FilterIndex=2; // default to TEXT files;
				if (s.showOpen()) var result=s.FileName;
			catch(e) { var result=prompt(msg,path+file); } // fallback for non-XP IE
		return result;

// // toolbar definition
config.commands.saveTiddlerToFile= {
	text: "file",
	tooltip: config.macros.saveTiddlerToFile.prompt,
	filename: "",
	path: "",
	handler: function(event,src,title) {
		var ccs=config.commands.saveTiddlerToFile;
		if (ccs.filename.length) src.setAttribute("filename",ccs.filename);
		if (ccs.path.length) src.setAttribute("path",ccs.path);
		return false;
!!3rd September – SSLaP led by Gill Allcock
''Jug Collection''
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in! We are in for an enjoyable night with Gill at the helm! 

!!Sunday 7th September - Folk in the Courtyard  A great day of Folk at the Banbury Cross Pub
!!!Pre Festival Warm-up. With BBQ – Weather permitting!
''Free admission with bucket collection and raffle in aid of Banbury Folk Festival''
12.00 midday JOHN BUCKLEY
12.40pm TOOTS & FRASER
4.00pm our Headline Act THE JIGANTICS !

!!10th September – Bill Bates & Friends
''£6.00/£5.00 Cons – on the door''
Bill’s songs are often about the ordinary things in life, such as disastrous family holidays in his little caravan, recycling his children's toys at a car boot sale to pay the bills and a song about a Mars bar party where people started to unexpectedly take off their clothes. Some of his songs are funny, other songs are serious; Tonight Bill will be joined by many of his musical friends for a great night’s entertainment.

!!17th September – Open Stage Night hosted by Tim Hall
''£6.00/£5.00 Cons – on the door''
Our Open Stage nights have proved very successful over the past few years. They are usually fully booked a month in advance! At the last one we were delighted to a wide variety of acts. Many of these acts will almost certainly have a future booking either at the club or the festival so by coming along to our Open Stage nights, not only as performers, but as a listening audience gives you the chance to preview the acts first. There are only five spots, so if you want to perform in one of them, please book it well in advance on 01295 709881 or e-mail bfest@btinternet.com . Tim Hall will be kicking off the evening and is a versatile performer and usually has something up his sleeve to entertain us … a monologue, a poem, a comic song

!!24th September – A Word in Your Ear with Special Guests - Keith Donnelly and Ursula ~Holden-Gill
!!! with support from Jules Procter & Peter Ball
''£8/£7 Cons – on the door''
The Magic of the Spoken Word - Get ready to be transported into new worlds! ''Keith Donnelly'' is no stranger to the club with his humorous songs, jokes and stories; 
''Ursula ~Holden-Gill'' is a highly gifted storyteller with her own cheeky way of recounting tales of the strange!

Add to this our very own Banburyshire Storyteller ''Jules Procter'' and the musical word pictures of ''Peter Ball'' and we are in for an evening with a difference!
!!9th September – Pete Watkins & his Originals
!!!Supported by Daisybell
''Admission £6.00/£5.00 Cons – on the door'' 
Pete’s solo performances are legendary, playing songs from the widest possible range of era’s and styles. A lesser known fact is that Pete is a great singer/songwriter who this year launched a solo album of his own material, ‘Ironstone and Steel’. We had a taster of this album back in March. Now is the chance to hear all of it and more besides! Pete will be joined by his band, the ''Pete Watkins Originals''.
Supporting the Pete Watkins Originals will be ''Daisybell''. Daisybell are a folk trio singing and playing original and traditional material with a strong emphasis on harmonies and fun! Formed in November last year, ''Katherine Fear, ~Sally-Ann Veasey and Ginny White'', who are based in Warwickshire, play guitars, ukuleles, accordion, mandolin, keyboard and percussion in various combinations. Their live act generally includes some acappella numbers, an accordion and ukulele race, and an optional selfie workshop! 

!!16th September- SSLaP - led by Tim Hall
''Jug Collection''
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in! Tim did such a great job at the last SSLaP session we just had to invite him back! A great all-rounder, singer, guitarist and raconteur, Tim can be guaranteed to set just the right tone for the evening and make all feel welcome.

!!23rd September – Special Guest Night – Meet Isla St Clair
!!!Supported by Marian Wedley
''£9/£8 Cons – on the door''
As Banbury Folk Club and Festival’s Patron, ''Isla'' is always ready to support Banbury in any way she can. ''Isla'' has a fond following of fans here, having once lived in a neighbouring village. Born in Scotland, ''Isla'' is one of Britain’s foremost traditional singers, noted for the depth of feeling she brings to her country’s music. Although she is widely known for her TV appearances in the Generation Game with Larry Grayson her enduring legacy is her love of traditional Scottish folk songs learned from her mother and grandmother. At twelve she recorded the first of many traditional ballads for the School of Scottish Studies, and which are still used as reference works. Still in her teens ''Isla'' was soon in the top rank of British folk-singers, winning several awards including `Best Female Folk Singer', and touring the world. ''Isla’s'' talent has matured to encompass other aspects of the entertainment business and she continues to be busy with television, radio, stage, presenting and touring in her live shows. ''Isla'' regularly performs at the Folk Festival. This will be an opportunity to hear all about her fascinating life in a more intimate setting.
Supporting Isla will be ''Marian Wedley''. Marian is a Buckingham based singer and songwriter who can both tickle your funny bone or warm your heart with a song. Her vocal style has been compared to Joan Baez and Joni Mitchell. Marian has been performing at Folk Clubs, local music festivals and private functions and her priority now is to reach new audiences with her own material. She is also part of ''Noah’s Cape'' who played at this year’s Folk in the Courtyard.

!!30th September –Gloucestershire Night with The Vogwells & May Thrill
''Admission£8/£7 Cons - on the door''   
Two great acts who have played at the Festival and at our Song & Ale weekend, but have not appeared at the club before.
''The Vogwells'' are Martin & Emma, a married couple from Gloucestershire, who perform, write and arrange traditional British folk music. Described by fRoots Magazine as having "...strength, presence and character...a definite thumbs up", their music combines traditional lyrical stories and original music played in a full bodied guitar style with stunning harmonies. 
''May Thrill'' consists of Hazel Baker on whistle and vocals, Roy Stirzaker & Bill Taylor on acoustic guitars & vocals. Together they deliver great songs, harmonies, music and humour in a relaxed engaging style. Their music is traditional folk based with the ''May Thrill'' treatment, the arrangements have a style all of their own.&nbsp; May Hill in Gloucestershire is their spiritual (and geographical)&nbsp;base and you can always find them on the top of May Hill to celebrate sunrise on the 1st of May with hundreds of like- minded insomniacs.

!!7th September – Guest Night with the Kevin O’ Regan Band
!!!Supported by Wednesday’s Wolves
''Admission - £7/£6 Cons - on the door'' 
Exuberant, varied, entertaining. These words sum up the ''Kevin O’ Regan'' band. Kevin O'Regan is a talented songwriter, guitarist and pianist, whose songs are the driving force behind the band.  The band also features ''Kevin Ward'', a superb five string fretless bass player who makes it an instrument in its own right and ''Rai Clews'' on percussion - mainly cajon, which can tap gently behind a folk ballad or sound like a full kit when driving along the sound of the up-tempo songs. Adjusting the set to suit the occasion allows the band to play in all sorts of venues: beautiful ballads are balanced with up-tempo, foot-tapping songs many with an Irish flavour. Kevin’s irrepressible wit enlivens any show.

Supporting Kevin and his band are ''Wednesday’s Wolves''. Wednesday's Wolves are ''Chrissy Renker'' and ''Ysabelle Durant'', a female contemporary folk duo from Oxfordshire. They first started playing and writing original material together in 2013. In 2014, they played several small festivals including Greenbelt, and Folk Weekend Oxford. Their songs use simple guitar riffs and vocal harmonies combined with percussive instruments such as cajon and glockenspiel to create emotive and evocative music, usually with a melancholic edge.

!!14th September 60’s & & 70’s SSLaP - Led by Kevin West
''Jug Collection'' 
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in! Judging by the way everyone joins in when anyone plays 60’s or 70’s numbers we thought it would be a good idea to have a SSLaP with this as a theme and who better to run this night but ''Kevin West'', who we know has a vast repertoire of pop hits! Before anyone asks we are primarily a Folk Club so Folk Songs will be OK too if that’s what you prefer. 

!!21st September – Guest Night with Stevie Cooper & Friends
!!!Floor spots available
''Admission - £6/£5 Cons - on the door''
''Stevie Cooper'' is a familiar face on the Banbury music scene … one of Oxfordshire's most unsung musical talents, who can often be seen playing alongside names like ''Stuart Layzell'' and with ''The Next Hot Thing''. Pianist, acoustic guitarist, songwriter and session musician, Stevie appeared at the club in February with ''25 Years Late'' and more recently supported ''Benji Kirkpatrick & Janie Mitchell''.  Stevie will be inviting some of his musical friends to join him in what guarantees to be a varied and enjoyable evening.

!!28th September – Special Guest Night with the Jigantics
!!!Supported by Acousticana
''Admission £9/£8 Cons - on the door – Advance booking advised.''
We are delighted to welcome back ''The Jigantics'', who offer a genre-defying mix of Roots, Blues, Trad, Country …. and then some! The Jigantics appeal to those who enjoy a fusion of great songs, stunning harmonies and fine musicianship. Live and on CD the band share their musical influences with songs to make you laugh, cry, jump, and jig with joy, possibly all at the same time. The Jigantics inevitably send their audience home with a smile after an evening of upbeat and uplifting music. But as each gig unfolds the journey includes several stops on the way to experience heartbreak, show stopping ballads, and thought provoking lyrics.  ''Marion Fleetwood'' couples exquisite vocals with soaring fiddle while every member, including drummer/percussionist ''Martin Fitzgibbon'', contributes harmonies and occasionally lead vocals to the mix. The instruments get passed around with ''Mark Cole'' swopping squeeze boxes for mandolin and ''Lyndon Webb'' stand up bass for acoustic guitar. Yet another gem is the virtuoso slide guitar playing of ''Rick Edwards''.
The Jigantics will be supported by ''Acousticana''.  ''Braham Levy'' and ''David Menday'' have been singing together for many years now. Playing a mix of music from a variety of genres, their interest is in presenting acoustic versions of songs in a new way. Both also write their own songs and perform them together with songs, well known and new, from other writers.
!6th September – Guest Night with Under the Wychwood
!!Supported by Pete Joshua
Getting the Autumn Season off to a flying start are ''Under the Wychwood'', a Cotswold based ~Folk-Rock Band.  Under the Wychwood are ''Mark Pidgeon'' (Guitar & Vocals), ''Rod Craig'' (Mandolin), ''Lefty Wright'' (Cajon) & ''Mat Davies'' (Bass. they all come together when there’s a full moon and do strange things in and around the woods of West Oxfordshire. Mostly musical although it has been said they sometimes sit around drinking tea.
Devilry themes seem to features a lot in their material…..hmmm we wonder why? They have recently produced their first live album, which we hope will be available on the night.
Under the Wychwood will be supported by Pete Joshua who is a singer- songwriter, guitarist and banjo player from Oxford. Picking up the guitar as a young teenager Pete became a part of the sixties folk scene before he took a change of direction into rock music. However (thankfully for us) he has returned in the last decade to his folk roots. Pete’s wide range of interests and experiences are evident through his songs and his engaging stories. Be prepared to be thoroughly entertained.
''Admission - £7/£6 Cons - on the door'' 

!13th September SSLaP - hosted by Kevin West 
Our SSLaP nights (Sing, Say, Listen & Play) are open sessions for everyone to have a go in a less formal setting. Come along & join in! Kevin writes and plays his own songs as well as some interesting covers and is a regular contributor to these sessions. He is always prepared to have a go and provide a guitar accompaniment when required. Tonight's theme will be Trains, Boats, Planes and Automobiles!
''Jug Collection''

!20th September – Guest Night with The Somerville Gentlemen
!!Floor spots available
The Somerville Gentlemen won our Comic Songwriting Competition last year and then delighted us again this year with a set in our Mad March Hare’s Concert on 1st March.  Judging by the audience reaction, we definitely wanted to see more of them! They describe themselves as a Seventies folk boy-band, back in harness after a short rest of 30 years! Superb musicianship, great vocal harmonies and an eclectic mix of material are what made them so popular, and Jem, Ted and Phil are back doing with a vengeance. 
''Admission - £6/£5 Cons - on the door''

!27th September – Special Guest Night with the Gerry Colvin Band
!!Supported by Bill Bates
Much loved in Banbury for his enthusiastic performances at the club and festival, and also his appearances at Cropredy’s Fairport Convention and his own Knitted Character Festival, ''Gerry Colvin'' has been creating songs that reflect his vast musical influences and lyrical insight since the early 1980’s.  In his band, Gerry is accompanied by three other talented musicians; ''Jerome Davies'' on Double Bass; ''Lyndon Webb'' on Mandolin and Guitar; ''Trish Feelan'' on accordion. 
"Gerry Colvin is a writer of great substance who is able to give us something that has been largely missing in English Music for a long time. His subjects and characters are clearly defined and his songs create strong images and stories which can make us both laugh and cry in the same breath. This man is unique and unforgettable. The songs are brilliant. He should be a household name. Go see him." - Phil Beer, Show of Hands
Gerry will be supported by popular Warwickshire performer ''Bill Bates''. Bill's songs are often funny, sometimes sad, but always entertaining. His songs are usually about the ordinary things in his life, such as disastrous family holidays, his attempts at recycling, selling his children's toys at a car boot sale to pay his bills and a song about a Mars-bar Party which has made him "almost famous".
''Admission £10/£9 Cons - on the door – Advance booking advised.''
Watch this space!
 powered by TiddlyWiki
Banbury Folk Club
.header {background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]];}
TiddlyWiki is a website on a stick! In one single HTML file, TiddlyWiki gives you the ability to publish and organize information in a whole manner of different ways. If you can't do what you want to, you can write plugins to change the way TiddlyWiki works. A thriving community of developers have generated huge number of plugins that turn TiddlyWiki into a number of different things, from a CD organizer to an online collaboration tool.

TiddlyWiki is a piece of open source software created by Jeremy Ruston. The copyright is now owned by the not-for-profit organisation [[UnaMesa|http://www.unamesa.com]]. TiddlyWiki has always been free and open source and will remain free and open source. Edit mode.
Brackley Folk Club
Sunday night, from 20:00,  at the Greyhound Inn, Brackley

Oxford Folk Club
Every Friday from 20:30 at The White House, 38 Abingdon Rd Oxford, OX1 4PD

Warwick Folk Club
Every Monday (closed during August and on Bank Holidays) 8.00 p.m. - 10.30 p.m.
Held at The Warwick Arms Hotel, High Street, Warwick CV34 4AT

Wychwood Folk Club
Every other Saturday at The Swan, Ascott Under Wychwood OX7 6AY

<div class="web"><span><a href="http://www.banburyfolkfestival.co.uk/" target="_blank">
<img src="images/bff.jpg" alt="Banbury Folk Festival" width=200>Banbury Folk Festival</a></span></div>
<div class="web"><span><a href="http://www.banburycrosspub.co.uk" target="_blank">
<img src="images/tbc.jpg" alt="The Banbury Cross Inn" width=200>The Banbury Cross Inn</a></span></div>
<div class="web"><span><a href="http://www.banburyshire.net" target="_blank">
<img src="images/bm_logo.gif" alt="Banburyshire Media" width=200>Banburyshire Media</a></span></div>

Julian Procter
<html><center><img src="./images/aaa.jpg"></center></html>
Banbury Folk Club